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posted by beautifully
(So ill ve doing little short stories about my characters to give them more depth (: hope you like it)

I look at the massive white and gold dragon infront of me. I watch as he makes his kill and then eats it. I smile as he brings over a little peice of the leg for me I hold my hand out to stop him, " No thanks Caprio im full of fish". I laugh as he shrugs in his dragon way,

"Suit yourself", he fling it into the air and catches it in his mouth not bothering to chew. I laugh inspite of myself and he glares at me with his huge blue eyes.

"Careful I don't want you to choke now." I say messing around...
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posted by beautifully
(From adanis view, unless notict by "**")

I watch in horror as the beautiful bule dragon is struck down her rider a human struck down as well. I quickly turn Azender away from the bloody battel feild we were to young to reconginze what horror was happening, Akrya was already ahead of us when we were flooding for saftey. I herd the persuite of a rouge dragon and I fire a couple arrow at them erging Azender to fly faster then hell could burn. I felt azenders mind snap When May that blue drgon die, he was her best friend like Akrya was mine, but when she fell azender became mad.

Awhile after the...
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posted by dragonsmemory
Note: The following story is told from Adurna's point of view. She's only a year old at the time of this story and is training under Azender. The carrots around some of the text indicate thought.

I carried Lila from where we slept to the training field. Azender and Adani were both waiting. Adani had her hand on her sword. I knew this meant a fight.
Once I landed, Azender spoke.
<Come with me,> he said. I was eager to obey. He launched himself into the air, with me close behind.

Up in the air, I could hardly help myself. He was so large and strong. Not wanting Lila to notice, I quickly closed...
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posted by beautifully
I look at the bronze egg and back at Ash.

"When is this bloody egg going to hatch I've been waiting for about a month now" I say frustrated at the egg that was taking its sweet time.

"Oh shut your mouth Puck its been two weeks its probably scared of you cause you keep jacking your jaw." Ash says teasing me around.

"Oh go sleep with an urgal!"Ash I turn my attention to the egg, "Oye! You can come out now! I've been waiting for a year!-

"Two weeks"

Shut up you bloody dwarf head!" I say to Ash who was snickering.

I look once again at the egg, "any minute now you bloody peice of-"

As if on cue the egg...
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posted by beautifully
I look at my sister and then at the pink egg infront of her.

"No im not touching it." I say defiantly.

"Come on you never know you could be a rider!"I Adani says tilting the small egg towards me.

"I wnat to but not with a silly pink egg!" I scowl at her.

"Hey this may not be the right dragon for you okay!" I could tell she was becoming frustrated, "please just touch it once."

"Fine!"I I say with an exspaperated sigh, and I touch the dragon, in almost a second I feel a blot of lightning come up into my whole body. I look at my sister and she smiles as me.

Shit. I was the rider for a pink dragon. Oh how I was going to be the laughingstock of the kingdom.

"Damn it Adani! For one couldn't you bring home a manly egg, say I don't know maybe a red one or a nice many black one!" I was becoming frustrated, but not hateful because some small part in me knew I loves the egg. Even if it was pink