Emily_R Club
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Emily teh Pen-gu-in!
Emily teh Pen-gu-in!
Main Info:
Name: Emily
Current Age: 12.5
Rank: Corporal
Birthday: April 28th, 1999 at 18:16 hours

When visiting from Antarctica, Johnson and his pregnant wife, Manfredi visit the penguins. When Manfredi unexpectedly goes into labour, it's up to Skipper, Kowalski, Rico, and Private to bring another Penguin into the world.
*after birth*
Manfredi names the chick 'Emily', after her grandmother 'Emilia'. She tells Skipper that her and Johnson have to go back to Antarctica for a secret mission, and Emily can't go with 'em. So, the penguins are stuck with the baby penguin, until they return, 16.5 years later ... Along the way, Em learns some KICK-ASS Penguin moves from her "mentors" and meets some kewl zoo friends.

Other Facts:
- Em's "Secret weapon" is her penguin song, which is actually a mating call ... sounds like: link
Lazy-ass e__e
Lazy-ass e__e
Nestled quietly between Denver and the Rocky Mountains lies the sweet little, Podunk town of South Park, Colorado. Sixteen years ago, South Park was the most perfect place in all of North America! Friendly faces everywhere, humble folks without temptation! Not to mention the 24-hour ample parking, and the people spouting “howdy neighbor!” But then, there was a disturbance in the “force.”
Fifteen year old Liane Cartman got knocked up by Jack Tenorman, who already happened to have a girlfriend (who he eventually ended up marrying, but that’s another story!), at the High school’s 21st...
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I guess I should start with my family ...

Mom ... Mom, I love you SUU much! Yew knuuw I'm not gewd with words or emotions, suu this is really kinda hard for me ... When I was 3 1/2, you were diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes ... ever since then, it's changed our lives forever! I remember when you were happy ... yew were able to play with me and drive me places, all the time ... now, with your 8 inflamed/missing spinal disks, possible brain/ear tumors, previous bowel obstruction, numbing of your limbs, and SUU much more, yew think yew make our life a living hell ... but, yew are the BEST mom I...
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posted by Emily_R
Emily - age 9
Emily - age 9
Main Info:
Full name: Emily Rose Cartman Ryan Sanders.
Current Age: 9
Sex: Female
Religion: Catholic
Grade: Third Grade at South Park Elementary.
Race: White American
Personality: Emily is usually happy - go - lucky, but she has those days where she's depressed and Emo all the time - frequently around age 12-13, Acts Feisty and Foxy around the boys at age 15+
Appearance: Dark brown hair - usually has a Red streak. Pink sweater with white, scruffy, collar. Blue, black, or violet sweat pants. Sometimes wears green striped hat with black ears sticking out. of the top. Black converse....
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Cartman confronts Kinny
Cartman confronts Kinny
At the crack of dawn, the next morning, Cartman drove to the gynecology office to apply for a job. He illegally parked in the “handiquacks” parking space, which happened to be closest to the front glass doors, and slammed the door on his rusty red 1974 bmw. He fumbled with the faux-gold doorknob, for a minute, cursed under his breath, and then when he finally got the slender door open, he noisily let himself in. The first thing he noticed: IT WAS CHICK FUCKING CENTRAL, UP IN THERE! Like, he was SURROUNDED by tits! Oh, man, if he were two years older, and WASN’T on a “mission,” he...
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posted by Emily_R
Wayne Szalinski and his "invention"
Wayne Szalinski and his "invention"
Left, Right, Left, Right, Turn, Stop. Left, Right, Left, Right, Turn, Stop. A lone, young man paced backstage. He sighed as he checked his Rolex for the umpteenth time. Left, Right, Left, Right, Turn, Stop. Suddenly, the man noticed that the door to the Green Room was ajar, and in the doorway stood a female, mid-adolescent intern, wearing a headset. "You're on in 5, Mr Szalinski," she stated as she peeked into the room. The man sighed and started pacing around the room, once more. Left, Right, Left, Right, Turn, Stop. "Hi," he mumbled silently under his breath. "I, Professor Wayne Szalinski...
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posted by Emily_R
my mom ^^
my mom ^^
1.) My full name is Emily Rose Taitano Ryan.

2.) My mom and I have OCD.

3.) I love Eric Cartman!

4.) my OCD make me have major obsessions and mood swings, alot ...

5.) I am in the 7th grade, as of today ...

6.) I have known my BFF, Rosa since I was 3 1/2 -- We met in our church's Sunday Skeww.

7) a majority of my friends thing I'm the most annoying being on the planet!

8.) My current obsessions include "South Park" and "Little Shop of Horrors"

9.) My friends call me "Kinky."

10.) I still suck my thumb.

11.) I like to drink mayonnaise.

12.) [I don't think] any of my friends trust me.

13.) I also like to...
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♪ I'm Sailing Awayyy ... ♫

October 1st, 1917 - Day 1.

It is Dark.

Dark and Silent.

Well, besides teh occasional cough, sneeze, burp, fart, queef, and sigh of teh other asshole passengers, nothing's happened ... YET!

ugh, weak .

... everyone around meh smells like piss, sweat, and shit. Especially Keenneh.

Poor Boy e_e

Stupid Mothertucker's chained to mah OTHER wrist.

I think 'Hippie,' 'Black boy,' 'ADD kid,' 'Mothertucker's "French" friend,' 'that foreign kid that sits in teh back of class,' and teh 2 crips are around he'ah, somewhe'ah, also …

I HAD tuuu get stuck on a boat with teh people I hate,...
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posted by Emily_R
Me in 5th grade - 2009
Me in 5th grade - 2009
OK, so my full name is Emily Rose Taitano Ryan, I am 12 1/2 years old, and I was born and currently live in Central Florida with my Mom, my Dad, and my little, 8-year-old sister, Kristen. My Birthday is April 28th, 1999 (at 6:16pm). I am a catholic / christian. My Aunt is famous choreographer Carla Kama, and my uncle is famous tattoo artist/band member Shaun Kama (go look 'em up, they're BEAST!). We're not that rich, but we're rich in love :) I have dark brown hair, light brown eyes (they turn olive green in the winter), glasses, I have small feet, I'm not the SKINNIEST person ever, bewbs (bc...
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