Grace_B Club
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posted by Grace_B
As the taxi pulled away, I sighed audibly. My mom shot me a reassuring glance, and walked inside. Her designer boots click-clicked on the driveway ad she disappeared into the house. Before walking inside, I looked around at the array of houses before me. The ranged from blue to red to brown. A dark green house was next to mine, and I could tell that a kid lived there, noticing the football, soccer ball, and other sport-related items. I rubbed my temples and shivered. It was cold, and I wanted to go inside. I turned on my heel and went to go inside when I heard someone yelling at me.
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added by Grace_B
added by Grace_B
posted by Grace_B
Have I mentioned I hate most people? No? Well, good, cuz’ your going to listen to my crap for awhile! You see, I was a kid growing up in New York City, with my single mother. I was an only child, and got MOSTLY what I wanted. My mom worked at a high-class-snooty jewelry store, and made a pretty good income. I went to a public school, and made all A’s with a B in science here-and-there. My life was good, I had friends, and everything was perfect. Until mom told me something while I was eating cereal. “Grace, we’re moving.” At first I was like, ok, whatevs’ no biggie. “To where...
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added by Grace_B