HeartfulStitch Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 12

xXxAngelessxXx said …
Kurokocchi wants everyone to know that she's fine. Staying here was troublesome for her, and she needed to go. You all know how FanPop can be like a prison at times ne? You wish to leave, but you can't. That was happening to her constantly. And she needed to focus. Please wish her luck and be happy for her. Cherish the memories you made and be happy knowing she's fine and happier now. And she loves everyone and misses all! Kurokocchi wants everyone to be happy. Posted over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Sorry Ren nee-chan. It's true that I accept what you did. Afterall, who am I to tell you what to do, right? And I always knew that you don't want to be tied down. I even said we're the same on that. But I admit, I had a hard time comprehending, even refused to, why you turned back from your last decision afterall that's been said, and why my advice shouldn't work out. I acted immaturely. I always understand everyone at everything but I failed to realize soon that I'm not living up to my "open mindedness" when I refused to comprehend your situation right away. Of all the instances I have to be open minded, I failed at the time when it is needed the most. over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
But I just have to get back to my senses to realize it. Sorry for realizing it late. I just have to remind myself that everyone has their differences. I shouldn't have thought that what works for me should work with you as well. I can say I understand better now Ren nee-chan. We'll miss you, but again, I'd like to say that we wish for you to have a happy life ahead. We'll also try to do our best in our lives. By any chance, no matter how unlikely that might happen, if you ever fancy to talk to us again in the future we'll always welcome you, Ren nee-chan. over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Angel-chan... remember the words in your post. Nee-chan wants everyone to be happy. Don't be too hard on yourself now or it'll make nee-chan sad as well. Even me, I have to remind myself of that. over a year ago
xXxAngelessxXx said …
I love you Kurokocchi. ...Actually, lots of us do. I just wish you luck on whatever you're trying to do...
I'm just sad that you left without ...well...thinking of telling us even once.... You didn't even tell Keisukecchi.
I dunno...I kind of ended up venting on my wall..Demo..
I'm not mad at you for breaking your promise...I just...I'm sorry for being such a worthless friend that my feelings weren't able to stop you... Posted over a year ago
xXxAngelessxXx commented…
I might be sounding selfish...demo, I can't d this anymore. I keep wishing for your success and happiness.I love you Kurokocchi. . over a year ago
xXxAngelessxXx commented…
Demo, I can't stop wishing you'd be back... I just found the courage to come to your clubs wall and make a post without breaking...I'm losing my resolve, so, before that happens, I'm going to run away...I'll just tell you this: Never have I ever been this direct or open to ANYONE in my life to tell the I love them or treasure them...Congrats Kurokocchi...you're the first nee-chan... over a year ago
Tinekraut said …
Sad is the day when I find out that you finally left us. The truth is I really am tempted to persuade you to come back but I don’t know if it’s the right thing for me to do considering that it’s the second time. You probably are already firmly decided. I will say it again. A decision is only a mistake when you regret of it in the end. You better not feel regretful. If you do, you can always return to us. Posted over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
I can say... this is a dilemma. As I said before, I never would have wanted to lose friendship with you, Ren nee-chan. I want you to know how much the people here value that friendship with you. But if this is the case, if you really are firmly decided now and that there's no other better way... then we don't want to make it difficult for you either. I want you to know that I respect whatever your final decision is. Hope you aren't worrying now, 'cause neither do I want you to get bothered too much and I only want the best for my friends. over a year ago
Tinekraut said …
Aw man… Ren nee-chan…. You really decided…. to leave now…. for real…. Posted over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
I had it in mind that it was already a win-win situation if you just remain inactive instead of deleting your account. I thought it’s pretty much like real-life friends whom you talk to just whenever you find time and which you can keep while you do your daily business. Perhaps I don’t understand. And… no more describing of how I feel… after losing another friend for the same reason. (I guess fate is playing at me.) But now… I should know better now. I told you before, it’s only a mistake when you regret a decision. Afterall that we’ve talked, you arriving at this decision of leaving, I guess… now… I can only wish you… to do good in life. over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Neither do I want to hinder you to move on to your goals. A friend should wish the best for her friend. I guess that gives meaning to the wishes on the first and last time we got the chance to greet each other on our birthdays. The time we spent together might have been short but it was meaningful. Though we may never see each other again here, the bond will last. You are my very first online best friend. You are one of the important best friends I ever had. You will forever be my friend. Shall I say goodbye? over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
You know I’m kind of naive to believe in luck ‘cause I still hope that, maybe, someday, we’ll meet again. It may not be here online but under strange circumstances, maybe we’ll find each other again as sudden and as unlikely as how we first met. I believe there’s always something in every encounter. Even if we already parted ways, I believe the friendship we have wasn’t for nothing. If you want to reach out to me again, write and publish your book, Ren nee-chan just as you wanted. It will lead me to you. Until then, I will always miss you. I’m glad to have made some good memories with you and forever it will stay in the sunny side of my memory. The words I never usually utter to someone, I will say to you - I love you forever, Ren nee-chan. I have to take my chances to tell you my thoughts. over a year ago
ravissa said …
Joined !!!!!!
cool club Posted over a year ago
big smile
Tinekraut said …
Oh yea, I drew myself. I'm still having a summer break.
I'm leaving those linearts here. And I just thought of making one for my friends... just planning.. not sure if I can really do it. Perhaps the next time I come I have another set to post.

Anyone still up, if I can read your request before I log out, it might appear on the gallery next time I show up... or else I'll just draw however I want the portraits to look like. Posted over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Like... describe your physical features and what you want me to make you wear. over a year ago
iMapleFairy said …
I guess I should call this club: iMapleFairy now... Posted over a year ago
blackpanther666 commented…
I think it's fine the way it is - That's how we all knew you, therefore, it should stay that, but, of course, that is purely up to you :) over a year ago
Tinekraut said …
Ren nee-chan... Why can't I go to your page? Don't tell me your account is already deleted. We're just talking about it lately. I do trust that you'll make a new account. Please let's not lose each other's account. Posted over a year ago
iMapleFairy commented…
-glomps you- Tine-chan I'm still here... I'm sorry for scaring/worrying you... This is my new account now. over a year ago
xXxAngelessxXx said …
"Ren-chan" fans/friends!...Pwease join:

link Posted over a year ago
xXxAngelessxXx said …
KUROKOCCHIIII??!!!KK HOW COME YOU NEVER INVITED ME TO JON THIS??!!! -offended- !!!! Posted over a year ago
HeartfulStitch commented…
Sumimasen Tenshi-chan.... I never really think about inviting people here. It's not very active so... Anyways, thank you for joining~! Feel free to post whatever you like~ -smiles- over a year ago
xXxAngelessxXx commented…
Ehe!..Sure!! X3 And it's ok Kurokocchi! >.< over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Hey! Another weirdo in the house! :D .. Just kidding. My psychic power tells me that you're a sweet, nice girl. over a year ago
Tinekraut said …
Shower confetti for Ren nee-chan for receiving double five star ratings on her works! Yay!~ :D ..... Congrats!~ Shadows of the Night is just up there to read guys ^ Posted over a year ago
HeartfulStitch commented…
I hope you all will enjoy my story~ -bows- over a year ago
big smile
Tinekraut said …
Hey hey. So you got a fanpage, Ren nee-chan. Wow, you got interesting stuffs here. Posted over a year ago
HeartfulStitch commented…
Hah, I'm glad you like it -blushes- Feel free to post whatever you like~! over a year ago