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posted by Dogluva363
HI im colynn but most people call me Co Co. I spend most of my time on the computer and lisneing to music. I love the bands Seether, Paramore, Nevershoutnever, Black Veil Brides, Bullet For My Valentine, My Chemical Romance, Slipknot, The Main, Escape
The Fate (With Ronnie Radke), Silverstein, Matchbook Romance, and sooo much more. I love Horror movies they are my favorite kind of movie along with comodeys romance and drama annoy the hell out of me. My favorite shows are Preety Little Liars, South Park, Scrubs, Silent Library, The Chappel Show, Tosh. O, any stand up comedy thing, well i think you get the idea. My best freinds are Melanie, Cassie, Loren, Morgon,Frances, Laci, and Jessica. I love looking at pictures on google when im bored i spend most of my time looking at pics of drunk cats, drunk babys, ninja dogs, ninja pandas, and pandadogs , and high cats! what can i say im obsesed.well i cant think of any thing else to say sooooooooo bye!!!
posted by Dogluva363
My name is Colynn incase you cant figure out its pronounsed Collin. I live in the USA. My best freinds Kira, Julia, Tatiana cheerleader123, Angel Angelg326. My fave Animals are dogs My pets are Clifford, Emilly, and Bessie. I like all kinds of Music Expessialy modern coutry. I love to Write, sing, and I play the guittar. I spend most of my day either outside with my dogs or wtching TV I love the song I pray for you by Jaron and the long road to love. And Their is no Alarm Clock in existence that can wake me up.