David 8 and Elizabeth Shaw Wall

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vesperi said …
we need to get more david & shaw art and stories circulating. anybody else out there feel like writing or drawing some shavid? eh? Posted over a year ago
fanfly commented…
Sorry I don't have the time/patience to write fanfiction or draw. I prefer to make graphics! I added some links to some great fanfic though. The one titled Persephone is particularly good, you should check it out. over a year ago
vesperi commented…
i've read all the fanfiction before, it's two years old and there isn't much of it to go around. over a year ago
vesperi commented…
we need to get more people to join the club, there's still only 3 people :I over a year ago
fanfly commented…
Yes I wish this spot had more fans. I added a link for it to the Prometheus spot. As well as a poll asking if people liked them together. Unfortunately I've gotten zero response. Even though that spot has 115 fans. :( over a year ago
big smile
fanfly said …
I'm so happy I found this spot! I haven't been able to stop think about David and Shaw lately- I need an outlet! Posted over a year ago
fanfly commented…
Now if only more people would join this club and participate. over a year ago
vesperi commented…
so glad this exists. over a year ago