Hanna the penguin :) Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-8 of 8

cattoy10 said …
Right now, a little over a year later, I look at this club: all the pictures, wall posts, comments, everything! And I just go like, "What was I THINKING!?"
I read my comments and I don't recognize myself. "I'm pretty viloent."? "Most people are afraid of me"? Those don't sound anything like me. I mean, yes, I still like all the commando stuff and do dream of joining the military one day, but I'm not violent. *rest is in the comment section* Posted over a year ago
cattoy10 commented…
*the rest* Most say I'm too lovable to be afraid of. And that's true. I'm caring and polite and a lot of other good things. I won't deny that I do love recless action, adrenalin and adventure and always carry a pocket knife, but I'm not one to cause mayhem nor destruction nor any of the things named earlier. I'm a shy, sweet girl. I may dream of such things as being a commanding officer, being a little psychotic and having a dark and mysterious past, but that's just not me.*reading some old comments again* "I can't go to some places because of my dark and mysterious past"? Seriously? What past? I was barely 14 at that time. I mean, yes, I was trying to make myself interesting, but that just isn't me. I'm more of a Private kind of person who dreams of being like Skipper. I've even got the brittish accent to go with. Anyways, even though my current post is rather pointless, I felt the need to write it. over a year ago
cattoy10 commented…
And I am hoping that anyone who reads this won't think less of me, because I'm not the person who I claimed to be. over a year ago
peacebaby7 commented…
*become active over a year ago
big smile
MadagascarGirl said …
Joined! Awesome pictures :D Posted over a year ago
_Lexii23_ said …
I joined!!! Awesome place you got here! ^^ Posted over a year ago
cattoy10 commented…
Thanks, hope you have fun!!! And please invite some people if you feel like it! ^^ over a year ago
cattoy10 said …
Hey everybody! I miss you all and i'm sorry if i'm not very active lately, but i'm very busy, so you maybe won't see me for a week or two. And also i'm going to poland on the 30.May-5. June and i can't use the internet there. And i wanted to apologize to everyone, who has requested something from me. All of your drawing will have to wait. I will draw them, i promise, but it will take some time so you guys will get them in a month or two. I hope you all understand and aren't very dissapointed. Posted over a year ago
cattoy10 commented…
Love, Hanna. over a year ago
27Kowalski commented…
Wow! 5 of my classmates are going to Warsaw on 19th May! Uh, weird. Anyway, I'll miss you! over a year ago
SkippX101 commented…
No!!! Dammit...Its OK, will send a message, miss ya Hanna :'( over a year ago
cattoy10 said …
Happy Earth Day!!!! I've heard people say: "Be Green!" on Earth Day and today, i saw a dream about Hanna, Skipper and blowhole in a green spooky room with greenish lights. It was such and awesome dream! But, it's.....well... yeah, my English isn't the best so i really don't know how to describe it, but i think i'll write an article and/or draw some pics about it :) (the rest is in the comment) Posted over a year ago
cattoy10 commented…
(sorry, i ran out of room) Hanna kinda goes crazy with paranoia and the thing i remember the best is when she screamed " No one hurts my friends, but me! NO ONE!!!" and then she kinda attacked Blowhole.He stole some gems and a necklace that can become deadly in the wrong hands... over a year ago
big smile
Tressa-pom said …
For you: link Posted over a year ago
cattoy10 commented…
Thanks ;) over a year ago
cattoy10 said …
Hey, everybody!!! Wazzup!? I'll post more pics of her soon, i'm just a little busy right now. You know, requests, school, choir, gym and yadda, yadda, yadda.....
Sorry, i forgot to say:
WELCOME TO THE HANNA CLUB!!! Do whatever you want here, there are no rules...........yet! Posted over a year ago
SkippX101 commented…
Haha, exept NO BULLYING!!! Thats the one essential rule!!! X3 over a year ago
cattoy10 commented…
Ok, the 1. rule in this club is NO BULLYING!!!! over a year ago
SkippX101 commented…
Aww!!! I would be honoured!!! Ok lemme start with a brief "Dont you dare" list...Thank you so much Hanna!! *hugs you* over a year ago
big smile
27Kowalski said …
Wow, first comment!
I just joined your club, Hanna. I hope you will get a lot of fans!
I don't have anything else to say...except:

Over and Out.
Posted over a year ago
cattoy10 commented…
XD yeah, i hope so..... over a year ago
cattoy10 commented…
Whats up?? over a year ago
cattoy10 commented…
Awesome! :D over a year ago