Cris876 Wall

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big smile
SakshiAwesome said …
HEY CHRISSY! Remember me? Posted over a year ago
powerranger9000 said …
HI CRAZ CAT!!!!! can u ask tinc to refresh, and check her mail? and ths is what i thought we could do for the green ranger. his nme will b stevie clarkson. and he will have the wolf zord. blue will have the dolphin zord, i will hve the phoenix zord, u will hve the flamingo zord, white will hve the penguin zord, yelow will hve the goldn retriever zord, and black will have the bat zord. anyway... how are u no mesage, no e-mail, (u can share a document with me, my e-mail is Posted over a year ago
powerranger9000 commented…
in case you didn't get my message... (remember, use google docs, not google mail.) over a year ago