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some ppl love to talk about how much they love there life till somethin traject happens to them or to a friend and they want to die because what happened to them but death isnt the answer there is more to life then jsut death i tell my sister cherry to never let go of me till god takes her from me and she stays right by me and doesnt let go of my hand so i no shes not ever goin to leave me. now when ppl talk about death im one of them i get mad at myself because i no i dont want to die but things happen so fast ppl leave me without saying why they left me ppl break my heart and they dont no...
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posted by teashaC
You can shed tears that she is gone,
or you can smile because she has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that she'll come back,
or you can open your eyes and see all she's left.
Your heart can be empty because you can't see her,
or you can be full of the love you shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember her only that she is gone,
or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what she'd want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on
today is gay day and the day ppl were bulled and they killed themselves so look at urself in the mirror and ask ur self do u bully ppl at school or anywere if u do u need to stop because ppl die because of it they comitt sucide now if u love bi,straight,les ppl then ur a great person if u dont its ur choice just dont bully because i look at my friends and see the ones who comitted sucidee because of it so now u cant talk all day till 8pm thats how it works if u talk ur done. to the friends that were bullied i love u so much i wish u were here with me but ur not but u r in my heart and one thing...
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posted by amy_the_demon
......sometimes i have these poem and speech's that only i can understand........does that make me a freak? a monster? some kid that no one understands? what makes us human....not a freak.....human, if were not human what else can we be?
can we really be?
yes we can....
my poems may be where i can only understand them, but that does'int mean i cant live, i have live though this though all my life- 'what will happen next?- any every time the awnsers the same.........i don't know........
can we bleed?
yes we do...and we can......
............sometimes i have these poem and speech's that only i can understand........does that make me a freak? a monster? some kid that no one understands? what makes us human....not a freak.....human, if were not human what else can we be?
posted by teashaC
i left my sister cherry i told her i was dead anyway she told me she was dead so i just killied mysefl this is my death note to everyone here im srry but i have to kill myself ok so plz dont think about me anymore i love u all ur all my family cherry when u told me to go it felt like u wanted me dead so i just left u so now u cant get hurt by me anymore i was hurting u to much i was hurting everyone in a differnt way now ur just alone*looks at u from heaven i feel safe up here but look im not in heaven im in hell gud place u get hit more and whipped and beat more i hope u dont do what i did...
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posted by teashaC
*cries while leaning on the wall*looks at my friends saying u think u no me but u dont no me u rlly dont no shit about me.
hides from friends since there goin to find me and kill me.
waiting for someone to find me and tell me my time is up and that im goin to die or get murdered.
hides in the sheets while hearing foot steps in the distance hearing feet run through the forest.
hear a guy screaming for his life i get up and look out the window i see flames i see a cross i see a guy with his ankles...
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posted by teashaC
*breaths hard while im running trying to hide from my friends because once they find me they wont let me die when i want to die. but u have to understand one thing though when i die ur not hurting i no u lost a great friend but just remeber ther gud times no bad times dont remember me when im gone u just cry in ur sleep and try to hurt urselfs just dont do it ok i need my firends to stay strong for i sit down on the cold ground and cry and make sure my friends are safe i feel a ran drop hit my face runs down my face and its blood i wonder what it is is it blood, or what i think to myself...
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