Death Eater Roleplay Wall


Displaying wall entries 61-70 of 647

LordVInDaHOOD said …
Dudes, Im a new dude on here, I like rap and gangstas, and hip hop is cool too. I wanna be a rapper someday, and i write pracrice lyrics now. anywayz dudezz, can you tell me more of the hizzy? Like how does this role play thang work?? Can i join you?? Thankz dudez. Peace out! Posted over a year ago
ImJasonSoSUCKIT commented…
Paul, your STUPID!! And i know people laugh when you rap funny shit at school but i bet they really think your a DUMBASS!! over a year ago
LordVInDaHOOD said …
Yo, Dudes, whazzup?? Posted over a year ago
Lucius-Malfoy said …
TheRealVoldy is still active! Posted over a year ago
Lord-Voldemort commented…
Really? What's his new username? Or is his old account still active? over a year ago
Lucius-Malfoy commented…
His old account.It was still active last time I checked anyway which was 1-2 days ago. over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black said …
I'm taking bets on what Voldy's next username will be! Any ideas? Posted over a year ago
slytherkat commented…
Oh-Yes-I-Am-Still-Voldy >:) over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black commented…
Lol for sure! over a year ago
LordVInDaHOOD commented…
Haha how stupid! over a year ago
ImJasonSoSUCKIT commented…
WRONG!! over a year ago
Umbridge said …
Hmm seems a little dead on here today. Don't make me spice things up. You will not like the results. Posted over a year ago
Brutus-McMillan said …
What happened to Bella-Nutcase? And who's Bella-Russia? Posted over a year ago
Lord-Voldemort commented…
Bella-Nutcase and Bella-Russia are the same person. Both their accounts have been deleted, as have all the Voldy accounts. over a year ago
Brutus-McMillan commented…
Why were they deleted? over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black commented…
Lulz for Pred and Brutus commenting together! We didn't report her, I don't know what happened to her, but SOMEONE must have reported them! over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black said …
It's 11:11 my time, I WISH ALL THE MUGGLES WERE DEAD! *cackle* Posted over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
That was a bit random. over a year ago
Umbridge commented…
Would you expect any less from our dear Bellatrix? over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black commented…
It doesn't need to be fine by you. I do whatever the Dark Lord wishes. over a year ago
Lucius-Malfoy said …
What was with all the dementors that time? *shudders*
Posted over a year ago
Umbridge commented…
Do not look my way. I had little to do with it. over a year ago
Brutus-McMillan said …
Has anyone seen our Lord? Posted over a year ago
Lord-Voldemort commented…
What do you need? over a year ago
Brutus-McMillan commented…
I just wanted to know what the story was with the imposters. over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
Yeah! So shut your face! over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black said …
BAM new profile pic! Posted over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
Cool. Love it! over a year ago
Umbridge commented…
Ouch. I enjoy it. over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
? over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black said …
I hate to speak like a Twitard but: ZOMG THEYR GON! Posted over a year ago
Bella-Russia commented…
What does that mean??? over a year ago
Brutus-McMillan commented…
I think it means she's really,really,really,really,really,really happy? Really. over a year ago
LordVInDaHOOD commented…
Twilight SUCKS!! I had a gurlfriend once who i dumped cuz she was too wrapped up in Edward. Bad shizzle if you ask me over a year ago
WolfPred said …
OOC:I also reported -theREALVoldy-
Posted over a year ago
big smile
WolfPred said …
OOC:I just reported I-AmSTILLVoldy. Posted over a year ago
big smile
slytherkat said …
Loving the new icon and banner! Posted over a year ago
Lord-Voldemort said …
In the face of the continued presence of what seems to be the bane of my existance, I hope you all remember that I am the true Dark Lord, not Voldy. My instructions are as follows, Brutus, assasinate him, Umbridge, inform the Ministry and dispatch some dementors, can just cackle a lot... Posted over a year ago
bella113 commented…
What can I do my lord? over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black commented…
Go play with Draco or something and leave the adults to their work. over a year ago
LordVInDaHOOD commented…
Yo, man, what can i do, My Lord?? over a year ago
Brutus-McMillan said …
Whats going on at the moment? Posted over a year ago
I-AmSTILLVoldy commented…
Who the fuck are you? Go Away. over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black commented…
Brutus, pay no heed to the imposter. over a year ago
Brutus-McMillan commented…
I see a flag on your comment Voldy... over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black said …
OOC: ATTENTION ROLEPLAYERS! Bellatrix and Rodolphus have a new daughter, Bella (username bella113) and she isn't an imposter. I think I messaged everyone the details of our relationship :) Posted over a year ago
bella113 commented…
:) over a year ago
I-AmSTILLVoldy commented…
If you guys will accept a DAUGHTER, then Can't I AT LEAST be Voldemorts brother? Or Bellatrixes brother? over a year ago
JasonLordVoldy commented…
HI!!!! over a year ago
DracoMalfoy001 said …
I hope everyone is proud. bella is just trying to be one of us and follow ing her parent's and her Lord's footsteps. Can't anyone show some sympathy for her? Bellatrix, her own mother doesn't seem to care,and it seems like the only relatives who care and my mum and me. Everyone else wont even give her as much as a sideways glance! Posted over a year ago
bella113 commented…
Draco..................I didn't ask you to post our conversation. Even if these words are mostly yours. over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black commented…
Draco, I know she's my daughter, but I have better things to do than take care of a child right now. She's living with you, she's your responsibility, I'm teaching Crucia Legilimens and Occlumens right now over a year ago
DracoMalfoy001 commented…
great going aunt bellatrix. over a year ago
Lucius-Malfoy said …
Has anyone seen Draco? I have a matter to discuss with him. Posted over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black commented…
Try his wall, Dracomalfoy001 over a year ago
Lord-Voldemort commented…
This is a bit late, but Voldy, obviously Draco's not dead, he's still here. Obviously you haven't taken Lucius's shampoo because his hair doesn't look like mine yet. And HA you're acocunt's deleted. over a year ago
Brutus-McMillan commented…
LOL!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black said …
Ok, there was a chain IP suspension and now Bella-Nutcase and ImSTILLVoldy are gone. This means that either they were the same person or that for whatever reason, they used the same computer to create both accounts. Posted over a year ago
I-AmSTILLVoldy commented…
Could you please tell Nutcase she should go out with me? PS if she won't, will you? your hot, and I like hot chicks. over a year ago
I-AmSTILLVoldy commented…
And I banned her but im sorry about it over a year ago
Lucius-Malfoy commented…
Lol! XD over a year ago
ImSTILLVoldy said …
Lucius-Malfoy commented…
Why would she talk to you? over a year ago
DracoMalfoy001 commented…
isn't that something you should send in a message? or post to their wall? over a year ago
I-AmSTILLVoldy commented…
She should be HONORED to talk to me! And Lucius your not showing the proper amount of respect to your Lord! CRUCIO! over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
OOC:Your not showing the proper amount of respect to Fanpop! over a year ago
ImSTILLVoldy said …
Bella-Nutcase: I am nice enough to give you another chance to go out with me even though you fucked up and dont deserve it but im nice so I will.
And seriously, WHY didnt you sleep with me?? Its not that much to ask. Posted over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Waht the h*** why would she want to go out with you again, your the one who f***ed up. And you cant make her sleep with you -_- over a year ago
I-AmSTILLVoldy commented…
She should Be HONORED to sleep with me! or go out with me! over a year ago
Brutus-McMillan commented…
You should be honoured to die. over a year ago
ImSTILLVoldy said …
Happy to see me??? Posted over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black commented…
OOC: I prefer not to swear in public...but...FUCK. over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Great -_- I know Fuck is right over a year ago
I-AmSTILLVoldy commented…
Ooooh, you wanna fuck me? im good with it as long as you two are hot. over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
WolfPred said …
Uh...ah!...*coughs up blood then collapses*
Posted over a year ago
Umbridge commented…
Oh dear. Alien down. Should be call a doctor? Would that even help? over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
*Spacecraft lands,predators emerge and take WolfPreds body into spacecraft,spacecraft turns invisible and flies away.* over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
You ok over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black said …
Draco says I have another daughter who was born in Azkaban, Rodolphus named her Bella, after me. Any thoughts on what I should do about this? Posted over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
What do you mean "another"? over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black commented…
Well I already have 2 kids, Crucia and Imperio. over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black commented…
I really hope you're being ironic because otherwise it would be toooo funny for words over a year ago
zanhar1 said …
So when do i get Malfoy *holds out Voly's nose* Posted over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black commented…
OOC: Whenever someone decides to roleplay him over a year ago
JavaJoker commented…
OOC: Not it, my personalities are going far enough :P over a year ago
Umbridge said …
This spot is shaping up nicely. Posted over a year ago
JavaJoker commented…
Ehh, it could use more stuff. over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
I have Lucius on my spacecraft. Snuck him out of Azkaban last night. over a year ago
Lucius-Malfoy commented…
Not anymore! *evil laughs* over a year ago
Umbridge said …
OOC: New Test Banner...wooo!!!! Posted over a year ago
Lord-Voldemort said …
I'm listening to the song "Gives you hell" and it reminds me of Bellatrix! Posted over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black commented…
...well I'm listening to "Just the way you are" by Bruno Mars and it reminds me of how I know you think of me! *cackle* Sorry my Lord! *disapparate* over a year ago
Lord-Voldemort commented…
That...was unwise of her... over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black commented…
OOC: You just got owned :) over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
XD over a year ago
WolfPred said …
Does anybody have Lucius' whereabouts? Posted over a year ago
Lord-Voldemort commented…
Ask Narcissa, just don't tell her why you're looking for him, over a year ago
Umbridge commented…
Or I could just send out the dementors? over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black commented…
Do not call the Dark Lord "Voldy!" CRUCIO! over a year ago
WolfPred said …
Yeah.You click block user. If its for messages sent to you its at the bottom right. Posted over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black commented…
Ok, thanks :) over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
No probs! :) over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black said …
Does anyone know how to block people? Posted over a year ago
WolfPred said …
Hey Voldemort can I have one of your death eaters? You know to kill? I need to get it out of my system! Plus I just plain hate you all! Posted over a year ago
Lord-Voldemort commented…
You can hunt down Lucius, he's useless over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
Yessssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hb over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
*walks over to find lucius turning into black smoke and flying away* DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!He was almost dead! over a year ago
Bella-Nutcase said …
So you guys asked why Yaxley and Greyback are gone?? Well, I found out that both of those accounts actually belong to Jason, aka IAmVoldy.
I found this out recently, because I overheard him telling a friend of his how pissed he was that ALL his accounts were gone.
BellatrixL made her account on his computer as well, so thats probably why she is gone as well. Posted over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
Seriously? Oh for fuck sake! over a year ago
WolfPred said …
I've decided to stop working with all of you. I don't feel comfortable co-operating with evil! Posted over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
I'm just going to pop in every so often. over a year ago
Lord-Voldemort commented…
>:( over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
If you don't like it do something about it! over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
Alright.I've decided to work with you since humans have gotten so low that they created magic. Its against the laws of nature! But i'll probably just overthrow you all in the end anyway since you all use magic aswell! over a year ago
WolfPred said …
I need to go.Looks like one of my species screwed up an experiment and some serpents escaped! I have to exile him. See you all soon. Posted over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black said …
OOC: Posted some pics of my in RL if anyone's interested :) Posted over a year ago
Umbridge commented…
OOC: Super cute, love the is a wig right? Or lots and lots of hair dye? over a year ago
Umbridge commented…
OOC: I followed suit so you're not alone, at least for a bit. over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black commented…
You just said it was, but you deleted your comment to strengthen your arguement that you were joking. Why are you so...I dunno...manipulative? Why are you trying to pass that pic off as yourself? Why did you delete your comment and cover it up instead of admitting the truth when I offered you a joking escape? Why did you even come back? over a year ago
WolfPred said …
I almost died fighting an alien in 2004. Posted over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
Random over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black commented…
OOC: I try :) over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
:) :) :) over a year ago
WolfPred said …
I'm stalking a terrorist. Anyone care to join me? Posted over a year ago
Lord-Voldemort commented…
Count me in, we can learn how to make bombs and then modify them so that they only affect Order members! over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
Sounds good to me! But stealth is the trick... over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black commented…
Yes but we can blame bombs on the terrorists and spread fear through both the wizarding world and the muggle world! And we can keep my return a secret. over a year ago
Umbridge said …
Sigh, I am running out of pictures of Bellatrix wearing pink. If you find any, please send them to Dolores Umbridge care of the Ministry of Magic. Posted over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black commented…
Oh yeah? Well wait til I find some of you wearing green! over a year ago
Umbridge commented…
Why I? Me? Never. over a year ago
Lord-Voldemort commented…
Now this, I approve of. I've always though she looked good in pink over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black said …
It is my belief that the accounts of BellatrixL, BellaTheNutcase, IAmVoldy, Yaxley, FenrirGreyback and SeverusSnape have been deleted for reasons unknown. If you click a link to their profile page, you are simply directed to the Fanpop homepage. What do my fellow Deatheaters make of this? Posted over a year ago
Umbridge commented…
I believe it means those accounts are gone for good. Which is great, but sadly it means those character names are taken. over a year ago
Bella-Nutcase commented…
I think that when accounts are made on the same computer and one is suspended, all accounts from that computer are suspended, since mine got deleted along with IAmVoldys, and BellatrixL's since she made her account on his computer too. As to Why SeverusSnape is gone, I deleted that one, I decided against being Snape. And, The Yaxley and Greyback accounts all belonged to IAmVoldy, so they got suspended with his. over a year ago
Bella-Nutcase commented…
Not all of those people wringed you, Umbridge. Not great that thier all gone. over a year ago
WolfPred said …
Guys I just read an article on the Bella Lestrange spot. Nutcase apologised and said if we want we can have the old spot back. Posted over a year ago
Lord-Voldemort commented…
The problem is...she's not really gone, she's apparently come back and is working with Voldy again, she posted on the forum with him. We have to get rid of them once and for all! over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
Oh man! Will they ever give up? I might go and....occupy them! over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
Don't command me! But i'll do it eventually! over a year ago
Yaxley said …
Nutcase is GONE!!! YAY!!! *FIREWORKS* Posted over a year ago
Lord-Voldemort said …
Deatheaters! We are triumphant! The imposter Nutcase has been banished! Now our only obstacle is IamVoldy. Posted over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
YYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black said …
Help me make this spot feel like home! Add picks, pop quiz questions, links, articles, pictures, go crazy! Posted over a year ago
Umbridge commented…
Alright, he he he he. *Skips away looking for kitty plates* over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black commented…
Oh crap, I mean Deatheaters style! over a year ago
IAmVoldy commented…
Can I smoochy kiss you, Bellatrix?? Your hot. *unzips pants* over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
I'll unzip you if you don't shut your trap! Face me like a man! *Extends wristblades* over a year ago
WolfPred said …
Guys bad news.That skank BellaTheNutcase is here. Posted over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black commented…
I know, can we delete her? Or should we just report everything she says? over a year ago
Umbridge commented…
Mostly ignore her. And if she says something worth reporting, flag her. over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
Go away! over a year ago
WolfPred said …
Yeah!We're back in business baby! ........Growl! Posted over a year ago
IAmVoldy commented…
Your creepy over a year ago
WolfPred commented…
Your ugly. over a year ago