Dragon Age: Inquisition Wall

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666demon said …
I got the game around Christmas, my Xone is at my grandma's house and I'm at my mom's house during the school days. I've not been over there in two weeks #fml Posted over a year ago
zasmn said …
A couple of days ago I got DAI for the ps4 since all the new DLC does not come out on the ps3. So I got it all excited to play the DLC and what do I do? The last 2 days I have spent almost 15 hours playing multiplayer. Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Pfft I would do anything to have those DLCs! Get playing them! xD over a year ago
zasmn commented…
I definitely did not buy a ps4 just to play them... ok so maybe I did... but I planned to buy a ps4 eventually, I was just going to wait for the used ones to be cheaper. AND TODAY I FINISHED THE GAME!!!! The credits are hilarious (so watch them all when you get to play the DLC) which did serve to lessen the distress of actually finishing the game. over a year ago
zasmn commented…
Its fine, I kind of knew it was a spoiler, but I could not help myself so I watched it anyway. When you get it, I hope you really like it! over a year ago
zasmn said …
I just realized me and Sera have the same hair cut. We even have the same hair color. The only difference is my hair is slightly wavy which in turn makes it look less choppy. I need to cosplay her now don't I? Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Yep, it has to happen now hahah over a year ago
zasmn commented…
plaidweave here I come! lol over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Hahah I guess so... Still, the day I just naturally look like any character will be so awesome xD I kid you not, about 2 weeks ago I saw an Alistair look-alike. Not even like "he kinda looks like him". No. This guy COMPLETELY looked like Alistair. Unashamed to say I stared at the poor stranger xD over a year ago
zasmn said …
Played for the first time in a month or two. Yep, still fun! Posted over a year ago
zasmn said …
Feel free to add stuff to the page! Posted over a year ago