Debra Parker Club
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Debra felt a soft tap against her cheek and heard someone say her name.
“Debra? Wake up, I didn’t hit you that hard”
Debra opened her eyes challenging and gazed in the face of her attacker. She turned her head and saw the ropes around her hand. They were both tied to the armrests of the chair.
“For what it’s worth, I’m really sorry about this” the man apologized. “I just don’t think you would listen to me if I had reproach you in a more civilized way”
“Who are you? Are you one of Joe’s followers?” Debra asked tired. She heard a movement behind her and rotated her head...
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Mike walked through the hospital aisle to Debra’s room. The door was open and the doctor was just leaving. Debra smiled when she saw Mike standing in the doorway.
“My hero” she smirked and signaled with her hand, giving him permission to enter.
“How are you feeling?” Mike asked softly.
“Dirty” Debra replied grumpy. “I just want to go home and get cleaned up…But that’s not going to happen. We still have a bunch of killers on the loose” she added. “Did you hear from Ryan yet?”
“Eh, yeah. He’s on his way back” Mike answered.
“Well, then there’s no time to waste”...
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The FBI was checking the security footage to see what happened to agent Parker, when Ryan’s phone rang. He quickly picked up without checking the number, praying it would be either Claire or Debra.
“Ryan Hardy” he said tensed.
“Hello, Ryan” Claire answered with a slightly trembling voice.
“Claire!” Ryan exclaimed with a bit of relief in his voice. Mike signaled with his hands and Ryan put the phone on speaker. “Claire, can you tell me where you are? Is Joe with you?”
“I need to read something to you and you need to listen” Claire said, looking at Joe, who smiled encouragingly....
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And so, after their oh so romantic lunch, Dale left Deb with her mother, and went looking for Agnes. She was in her room.
“I’m going to need you to clear this room” Dale started, as he stood in the doorway.
“Why is that?” Agnes asked, careless, her back towards Dale.
“Because I’m going to give this room to Debra” Dale explained. “It’s next to mine, so I think it’s appropriate”
“Wouldn’t it be more appropriate if she slept in your room?” Agnes scoffed.
“No, I want to give her the idea she has a choice in the matter” Dale replied.
“Alright, then” Agnes sighed,...
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It was half past five in the morning. Mr. and Mrs. Parker woke up difficult. They were surprised they had even been able to sleep at all. The barn wasn’t exactly the most comfortable place to spend your night.
“Do you think Beth spent the night with Dale already?” Mr. Parker wondered out loud.
“After the way you treated her there’s no way Dale could’ve moved past the need to comfort her” Mrs. Parker snapped hostile.
“Well, you won’t exactly win the award for Mother of the Year either with your performance from the last couple of days” Mr. Parker fired back angry.
Mrs. Parker...
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Rob parker his car in front of a fancy looking club. He pointed at the big letters under the roof, spelling ‘The Dahlia Dancers’ “They light up in the dark” he informed Deb, and he laughed as he saw Deb’s eyes widen with childlike enthusiasm. “It’s called neon”
“Neon” Deb repeated to herself. “Things that light up in the dark” she added, mentally writing it down.
“Come on, let’s have you take a look inside” Rob suggested, and he got out of the car. Ever the gentleman, he walked around, and got the door for Deb, and helped her out.
She looked around, and inhaled the...
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Trying to make herself as small as possible,Deb entered the school. To her relief it was very busy inside, so it was easy not to get noticed.
As each Morgan child found their own click of friend, they separated, until Deb was left alone with Mrs. Morgan. They were standing in front of the principal’s office. Mrs. Morgan glanced at her watch.
“Listen, Debra” she started. “I really don’t want to leave you here all alone, on your first day, but I have to go. Do you think you can go inside without me?”
Deb nodded, though she dreaded the moment she would have to go through that door.
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Ten minutes left, the grandfather clock in the hallway told Beth. Time to go. Who knew how many people she’d have to shake off on her way to the kitchen? While walking she tried to come up with a good excuse as to why she was all dressed up, wearing her coat, and what she needed the bag for.
Agnes left her door unlocked, something she never did. She would hate it if anyone would enter her room without her permission.
Beth was lucky. She encountered no one and she entered the kitchen. She looked around, but saw no one. Maybe she was too early. Agnes wouldn’t be late. Beth started having...
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Mike held Debra’s hand in his and caressed it with his thumb.
“How’s she doing?” Ryan asked from the doorway. He had a plastic bag in his hands.
Without turning around Mike replied: “Same. The doctor said it could take a while before she wakes up”
Ryan nodded and stepped towards the bed. He reached out the bag to Mike. “Someone at the reception gave this to me. I think it’s yours”
Mike accepted the bag and opened it. “You’re right. It’s mine” he said when he recognized the gun.
“You left a gun at a hospital? That’s not exactly smart, Mike” Ryan reproached him.
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Deb’s heart skipped a beat, when she heard footsteps, but it was only her mother. She looked somewhat exited, as she walked towards.
“Good morning, Debra” she smiled.
“Is it morning?” Deb asked.
“Yeah, did you have a good night?” Mrs. Parker asked.
“No” Deb returned, upset. “My arms are sore. You need to let me down, mom”
Mrs. Parker shook her head. “I’m afraid I can’t do that, Debra. We can’t take the chance of you running away again…That would break Dale’s heart”
“Screw Dale and his heart! If he even has one” Deb hissed hostile. Her declaration earned...
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They were nice. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. They had no children, which is why they signed up for foster care. They worked hard; they had a farm and they’d made it very clear that Debra wouldn’t be sitting around, doing nothing. Debra had no problem with that. If she kept herself occupied she wouldn’t have to think about what happened.
Her foster parents were also very religious. They prepared before every meal and before bedtime and they insisted Debra did the same. They didn’t like the fact that Debra had already been intimate before marriage, but given the circumstances they decided not...
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Voices. And flashes. Debra’s eyes moved behind her eyelids while she heard people talking. What were they talking about? They said something about being molested. A strange sound escaped her throat and she tried to open her eyes.
“She’s waking up” a woman said fast.
Debra opened her eyes and lifted her hands to protect them from the light shining above her.
“Good morning” a man in a white suit said friendly. Debra pulled back and glanced suspiciously. “You had quite a fall” He looked at his files. “A minor concussion and some bruises. You were lucky” He looked up from the...
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At the gate there was a man waiting for them. Debra sobbed as Agnes dragged her to the gate. “Will you stop yelping already?” she snapped annoyed. She pushed her toward the man. “She’s your problem now”
“What are you going to do?” Ross asked, while he tightened his grip on Debra.
“I’m going to rapport to Dale. I’m sure he’ll want to know we found his little treasure” Agnes replied and she gave Debra a crabby look. “Use as little violence as possible. Dale wants her to look perfect on her birthday”
She walked to the house while Ross dragged Debra to the back of it,...
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While Ned and Adrian tried to persuade Deb to withdraw her statement, Jennifer’s father Bobby tried to talk to the examining magistrate.
“I’m sorry I’m bothering you at this hour, Eugene” Bobby started, after Eugene had offered him to sit down.
“It’s no bother” Eugene replied. “Can I pour you a drink?”
“Please, I could use one” Bobby stated. Eugene poured two glasses of scotch and brought them to the living table. He gave one of them to Bobby, and watched him down it in one big sup. “I was hoping I could talk to you about something”
Eugene nodded and sipped from his...
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Ryan parked his car in front of Mike and Deb’s house. When Max wanted to get out, Ryan put his hand on her arm. “I go first” Max gave him the key to the house, and they both got out. They hurried to the front door, and Ryan opened it.
His gun ready, and Max right behind him, to back him up, Ryan opened the door to the living room. He entered and walked further into the room, until he saw Deb lying on the couch.
Max ran to her and crutched. “Where’s Mike?” she asked urgently, not bothering to untie Deb.
“She took him to the basement” Deb answered challenging. Her arms were sore,...
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Police vans were parked outside ‘The Dahlia Dancers’, and inside different kinds of investigators were walking around, taking prints and pictures.
In the corner stood Rob, talking to a police officer, whose name was David Patterson
“It’s my fault” Rob mumbled, more to himself than the police officer.
“What was?” Patterson asked.
“I should’ve known better” Rob let out a laugh, as if this was all one big joke. “I should’ve known she wasn’t ready”
“Who wasn’t ready?” Patterson encouraged him.
“Deb” Rob replied, looking up. “She just got released from an institution...
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Deb sat on one of the two hospital beds, in the hospital wing of the school. The nurse was flashing a light in her eyes, to see if there were any signs of a concussion.
“Can you tell me your name?” she asked.
“Debra Parker” Deb replied.
“Who’s the president of the United States?” the nurse asked.
“George Bush” Deb answered correctly, and the nurse smiled, satisfied.
“You have some head, girl” she said. “I’m going to give you something for the headache. It might make you a little sleepy, but that’s okay. I don’t think you should be following any lessons anyway. Stay...
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Right after the funeral, Deb put her words into action, and drove to the police station to give a full statement.
“Why didn’t you come sooner?” Inspector Jones asked.
“I was in shock” Deb stammered, ashamed. She knew that the fact that Joseph’s murderers were still out there, was because of her incompetence of doing the right thing. Putting her head in the sand was something she had become quite good at.
But, seeing Susan, had shaken her, and reminded her of her promise she had made a long time ago.
She gave a full description of the four guys and Jennifer, and Jones promised he would...
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16 hours later…
Mike drove through the open gate, that had a sign above it, saying ‘Welcome to Serenity Hills’
“They probably mean Serenity Hells” Mike muttered as he stopped the car.
“Mike, please, try to control yourself” Ryan said warning. “We don’t know anything yet”
Mike ignored him and got out of the car. He walked right up to the closest door, and opened it. He looked around him, but didn’t see any sign of life. Then he heard voices, mumbling.
Ryan walked in as well, and looked quizzically at Mike, who was following the voices.
They led them to the council room. Everyone...
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“My father used to tell me stories about a girl named Annabel” Deb said. She and Annabel were sitting on Annabel’s bed. “Her mother killed her, and herself. The mother’s name was Rose-Anne. My mother’s middle name is Rose-Anne”
Annabel shook her head confused. “Why didn’t they keep me? Was I not a cute baby?”
“It had nothing to do with you” Deb soothed her. “And trust me, you were much better off without them”
“Yeah” Annabel sighed. “If your drawings are any indication to what kind of a person my father is, I should be grateful I got away” She looked down...
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