Donna Noble Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 10

Natalie_Singer said …
Oh, new spot icon! Love it! Posted over a year ago
TARDIS-Granger said …
i HATE donna she is mean and a jerk to the doctor. his whole planet is destroyed and he is crying inside and she whines. im cold.i want to go home. i just want to yell PLEASE LEAVE I WOULD TAKE YOUR PLACE ANYDAY!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
labyrinth75 commented…
I honestly loved Donna over a year ago
TARDIS-Granger commented…
yes BUT there where plenty of funny compaions (River Song,Amy Pond...)that were not super annoying over a year ago
Doctor_Donna commented…
a lot of companions is funny in one way or another and all of them have their annoying moments. but if the reasons are why you hate her and feel the need to post it on her fanpage then you are a pathetic excuse for me to even reason out with you over a year ago
mochamentos said …
I can see myself being the Donna Noble-type companion. Posted over a year ago
SELI-chan commented…
Are you as sarcastic? over a year ago
TARDIS-Granger commented…
omg seli-chan i love you over a year ago
mochamentos commented…
Well yes, in real life I have been reported to be sarcastic sometimes. :P over a year ago
no1drwhofan said …
'Donna Noble has left The Library. Donna Noble has been saved. Donna Noble has left The Library...' LOL! Posted over a year ago
legolasgirl21 commented…
I loved that episode! Two shadows...the kiss of death! over a year ago
no1drwhofan commented…
:) over a year ago
WickedFangurl commented…
My librarian watched this episode so when its closing time she dims the lights and whispers who turned out the lights on the intercom.. over a year ago
fansfunsz said …
wow Posted over a year ago
TelevisionFan said …
HELL YEAH. So glad I found this group. Catherine Tate was amazing in it, I wish they'd bring her back :( She was too funny! Posted over a year ago
SELI-chan commented…
I loved her sarcasm but I think they brought her in too quickly...the Doctor should have had at least a minute to mourn over Rose over a year ago
Narwhal17 said …
I hated her when she first arrived, but that's because I was still thinking of her as a replacement for Rose. And you know, I've come to realize that as her own character she is amazing! What I thought was being daft and annoying is really her being strong-minded and having a hilarious attitude. She was what the doctor needed right then, someone simple and stubborn (in a good way) and most importantly of all, a really good friend. Forgive me for not liking her at first! I have repented! =O Posted over a year ago
NeonBlues commented…
i agree with ya XD shes awesome over a year ago
no1drwhofan commented…
'I just want a mate!' 'You ain't mating with me, Sunshine!' LOL!! over a year ago
TARDIS-Granger commented…
nope she is daft and annoying over a year ago
demideardarling said …
Gah, I miss her and the ten so bad. Posted over a year ago
demideardarling commented…
I miss her and ten so bad.* over a year ago
diademrocks commented…
Same:) over a year ago
bowties_r_cool commented…
Yeah, you are intilted to your own opinion, but I don't think it's necessary to post it on Donna's fanpage. Imagine what it would be like if everyone started posting negative posts on fanpages they hate instead of posting positive things on the pages they like? There's a reason it's called fanpop :o over a year ago
westside525 said …
Donna Noble rules!!!!! Posted over a year ago
diademrocks said …
I love the banner:) Posted over a year ago
totaldramafan96 commented…
Same Here! C: over a year ago
tabby15 commented…
agree <3 over a year ago
TelevisionFan commented…
yeaaaah! over a year ago