Glacierclan Club
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The prophecy was heard many times by me: 'To give is to receive, give everything to receive even more'. I never understood it until I came upon a two-leg nest. There, I met a kittypet so spoiled, it had what it called 'paw-socks' on it's paws to keep them clean. It was revolting to see the kittypet prance around without a care. I tried to warn her about the cutter, but she ignored me like fox dung. Finally, thankfully before the cutter got a hold of her, the two-legs moved on from their nest, leaving the ex-kittypet. I took her into the wild with me, and gave her the name... Shadowpaw........
Once I had started training Shadowpaw, the ex-kittypet, I found she was actually very quick and agile. She had a warrior's instinct and could smell prey from five tree-lengths away. Shadowpaw advanced so quickly, she passed what normally took three moons to accomplish in one moon! I gave her the name Shadowheart because, although she could hunt, she cared for life and would always make the kill as quick and painless as possible. With her help, I re-founded Glacierclan and made her deputy. After a long walk and an even longer hunt, we slept for so long, I found cobwebs on me when I awoke! Cobwebs.........................
As we, Glacierclan, grew more and more powerful, our enemies attacked and our allies betrayed us. All in fear... We were all killed, all but me. As I walk though the woods alone, a mysterious shadow was always cast over me. Not the shadows of trees or ferns, but a shadow of spirits... watching me, guarding me, pushing me on. As bare-leaf approached, and prey became scarce, there always seemed to be enough for me to eat and eat. As I passed rogues, glares were shot, but no blood spilled, for the glares were not hostile, nor were they friendly, they were glares of terror. Terror as if I was covered in blood and carrying their dead brother in my mouth. I was praying to Starclan I wasn't being followed, yet it felt as though I was...
When I awoke from a long nap, I found that there were cobwebs on me! I stood up with a jolt and winced at the pain in my leg. As the cobwebs fell, I saw that I'd been bleeding! I limped around, quietly looking for Shadowheart. I fell with a thump. Waking Shadowheart up from a nap in her den. She ran out when she saw me. "Are you okay?!?" She asked worried. "That was quite a battle, I thought we were goners!" She said as if I had remembered her dream. "W-Why am I bleeding?" I asked. Shadowheart gave me a puzzled look, "Wha-?!? Don't you remember the battle yesterday?" "Battle?".........
As I was passing rogues, their glares were filled with fear. I could feel as if I was being followed but when I turned around, nothing. Finally, after 2 1/2 moons, the shadow above me began to 'talk' to me. I could hear it in my mind, but I knew no-one else could hear it. It would say: 'to receive is to give, give everything to get even more...' and the voice would fade away. The next sun-high, the same voice would say the same prophecy... or at least that's what I was believing it to be. It was non-stop, and I never understood it. Never, until.....................
Many moons ago, when even Starclan was young, our ancestors wanted peace between the clans. Because of their 'strange and non-loyal' ideas, they were banished to the north. The small groups of cats eventually joined together and formed Glacierclan... Moons later, their descendants sent spies to the clans, gave ideas for laws and were responsible for the creation of The Warrior Code. Later, this clan set out to find rogues and non-loyal kittypets who ran from their homes. They were raised in the art of self-defense. After many more moons, other clans were made, in order to defend ourselves and clan-mates, we fought back. Eventually, we made a name for ourselves and made the 4 original clan regret the ignorance of their ancestors so many moons ago.......