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bolt is doing great but he is sad about diamond & is geting use to it & ellie has been very busy makeing new album doing live shows meeting fans it seems like ellie never gets her own time but she is geting alot more famous even she didnt win the mtv vma her new song burn is #1 in the uk & the dog shows are great for ellie her dogs comeing in as top dog even bolt! ellie happy for all this she is loved by so many fans ellie has been super busy so she takes a week off everything bolt is a bit happy & cant wait for the week for themselfs...the week pasted & its time to get...
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the 2 puppys are big now diamond is dating & bolt is not happy about it diamond is dating husky with green eyes & bolt does like the idea of diamond dating a husky anyway they go out on a dat to the dog park by themselfs & get a bite to eat & bolt gets worryed about diamond being out so late at night so bolt go,s out & looks for them but he walks right in to diamonds boy friend & diamond is not ready to come yet & bolt says come home now!! he took diamond in to her bed room she did,nt want to talk to any 1 she hates bolt for what happen outside bolt go,s & looks for her boy friend & tell him to back off of diamond & hes gets mad & gives bolt a waring to leave him & diamond alone & weeks later she runs away from home bolt puts it up all over tv that she ranaway & needs to come back home & stop dating her boy friend ...3 months later she is missing & if bolt ever sees diamond again with that husky he would make them stop dating...
every 1 is at the dog park & haveing a good time but something went wrong the puppys got stolen by some 1 elllie puts up a reward for the 2 puppys: ellie trys to figure out who stloe the puppys & why would some 1 do that? ellie cancelled a show to look for the puppys its been about a bit over a month since the puppys was stolen bolt & lady is verry sad: the person that stloe the puppys was jealous of ellie & wanted bad things happen to ellie they knew this would stop her shows & that is all they wanted: its been so long since the puppys was stloe & they call off the...
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ok its time for a dog show the puppys & lady are ready right after ellie sing,s her hit song anything could happen...the puppys came in as top dog in every way lady did to! the dog show went great the puppys & lady was qualified to be AKC dogs ellie was,nt sure to take the offer or not because they would have go to the usa every time for a dog show ellie said yes to the AKC so now they are BIG STARS in dog shows & in every dog show ellie gets to sing anyway the next dog show with the AKC was in 6 months so ellie had time to go in the uk & do some dog shows ellie went to go to...
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ok ellie has bolt as a pet they have to go do a tour bolt is a part of it too!! ellie needs bolt to help her get ready its time ellie & bolt is now live on tv ellie sings lights & the fans went crazy: ellie & bolt met all the fans now back home in the uk bolt meets a dog alont the way a beagle named lady so now ellie has 2 dogs ellie has to go make a new song calld burn anyway bolt & lady is haveing fun at the dog park JUST FOR THE STARS DOGS ONLY ellie says its time to go home now...6 months later bolt & lady has 2 puppys nmaed bolt,jr & diamond & once again ellie is on tour again only this time with puppys & all the fans know lady had puppys & want to see the puppys bolt says it is ok for fans to go the puppys the fans loved the puppys anyway ellie bolt lady & the pups all go home to ther home away from in la they have a lot of things to do in the next year...
last time on ellie goulding & bolt: bolt got in to a fight with diamonds boyfriend & he got up at the vets bolt dont remember anything & dont know what happend but he knew something bad happend bolt seen him self on tv & what happend he started to cry & wanted diamond back home anyway diamond know what happen & she wished she never did all of this & she started to cry & diamond wanted to end her love life & go back to her old life & the vet told ellie their is no telling if bolt will live or not & its a wait & see with bolt & if bolt does...
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ok it has been a really long time since diamond ran away & she never came back bolt & lady is really stressed about diamond anyway diamond lives with her boy friend & all his friends she is happy with life without all the famly but she does miss ellie alot diamond wanted to see her famly but if she did she would say good bye to her love life so its a %50 %50 for diamond at the same time she hates her famly but loves them but dont like the ways they have anyway bolt couldnt make it for a show he was to sad & stressed & didnt want to see any 1 bolt stays home & watchs...
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as ellie is on tour again bolt gets lost in the uk & ellie is all the way in the us & ellie has to go back & get bolt but she cant go back & bolt thought ellie did,nt want bolt any more so bolt went & looked for a home but he was now in a dog pound with a mean german shepard bolt was atopted & he seen ellie on tv saying she wants bolt back home with her bolt needs to get back to ellie but how? can he do it ellie was going to do a show but she did,nt she was sad about bolt geting lost it is now 2 months since bolt got lost & ellie is back home to look for bolt she found bolt in the streets bolt was happy to see ellie now its time to have some time to them selfs that is what they wanted for along time & the puppys are doing dog shows now & lady is too bolt thought the puppys was cute & ellie allways wanted to do dog shows so it worked out for every 1