Dark Side of Disney Wall

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big smile
opalrose said …
Don't you just LOVE Disney, I do. Even the dark parts! Posted over a year ago
unknownguy222 commented…
yes, i do love walt disney world it is most enjoyable ive been going since I was 6 months old, and yes the dark side of disney is sometimes most enjoyable to look into but a fair warning if you are not careful, the disney fuzz is going to put you in jail or (disney jail) I follow adamthewoo on youtube alot and he has shown me some good spots in disney to find but I am not going to risk my membership pass to walt disney world some I leave this stuff to pro's who have known the area longer than I have so yeah...also check the book the dark side of disney it is not a travel guide it is more an anarchist, cheap-money saving, cruel, non-family safe book, it is on sale for only $11.00 on amazon so check it out :) over a year ago