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StillSpoiled | Heroes Spoilers



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Jabokk said:
I think Hiro will lose his power and be stuck in the past for a while.
posted over a year ago.
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Hmm, i think the finale was gr8 but sylar died a little too quickly for my liking, would have liked to have seen them battle for a bit longer and use more of their powers. Definate favourite part when Nikki smashed him with the parking meter...haha classic! Umm theories for season 2 would be that it prolly revolves mostly around Hiro loosing his power then bringin back some kick ass superpowered samuri's to battle the "undead" sylar. Oh and I think the "Molly/Really bad man who can see her when she looks for him" story may be quite a cool one. Anyway loved it and can't wait for S2.
posted over a year ago.