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Fans of PoM Question

If you could change your username to fit your Oc's/Ocs' personality(ies), what would it be?

Mine would be, "ThePOMInsaneAslyum". Mostly because all of my Ocs are a bit insane.

Mya has Cotard Delusion, always thinking that she is dead, does not exist, and thinks she lost her blood and organs. Yeah, it's pretty serious. But she tries to act normal so no one knows what's wrong with her.

Matryosha has Schizophrenia, and she tries to act cute and cuddly on the outside, though she's really dark, twisted, and disturbed.

Berlin has Cagras Delusion, where she thinks that a family member or spouse has been replaced by an imposter.

Araisel has Stockholm Syndrome

The only normal OCs I have are Rin and Ren, who are just your average lemurs.
I think I've heard of Cagras Delusion before, a bad guy in a show I watch had it. :P
ILUVKOWALSKI posted over a year ago
Woah. :O That's gotta be tough for her.
ILUVKOWALSKI posted over a year ago
Rainbow_Cookie posted over a year ago
 Rainbow_Cookie posted over a year ago
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Fans of PoM Answers

I'll do a separate one for some of my Ocs. (Not all, or I'll be here forever. XD)

Well, for Em, my username would probably be ArtyStubbornLazyAss: Because Emma loves drawing and stuff, but is so, absolutely lazy, and completely stubborn.

For Ash, it would probably be SweetScottishGuy. Cos he's my only Scottish Oc, and he's sweeter than sugar. :3

For Tom, it would be FootieDude. 'Cos he loves football (English football, not American Football.)

Tiatra would probably be PsychoFreak. 'Cos she's bloody insane.

Ryan would be HyperDude. 'Cos he's hyper and energetic. :P

And Willow would be MusicGeek. Because she loves music, and she's really geeky. XD

Though if I had to do one to sum up all of my Ocs, it would probably be AtheistPenguins, 'cos all of my Ocs are Atheists, and the majority are penguins.

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posted over a year ago 
ILUVKOWALSKI posted over a year ago
we were are fuckin wild asdfgb
ILUVKOWALSKI posted over a year ago
WAY TOO WILD. I regret ever existing, lalkfjewlkjlaf
Rainbow_Cookie posted over a year ago
ILUVKOWALSKI posted over a year ago
JessyParrot said:
Erm... I dunno...
LOL_Optimist_for_life <-- Jes
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posted over a year ago 
XD Cool. :D
ILUVKOWALSKI posted over a year ago
X3 Cool!
Rainbow_Cookie posted over a year ago
MadagascarGirl said:
Well, I think for Katherine it would be Brave_and_Adrenaline XD Or something like that.
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posted over a year ago 
Good one! :3
Rainbow_Cookie posted over a year ago
Thanks :D
MadagascarGirl posted over a year ago
Thanks :D
MadagascarGirl posted over a year ago
Tressa-pom said:
Awesome question! Let me think, hmm...
Tress: SilentWaiterOfDeath -Her past is full of deadly experiments so it's not a surprise-
Amy: RAINBOW-KittiesLove -It's a long story :D-
Blood: BloodyGuest
Smarty: Scars-03
Mr Snowfighter: Snowfighter -He is super creative!-
Well, these are my main characters' nicknames /usernames :D
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posted over a year ago 
Hehe, rainbow kitties. :D Sounds fun. :D
ILUVKOWALSKI posted over a year ago
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