Grenade Club
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posted by shadowgirl101
Hello I am Grenade. My mommy is Sunny The Hedgehog and my Daddy is Shadow The Hedgehog and my sister is Rogue The Hedgehog. I have blue stripes instead of red like daddy. I have blue eyes. I mostly look like my daddy. I have a cousin and his name is Kayne. If you have ever seen or heard of Tabasco The Hedgehog, my daddy's brother, thats his daddy and my uncle. I am a very fast learner. I am not suposed to curse. Daddy says when I get older he will teach me how to handle a gun. He will also teach me how to handle bombs. I love my mommy and daddy very much. My Mommy also teaches me many things. My favorite color is black, red, and blue. My favorite animals are hedgehogs and wolves. I have a stuffed animal I named him Boom. Boom is a stuffed Wolf. I got him when I was born. December 7th is my birthday. Well goodbye!