Death Eater Roleplay Wall

Displaying wall entries 11-20 of 647

KateKicksAss said …
School starts today.....Avada Kedavra me now :/ Posted over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
*AVADA KEDAVRA!* >XP over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 said …
Hey guys!
So, just letting you know in case you're wondering, I do have school now so I won't be on quite as much as I used to be.
But I will be on as much as humanly possible! xD Posted over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Aww that stinks.. It'll be the same with me soon lol over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
Darn.....and starts for me this Wendesday....basically tomorrow :/ AUGUST!! WHYYYYYYY?!?!??!! over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
Ewwwwy XS over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett said …
Guess what? Just took out a poster and on one side there was Voldemort and on the other side there was Dumbledore and I hung it up in my room. Guess which side of the poster I chose? Dumbledore! XD I'm such a rebel! Posted over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Lol! I have Harry and Ron and Hermoine hung in my room with all the order members XD I have DE wall but it's smaller. Rebeling is fun! over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
XD I had a dream that I got an autograph from Tim and I actually woke up in the morning and started looking for the autograph...Then I realized it was a dream and almost cried DX :P over a year ago
alexthedog commented…
I have Luna, Neville, Harry, Ron, and Hermione o.o I never got to put up my Bellatrix and Malfoy ones over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett said …
So I logged on and it took me a bit, but I noticed that I got a medal for this spot....Whoopie! XD Posted over a year ago
Mena-IbnLaAhad commented…
Seriously?! Congrats!!!! Dmi yells that too:) *cheers* over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
thanks :) over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
Sorry for the double post.....damn Irish internet. over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
Hey guys!

Was AWOL last few days since my parents were being stingy with their laptops (for those who don't know, I'm currently on vacation in Ireland, and the only available computers belong to my parents)

Anyways, I notice we've gotten a lot of new Roleplayers while I was gone, and I'm not sure who everyone is yet, so it would be great if all the new Roleplayers could add me, and I'll add you back of course.

And Welcome to the Death Eater Roleplay spot! Posted over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
Welcome back! How's Ireland? I wish I could go there, my family is very Irish so it sounds like an amazing place to go to :) over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
You're Irish? Awesome! Ireland is pretty nice. I love Europe. Lots of castles here, :P over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Well that's good!! over a year ago
DmitryVladimir said …
Okay.. I'm kinda repeating what Lenzetta said but adding something: Its cool that we're getting new RPers but I recommend reading Katekicksass's article:
:) Just to help out for those who need it!! Posted over a year ago
LobeliaBlack commented…
i joined yesterday but i didnt do ANYTHING until i read the article it was helpful and read what some of the older Rpers posted in RPs over a year ago
BellatrixCissy commented…
Thnx for the tip I'll be sure to read her article if I decide to RP but for now I will just be a non RPer over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
:)) Good! over a year ago
bella113 said …
My Lord and fellow Death Eaters, I deeply apologize for not being on as recent as I should have been. I have grown more mature than before and I promise to be even more loyal. I can't promise to return every day but I promise to return as often as possible. Now wish me luck as I reunite with my mother (Bellatrix Lestrange for those of you who are not aware.) she'll probably Curcio me into the next decade.
-Bella Lestrange Posted over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Well it seems I am not aware of a thing! You must've been here way before me! *bow* Alo and well.... Welcome back? over a year ago
bella113 commented…
Thankyou. Your curtesy will be remembered. over a year ago
DmitryVladimir said …
You know..... I'm surprised people haven't read my bio and laughed at me. Dmitry is not what I wanted him to be, and to be honest, it's not my fault.. I had to change him but now I'm taking him back. He's being what I wanted him to be from now on. I don't care if it don't work, I'm bloody fed up.. So get used to the new Dmitry Vladimir.. He's off his medication now. :) Posted over a year ago
Xander-Kriechen commented…
Yay! *glomps you* :) over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
^Thanks for the support:) for the others: if you don't get it..... -_- I don't know what to do with you. over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
Why not just create a whole new character? I love the current Dmitry, and of course it's your character and I"ll support whatever you want to do, but the current Dmitry does work reallywell and is a lot of could be both? Just a suggestion, :) over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
No. I wanted Dmitry to be a certain way. I'm not going through the trouble. Dmitry is a set character and I'm NOT giving him up for another character. He's too close to me to do that. over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett said …
So we've been getting a lot of new RPers lately which rocks! :) Maybe if you guys want to post some biography on your RP character you could, just so the rest of us could get an idea on what you're like? Just check out the biographies that we have already posted about ourselves

(That is if you want to make a character description) :P

Just a suggestion! :) Posted over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 commented…
Right! Kate told me about that. over a year ago
darkmoon47 commented…
i'll get right on that over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
I"m actually working on an article about this spot for all newbies to read. And yes, I agree with Lenzy. over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 commented…
I posted it! :) over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 said …
Is anyone gonna reply on the RP's? Sorry for being impatient, I just love this spot and am awaiting a question on CoC ;) Posted over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
It's the time zones...Most times people never end up being online at the same time...Just have to be patient lol :P over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 commented…
Yeah, that's true :P over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
I feel the same way sometimes, :P over a year ago
PaulInDaHood said …
*coughs* Hi...I'm back, :)

Had a busy summer, but hopefully I'll be able to start coming on again. Missed RPing with you guys! Posted over a year ago
traceyhp commented…
Hi! I just got here about a month ago, but I like you image icon and I look forward to your future posts ;) over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
Do my eyes deceive me?! You're back?! Yay! over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
Welcome back! over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 said …
So, Kate told me about this spot. Okay if I join? I'm Leah, by the way. Posted over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
:O Omg we hav more people?! Sweetness! Welcome to the spot :D I'm Sam, my account name is my RP name lol over a year ago
PaulInDaHood commented…
Welcome to Death Eater Roleplay! over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 commented…
Thanks! over a year ago
KateKicksAss said … in CoC, Kate dares Dmitry to go on a blind I'm having too much fun playing the game in the forum to stop it for a date.....want to do a separate "Blind Date" forum and get started on that too?
Or if you think that's a lousy idea, just say so, :) Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
Bloody summer class....wish I could crucio the genius who made it so early I have to get up at 6 a.m.! Posted over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Lol:P summer schools/classes suck! over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
I think he's married....he must be older than I thought. He's still hot though... :( over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Lol Aah that stinks:/ :P over a year ago
Xander-Kriechen said …
If you feel so empty, so used up, so let down!
If you feel so angry so ripped off so stepped on! You're not the only one refusing to back down! You're not the only one! So get up! Let's start a riot, a riot! Let's start a riot! Let's start a riot, a riot! Let's start a riot! Posted over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Seriously.. I think we might be lost twins or something.,.... I posted that on my Facebook page just recently... o.o *glomop* over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
O.o....Okay this is cool but freaky but cool at the same time xD *glomp* over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
Nice, thanks! *makes mental note to look it up* over a year ago
WolfPred said …
Okay, so here it is. *Ahem* Hi. Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:DD:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D *Smothers you with hugs* over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
Hello! *waves* How art thou? xD over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
:) over a year ago
NessieCarrow said …
Poor Severus, and Fred

R.I.P Posted over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
I'm going to need tissues wen I see the movie :'( over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
It's an amazing movie <3 over a year ago
Morsmorde commented…
I was sadder about the Dark Lords death, now that was an awesome wizard. over a year ago
bellatrix114 commented…
boooohoooo i was crying the whole way though the movie over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …




Because we appreciate evil, and mourn the loss of such amazing, and in some cases, (Scabior) good looking, Death Eaters. Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
AWOL yesterday since I was having an all-day HP movie marathon with a friend before she took me to DH Part 2 Midnight Premiere for her Birthday.
We had to skip the slower bits in most of the movies to be able to fit more movie in, :P
They grew up right before our eyes, *sniffle* Posted over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett said …
So here's my thing...

*lowers voice to a whisper so Voldy doesn't hear*

Anyone know why exactly Voldemort goes after people who aren't purebloods when he isn't even a pureblood himself? I mean I don't know about you guys, but that seems a bit hypocritical to me.

And my fellow Death Eaters, this conversation NEVER happened! ;)

Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
Heh, yeah! Also, ever wondered if it's a complex he's got? Like he kills people with noses since he doesn't have one? And nope, this never happened, *wink* over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
Exactly! He kills people with noses and normal colored skin since he's sort of got an albino thing going on there...He also must kill people who can love, since apparently Voldy can't love either...Wow he has a screwed up life huh? *giggle* over a year ago
DmitryVladimir said …
If I keep getting these "Internal Server Errors" I'm going to GIVE Fanpop a reason to have its so-called Internal Server Errors!! Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
I'll help you crucio the servers! XD:P over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Anyone else?! Lets go dissect some servers! *evil laugh* over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
MUAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm SO in! over a year ago
NessieCarrow said …
Why is it when I come on everyone one is gone, Why! Why! I tell you *drop to knee and hammers the floor* Posted over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
I know right!? Stupid time zones! DX over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
I was going to guess either Time zones or bad timing...? :P over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Wow.... XD over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett said …
Walked around last night wearing a pirate jacket that looked more like a death eater cloak without a hood XD It was quite interesting lol Posted over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Next time we go around at night, we have to count how many looks we get XD Tis the most fun!! over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
The ones at my school need a style lesson and rehab.. Like normal rehab.. Dumb teenagers.. =_= over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
Ehh, rehab in general probably is a good idea. Apparently kids at my school are known for certain "bad habits", if you get what I mean.... over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
Somebody post something! Please! Before I lose what's left of my mind! Posted over a year ago
harrypotterbest commented…
What's left? Can't be much XD Lol, kidding over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
Nahh, I't sokay, I've already accepted the loss of my mind and sanity with good humor :P over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
ooohhh ahahhahahahahaha! over a year ago
DmitryVladimir said …
Soo... What's up fellow Death Eaters? Do any kil-- I mean.. kick butt torturing in your spare time? Posted over a year ago
Xander-Kriechen commented…
We are all entitled to kick some art thou? over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
Say wha-OUCH! *pouts* Not nice! over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
*hugs lead pipe* AHA! *happy dazed smile* over a year ago
Ninja-Kitten said …
I just got a gigantic book of HP posters, and I had to comb through it picking out all the DE ones :P Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
LUCKY! Wish I had one! The closest I have is a Mrs. Lovett poster, :P over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Neato! I have a poster book with HP posters in it too haha! XD Just took ALL them out to place all over my room :P over a year ago
alexthedog commented…
I have that :P over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
Just got a Die-Hard for this spot, :) Posted over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Woo-hoo! Congrats! XD over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
Nice! Congratz on that! over a year ago
NessieCarrow said …
God I have not been on in a while

Did you miss me Posted over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
Yeah! Where have you been?! *hugs* Welcome back! :D over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
YES! C'MERE YOU! *hugs you until you suffocate* over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
That's a big glomp xP over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
I've been out of town since Thursday for MY FIRST WEDDING EVER *still excited*
*Does goofy dance and grins cheezily* Sorry, I'll stop now, :P

Anyways, the hotel computers sucked, and I haven't been able to come on since now, :)

Sorry but you'll have to put up with me again, but at least you got a vacation, eh? :P Posted over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
How was the wedding? I bet you had a blast! Weddings are a lot of fun! over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
FREAKING AWESOME! :D And I LOVE my new aunt! The service was REAAALLY long though-combo wedding AND church service. over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
*shrugs* My parents have their reasons. over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett said …
You know what sounds good? A really dark/evil RP scenario...You guys have any ideas for one? Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
Hmmmm.....what about capturing and torturing mudbloods/traitors or something? over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
Or a really dark and evil raid?:P over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
Aw Really? Sweet! over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
Dear Waldo,

Could I interest you in becoming a Horcrux?

Sincerely, Lord Voldemort. Posted over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett said …
*Insert the beat to "Smells like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana here*

Take out your wands and fire at will
It’s fun to torture and to kill

My heart’s faithful and hateful
Oh no, here comes my favorite spell

Hello, hello, hello, crucio!
Hello, hello, hello, crucio!
Hello, hello, hello, crucio!

They are screaming, coz we’re dangerous!
Here we are now, we’re Death Eaters!
The need for vengeance is contagious!
Here we are now, we’re Death Eaters!

...I got bored lol :P Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
I don't know what that song sounds like, but awesome anyways! over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Best song evvveeerr!!! I love Nirvana <3 too bad Kurt Cobain died :'(( RIP Kurt! ANYWAYS: Awesome!! Being bored gets you places! over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
I love this song too XD I was listening to it in the car and was like "Hey!" And thanks! The only reason why I like being bored is because I can come up with different song lyrics xP lol over a year ago
DmitryVladimir said …
So what if you can see,
The dark inside of me!
No one will ever change this animal I have become!

XD Posted over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
Love this song! And know what's really odd? I was listening to this on my mp3 right before I logged onto Fanpop O.o XD over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Haha! Nice! I can finally play the entire thing on the guitar now! Well all but the chorus and interlude:)) So much fun! XD over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
Nice! XD over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
Dear Harry Potter,

Please die so I can finally take over the world.

Sincerely, waiting with very little patience, Voldemort Posted over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
XDXD Lol, I'm waiting for that too!...Well not the taking over the world part, just for Harry to die. That's enough for me x] over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha! over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
Good Night, Death Eaters! Sweet Dreams and Crucio, :P Posted over a year ago
slytherkat said …
Does anyone remember me?? Narcissa-malfoy??? Gosh, how long ago was that?! Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
YES! I remember you! Are you back for good? *crosses fingers* PLEASESAYYESPLEASESAYYEYS! I've missed you, it'll be nice to have you back! over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett said …
Dumbledore is my virtue, but Voldy is the demon I cling to! XD Posted over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Love it!!! XD over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Psssshh shoulda put: Lovett! XD hahahaha! over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
XDXD lol over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
Lol, Nice! XD over a year ago
DmitryVladimir said …
There's a Dark Mark hanging over this town! GET DOWN! Get down! In the land of the weak, We'll put you to sleep, Put you to sleep, yeah, Put you to sleep! Look to the sky as you, beg for your life, Beg for your life, yeah, Beg for your life! Posted over a year ago
BrokenXStrings commented…
O.o meep over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
Yes! *holds up wand* MORSMORDRE! over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
DmitryVladimir commented…
Killing? No just torturing till they begging on their hands and knees! We give them suspense then more torture and then leave them... or take them with us as slaves in shackles! *cackles* over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett said …
Hey people...I have a talent show audition tomorrow at my school (first and only year I've decided to do an act) but anyway if you don't see me on tomorrow it's probably because I sucked and they booed my off stage and I'm in one of those moments whee you feel terrible and can't talk to anyone...And sorry if you guys consider this to be spam on the wall, I don't mean to be mentioning random things...Let's just hope I don't die! *huge nervous grin* Posted over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
*where over a year ago
NessieCarrow commented…
Aww don't say that Sam you'll do great over a year ago
riddlegirl commented…
Good luck !!!! over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …

Or you will be, if you don't join the DEATH EATERS!

We're a radical group of elitists, racists, haters and bigots who hate everyone who doesn't agree with our views.

That likely includes you!

If it doesn't, why not give joining us a shot?

You never know…

We might just be the group full of murderers you've been looking for your entire life! Posted over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
XD over a year ago
riddlegirl commented…
Chsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss (anger) over a year ago
nany5755 commented…
i am a pureblood! over a year ago
big smile
NessieCarrow said …
Hi guys I won't be on for a while because me school going on a overnight trip so Buh-bye for now(hug) Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
Awwwz! :( *BIG HUGS* HAVE FUN! over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Have fun!!!!! over a year ago
NessieCarrow commented…
I am BACK!!!!! over a year ago
DmitryVladimir said …
Hello? Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me. Is there anyone at home? *searches for DERP members* Posted over a year ago
NessieCarrow commented…
I am here !!!!! over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
DmitryVladimir commented…
Good.. Thought a mountain troll ate everyone -_- darn trolls.. over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
link Stupid Trolls.. over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
OOC: HELP WANTED! What should Kate's "condition" be for Dmitry to get his wand back? I NEED IDEAS! Posted over a year ago
Ninja-Kitten commented…
*chants* Kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
O.O oh deary..... *hides* :P over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
Lol, I feel the same way sometimes! over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
Would anyone mind If I made some Pop Quiz questions about our RP characters (based on information from the character bios), and added them? I thought it might be fun and make this spot seem a little more personal for us.

Anyways, please just comment on this and let me know, :)

Thanks! Posted over a year ago
Ninja-Kitten commented…
You can make some about Ari! And I'm sure Merri's fine as well, as long as it's with the latest version :P over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
You can make some with both of my characters :) over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
Done, done, and done, :P over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett said …
Not our Bella you b*tch!! >:[ Stupid Molly! Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
AGREED! over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
For the losers who get caught, :P over a year ago
NessieCarrow commented…
Aye!!!! over a year ago
PaulInDaHood said …
I'm on myiTouch, and I hate using meebo on it. Anyone up for RPing? Posted over a year ago
PaulInDaHood said …
Back! Hopefully for good this time, :) Posted over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
Yay! Welcome back Paul! :) over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Woo-Hoo!! Welcome back!!!!!!!! XDD ^.^ over a year ago
PaulInDaHood commented…
:D Thanks guys! over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
Please vote for the new Bellatrix Lestrange spot banner! A link to the pick is newly added under Links. Thanks! Posted over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
I voted! :) over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
As did I. ;) over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
:D! Which ones did you vote for? over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
I voted for one of yours :) over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
I'm still on and RPing, but I might not be able to go on meebo... Posted over a year ago
riddlegirl said …
This is day on shit !!!! (sorry for stupid word) Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
Why? What's wrong? over a year ago
riddlegirl commented…
Hm ! Stupid day in school !!!! No comment.... over a year ago
Ninja-Kitten commented…
Completely agreed. Besides, everyone knows the Dark Lord is MINE. over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
Chat forum is up.
Basically think private Death Eaters chat, :P The DE RP version of 1000 Reasons, haha.


And tell me in advance if you hate the idea and want me to get rid of it. Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
Please check this out:

And if you think I'm full of garbage, don't be afraid to just tell me, :) Posted over a year ago
riddlegirl said …
I love you Voldy Posted over a year ago
RussianKate commented…
o/o over a year ago
Ninja-Kitten commented…
Darling please. He's mine. over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
^Lol! XD over a year ago
Ninja-Kitten said …
Yeah. So I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but Kate's been deleted. I can contact her via email or through my website so I'm not too worried. Posted over a year ago
NessieCarrow said …
This spot so bloody dead come on people look alive !!!! Posted over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
O! I am slain! *drops to floor acting dead* :P over a year ago
NessieCarrow commented…
So fate and foul the day I have not seen *DIES* over a year ago
DmitryVladimir said …
ooc: Hey guys! I have been thinking of this for a while but I just wanted permission from you all to do it. I wanted to draw all of our characters as a group. Is it okay for me to do it? If you don't want me to draw your character, its okay just let me know:) (If theres a certain picture that you like for your character, tell me and I'll draw it:D) Posted over a year ago
Ninja-Kitten commented…
I'd rather you don't draw Ari please :) over a year ago
NessieCarrow commented…
I think it's a splended idea Harley !!! over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
Yeah, that sounds alright. I'm speaking on behalf of Brutus here btw...XD over a year ago
Lucius-Malfoy said …
OOC:Alright, so I realise I have done flip all with this account for ages but i'm going to start using it again. That ok? Posted over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
Yeah :) over a year ago
NessieCarrow commented…
Good to have you back over a year ago
Lucius-Malfoy commented…
That's me talking btw. XD over a year ago
Ariesa-Bengali said …
Would you guys mind if I put together a collection of all our DE bios? Maybe on my site or on the Fanfic site that I post my works on (it's a personal site) so that they're really easy to reference? I'll get started now but I'll make it private. The password for the page is DERP Posted over a year ago
Ariesa-Bengali commented…
link over a year ago
Ariesa-Bengali commented…
It's all done! over a year ago
riddlegirl said …
Hm just ordinary day of Death Eater... Posted over a year ago
Mountain_Troll said …
OOC: Hello, this is my RP account, I RP as a Mountain Troll! Posted over a year ago
Ninja-Kitten commented…
...they're not very articulate... over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
Ummm? over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
It's not fair of us to be bossy like that, but I don't think a Mountain Troll will really work for our RP. over a year ago
AlecCarrow said …
This is me and Nessie articles :link

Posted over a year ago
NessieCarrow said …
Hi guys I had the flu this week but I am back so, HI!!!! *hug* Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
Awww, feel better, *hug* over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
HIII!!! Glad you're feeling better! *hugs* over a year ago
Ninja-Kitten commented…
I just caught a flu from my ninjas in training :( over a year ago
riddlegirl said …
Hi world here is Voldemort's Death Eater !!! Posted over a year ago
Ninja-Kitten commented…
Aw helll no. My Voldemort account is not dating you...XD over a year ago
Lord-Voldemort commented…
Absolutely not. over a year ago
Ariesa-Bengali commented…
OOC: I'm Lexa, and I RP as Voldemort when needed. I will not having him dating any of his Deatheaters. Except for Bellatrix. Because they belong together. over a year ago
TempAleksdaDawg said …
Heyy dood nd dooets!1? Dis es mah tempp akount kthnkzbai Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
Lol over a year ago
Xander-Kriechen commented…
xP over a year ago
EllaxCarson said …
OOC: Hello everyone! I'm new on this spot, but I hope I can become friends with you all! :D Posted over a year ago
TempKateKickAss said …
hi guys this is kate i made a new temperary account! plzz add thnx guys! Posted over a year ago
Ninja-Kitten commented…
This is not Kate. over a year ago
NessieCarrow commented…
Lordy Lordy Lordy again?!?! over a year ago
AlecCarrow commented…
God get a life people really ..come on over a year ago
Ninja-Kitten said …

Vote for Slytherin! (spam spam glorious spam...) Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
I'm not going near that place again, sorry. Well, maybe..... over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
Lol Monty Python! And I did vote Slytherin, :P over a year ago
Ninja-Kitten commented…
Thank you! Of course we have a plan, but help is always great :D over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
I'm on, but apparently chat doesn't work on Macs, :( Posted over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Ah that sucks!! over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
^IKR? :( over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
I"m on again...for now... over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …

My brother has a stupid Hockey tournament this weekend, but on Monday we're leaving for New Mexico. Posted over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Wow... everyone is going somewhere interesting.. I'm gonna be at home... :/ over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
Awww, :( Have fun, :P over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
In regards to the new Icon, Banner, and Motto thing, I was thinking it would be nice to see them all in use just to see how they'd look before picking, so my thought was that I could test them all on the New DE RP spot, since I made it, and we can see how they all look before picking out this spots new look.
Let me know if you like this idea, and I'll test out the banners and icons on the other spot, for a few days at a time, so you can check them out and see which ones are best. Posted over a year ago
Love4Hermione said …
Im back by the way, I got my account back. Posted over a year ago
alexthedog commented…
Welcome back, I've heard so much about you! over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Welcome back!! :D over a year ago
NessieCarrow commented…
Hello over a year ago
Love4Hermione said …
I just wanted to tell everyone and let then know that I am not and was not "AnonymousDERPer".
I kno you all suspected me, but I SWEAR I didn't do it.
I know I was being framed for it, since the person who did do it asked me and I agreed to pretend it was me, but I didn't really do it.
Id never do that, esp. the Kate artical, I like Kate pretty much.
And besides, the anon account wasn't deleted when i was, so it CANT be me. Posted over a year ago
Merri-Lestrange commented…
We know it wasn't you. It was Melody. over a year ago
harrypotterbest commented…
Okay, Melody wants me to post this - Melody says: I'm not Anon! Only River and Liana know the truth! Plus whoever's really Anon! The rest of you are believing a lie! over a year ago
alexthedog commented…
Best, I thought Melody was deleted. How did she tell you to say that? over a year ago
Barty-Crouch-Jr said …
Alexthedog OOC: I have created my first RP account. I am Barty-Crouch-Jr, for those of you that are curious. Posted over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
Awesome! Welcome! over a year ago
NessieCarrow commented…
YAY cool over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
:D Good to have you, Alex! over a year ago
alexthedog said …
So, I've never roleplayed before, any suggestions? Should I make an RP account? And what characters aren't taken? Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
Chat with me and I'll totally fill you in. over a year ago
Barty-Crouch-Jr commented…
Okay, thanks Kate. over a year ago
Barty-Crouch-Jr commented…
^Oh, that's my RP account. over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
No prob, :) over a year ago
Misharrypotter said …

1. say your name ten times.
2. say your mom'...s name five times.
3. say your crushes three times
4. paste this to four other groups.
If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday.
But if you read this and do not paste this, then you
will have very bad luck.
ON THE SCREEN Posted over a year ago
Ninja-Kitten commented…
Crucio, idiot. over a year ago
AlecCarrow commented…
barking over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
Crucio spam! over a year ago
DmitryVladimir said …
Go Insane! Go Insane! Throw some spells make it rain! Let me see them wands! Let me let me see them wands! ;D Posted over a year ago
Xander-Kriechen commented…
Someone in my class got in trouble today for singing that part of the song very loudly down the hallway XD lol over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Rofl!! over a year ago
AlecCarrow commented…
lol over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett said …
Hey, DE RP,Spot that never sleeps, wake up! DX It's lonely :'( *sniffs* Posted over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
I'm always here... o.O.. No one ever knows it though.. over a year ago
DmitryVladimir said …
What's up? *hears an echo* AH! Hmm.... ECHO! *more echos* Where'd everyone go? *scratches head in thought* Posted over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
ECHO... XD But yea it's been lonely DX over a year ago
NessieCarrow commented…
YA it has over a year ago
NessieCarrow said …
This spot is died .......:'( Posted over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
I know! DX over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett said …
They can sound the alarm! They can call out their guards! They can fence in their yards! They can pull all the cards! But we won't back down, oh no! We won't back down, oh no! Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
So true! Is that from a song? over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
Yea XD it's callled Won't Back Down by Eminem. P!nk is in it too. over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Da! over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
a friend of mine just joined, her name's Corryn, could you guys add her please? She's cool, :P
Thanks :D Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
And she likes Anime, :P over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
This spot seems so dead, :(
Miss you all! Posted over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
I know! I'm usually always on but I probably have horrible timing :( over a year ago
big smile
NessieCarrow said …
Hey guys what are you doing durning March Break!!!!!!!!!!xDxD Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
What's March Break? over a year ago
NessieCarrow commented…
It a week off of school in March over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
That sucks :( over a year ago
Sarasan said …
Hi guys! I'm a friend of Lexa and Trix, and I want to join DERP! Posted over a year ago
NessieCarrow commented…
Welcome!! over a year ago
Sarasan commented…
Thank you cousin. I hope I will be welcomed here, over a year ago
Shrek_ commented…
HI!! over a year ago
big smile
AlecCarrow said …
The new icon is WICKED!!! Posted over a year ago
NessieCarrow commented…
I agree !!! over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Da! It is awesomesauce! I like the banner too:P over a year ago
NessieCarrow commented…
SAME!!! over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
The new icon is pretty cool, :) XD But you HAD to change it JUST after I got used to the last one, :P Lol, this is making my head hurt....or maybe I'm just tired......O_O I can never tell, :P Posted over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Haha! I saw it on my club list and was thinking: Uhhh what club is that? :P Its a cool icon though over a year ago
zanhar1 said …
I obviously haven't been here in a long time anything intresting happen? Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
You have NO idea....... over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Good or bad? over a year ago
AlecCarrow commented…
Mostly bad over a year ago
NessieCarrow commented…
*nods* over a year ago
BellaBlackL said …
You leave fanpop for 3 days, and when you come back one of your best friends posts an article accusing you of being a liar. About a fight that's old news. Wow. Just wow. Some people just can't get enough drama. Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
*eyeroll* It's really not the DRAMA I'm after, River............. over a year ago
RanyBelle commented…
really? hmmmmm, what ARE you after? over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
Honesty. over a year ago
alexthedog said …
Guys, what do we do here? It's Alex from the HP vs. Twi, HP, and Biggerstaff Family spots. Posted over a year ago
BellaBlackL commented…
we betray our friends and write misleading articles. at least that's what's been going on recently -_- over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
^No, actually we tell the truth.....oh never mind. It's not usually like this. over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
What was misleading? over a year ago
simpleplan said …
Hmm this must be were the death eaters come to play i must tell Pikachu XD Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
Just wondering if anyone is interested in the Interviews idea I mentioned a while back. If you think it's a dumb idea, please tell me, but if you're up for it, please let us know! I was thinking separate forums for anyone being interviewed, but if you guys have any suggestions, please post them below :) Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
OOC: Just for the record, in the books, you can't apparate without a wand, *cough* Xander and Dmitry, *Cough* Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
??? over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Yeah sorry was thinking of the wrong time... O.e I gotta read better and make sure my brain gets turned on more.. :P over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
Yea sorry bout that Kate. I didn't realize that Xander didn't have his wand. I shall read things through more carefully next time :P over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
Я сошла с ума, нет, подождите, вы уже знали, что .... Posted over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
Don't worry. We're all mad here XD over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
Darn, :P over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
^ <3 lol tis true, tis true over a year ago
WolfPred said …
New icon!!!! Posted over a year ago
RanyBelle commented…
EPIC! over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
Thanks! :) It's Colin Farrell. :) over a year ago
Brutus-McMillan said …
Haircut. *Looks around* Opinions? Posted over a year ago
Brutus-McMillan commented…
And a change of clothes. over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
Oh ok I understand now. Awesomesauce! XD over a year ago
Brutus-McMillan commented…
XD over a year ago
JumeauxBelle said …
Are you guys going to use FOTM or no? Cause I can delete it i mean theres no point in it just sitting there i guess... Posted over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
FOTM? over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
I think she means "Fan of the Month". over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Oooooooh over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
To the tune of "Born This Way", by Lady Gaga:

We're above all the rest,
Since Slytherins are the best,
We're on the right track,
Baby we follow Voldy all the way!

We'll crucio you to death,
Take over the world and we're set,
We're on the right track,
Baby we do things the evil way!

:P Posted over a year ago
JumeauxBelle commented…
LMFAO! over a year ago
lavakool23 commented…
omg over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
??? over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Tee-Hee! over a year ago
JumeauxBelle said …
:o I just checked, Mel4ever8, KianaMarie, GagaGirl123, AND AnonymousDERPer are all gone!
What's going on here?!?!?!?! Posted over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
I have no idea... Its freaking me out. So confusing! over a year ago
NessieCarrow commented…
i know over a year ago
XxMel4everxX commented…
yea im gone except im not anon over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
It looks quite suspicious. over a year ago
JumeauxBelle said …
"Mel4ever" propped "AnonymousDERPer" for writing that article about Kate..... Posted over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
O.O over a year ago
PaulInDaHood commented…
I saw that! That was pretty mean.... over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
Geez, could people be any more obvious? It's clear who Anon is. I'm just wondering why they didn't bother to hide it more. over a year ago
PaulInDaHood said …
Argh! I always come on at the wrong times! I feel like I just missed everyone. Nooooooo! Posted over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
:( I would have been on but I was out partying with my friends and family:) over a year ago
Lenzetta-Lovett commented…
oh yea the dark basement part...not fun cause I couldnt see a bloody thing lol over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
lol it was pretty darn dark! over a year ago