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Edward Cullen Vs Harry Potter



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laiyah said:
edward cullen of course!!!he's my ultimate crush...what more could you wish for if you already have him??
posted over a year ago.
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harry is a hero.
harry is the chosen one.
who doesn't want the chosen one?

if it were harry vs jacob, then that would be a different story...
posted over a year ago.
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O.K, a tricky one. I was a Harry fan long before Twilight was even thought of. I have idolized Harry Potter since I was old enough to read. It is genius. There is no question that, sorry Steph, J.K Rowling is the better writer. No doubt about it. But for some reason... I prefer the Twilight series. I think it's just the romance. But, though Harry Potter is probably a better quality book, Edward is far more appealing then Harry. I mean, I would jump at the chance to marry Harry, but Edward is a whole different, much hotter, story.

But guys, - Harry is the chosen one! You can't argue with that logic, guys...
posted over a year ago.
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dimikt said:
do i realy have to choose???? please don't make me do this. i adore harry since i was seven and this can never change of course, but edward is such a cute and sweat character....
however,he is nothing like harry.....
and harry isn't as hot as edward....
ooooooooooh, what the hell, you're right: Harry IS the chosen one....
posted over a year ago.
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Difficult question ... I liked Harry Potter as soon as I got to know about. But now I think Edward Cullen is definitely better.
posted over a year ago.