Hetalia Role-Play Fun Club
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posted by KatOHaney
Okay guys, i'm just gonna say it now. Idon't like Oc's but i know others do so i'm not gonna be a jerk and not allow them. But i ask one thing. Write us something about them. Tell about what they look like and there personality and who there related to (I would like relations to be historically accurate please.) Also, don't just come in and say 'Oh well my OC is best friends with Russia' without consent of the roleplayer playing that character. Also, don't get mad if people do not know your character or do not get all facts about them right.
posted by KatOHaney
Okay, here are the rules.
1) Only one character
2) Use forum made for 'doing it' for 'doing it'
3) Don't be a drama whore
4) Be classy, i hate calling people 'weeaboos' but honestly if you act like one and people are annnoy because of it, somethings wrong.
5) Be respectful of the role-players. you can hate on the character but not the rp'er themselfs (unless you have a good reason)
6) Please Please try to stay in character, I understand you won't always be but honestly, a good rp'er always stays in general character.
7) Swearings fine, just don't over do it.
8) Talk to me if you have problems, i will try my best to help.
8) No controling others. If they themselves didn't do it it didn'y happen.
9) No nation pregnancy

That should be all i may have to add more but i hope not.