In Plain Sight Club
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Mary Is Back, and she's happy?

The pilot was what caught my attention for this stunning series. though I felt the latter of season one didn't quite quench my thirst for suspense or live up to my expectations.

The excitement for this season was an eye opener, as Mary tried to cope with the trauma she endured last seasons. Mary's sarcastic outbursts weren't as prevalent, but all the other events made up for her character glitches, which proved hilarious on many levels.

Mary was still traumatized over her kidnapping; it makes sense, Mary is one to be in control of her life, her kidnappers took that...
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this is exactly the type of material I appreciate in a series and it is most often rarely seen.

In Plain Sight manages to pull off a consistent 'Wow' of a Season 2! Giving us as viewers two consecutive installments, In My Humboldt Opinion, included.

Mary is now finding her way around her old job and she has 'The Newbie' Eleanor to deal with. As Mary tried to adapt to her surroundings and deal with her past struggles, Eleanor's new furniture arrangement wasn't cutting it. Good Mary was gone and Bitchy Mary was back, giving Eleanor competition for the 'bossy' title she wanted to claim....
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In all years of which there have been many few TV shows grabbed and help my attention until the last few years like M.A.S.H. did years ago. Today there are three shows on USA Network I don't believe i have ever missed. Psych, Burn Notice, and now In Plain Sight, They all have there way of getting under your skin on way or the other but In Plain Sight Is the least about the action and or comedy and adventure and more about real life and the interpersonal relationships of the cast as coworkers and those of the family members as well.
Mary has had a hard life from the time she was a small girl...
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