Invader Zero Club
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posted by Solo28

Zero and Z-9 investigated the crash

Lard Nar confronted Zero


EPISODE 13: Lard Nar's Plan

''As much as I enjoy chatting, I really must get to my plan.'' Lard Nar said.

''What plan'' I replied.

''None of your concern.'' Lard Nar responded.

''Doo Wa Ditty.'' I said.

''Wait, what the hell'' Lard Nar said.

''Doo Wa Ditty, Tell me your plan, Woo Da Witty.'' I chanted.

''I am going to make a giant fighting robot that will kill you, destroy this planet because it is horrible, then enlarge the Resisty's empire. Dammit. CURSE YOU DOO WA DITTY HYPNOTIC SPELL OF...
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posted by Solo28

Zero suffered detention

Z-9 got captured

EPISODE 8: Captured

An hour passed since I threw Z-9 out, and I decided it was time to let him back in. But when I went outside, he was gone. I called out for him, no answer. Where did he go...


Z-9 woke up in a storage closet. Somebody opened the door, there were other robots with Z-9, but they were far less advanced and deactivated. A Scientist came in and took Z-9. He took him to a lab and placed him on a table.

''Shh....the robot's activating.'' The scientist declared. Z-9 got up and grabbed a taco out of...
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posted by Solo28

Pooky was easily defeated by the Meekrob, well, Pooky was being a douche....

Kierra went to try and heal him.


EPISODE 26: The Battle Begins

"You assholes think you can go around trying to kill my friends!?" I yelled.

".....Yes." M1 said.

"Who are you guys anyway?" Zera asked.

"I am Sploo!" Said M1.

"And I am Splan!" Said M2.

"We are Sploo and Splan!!!" Said the duo.

"I is Z-9!!!!!" Z-9 said.

"I is Luv!!!!" Luv said.

"Why you gotta copy us?" Sploo.

"Shut the hell up! Let's just get the bloodiest battle in Irken/Meekrob....ian.....history over with!!!" I yelled out...
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posted by invaderzimemo
sorry about the mean comment i would like to say could we try to be friends i dont try to be mean it just happens im emo and goth sorry about the mean comment again ............. sorry i have to make this longer. so im going to say random stuff invader zim rocks. invader zim is the best show. nothing is better then ZIM nothing nothing nothing nothing ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok i hope now you under stand. iiiiii gooooo again im going under. la la la la la la la la la la la la. lets make biskets lets make biskets. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
posted by Solo28

The stranger identified himself as Zoku of the future.

Zoku gave Zero a dire warning that Super Meekrob will come and kill everyone

Zero has decided to train for three years


EPISODE 24: Zero Prepares for Battle

So I decided to take the kid's advice and train.....for three years in which I could be destroying Zim. Damn. If this kid's wrong I'm gonna be pissed. I went into my training room. Z-9 followed me.

"Master? Whatcha doin'?" Z-9 asked.

"You were there, Z-9. We have to train. Wait, I think just in case the kid's story is true, you should get the...
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added by Solo28
added by Diblover111
Source: Zero did it.
posted by Solo28

Dib entered in the middle of Z and Z's Battle

Dib took a pic of Zero and Zim

Z-9 and Gir drove Dib off

Zero and Zim were out of ammo, so Zero retreated

EPISODE 6: An Awful School Day

Last night, I had my chance to kill Zim, I almost did, but I blew it, It was all Gir and Dib's fault. When I got home I went to bed, disgraced with myself. When I woke up the next morning, it was 9:23 am. I was late for School. Without School, I would never know the secrets of the humans, so as much as I hate it, I can't afford to miss a day.

I got my disguise on and ran to School....
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added by Solo28
Zero's new theme.
posted by Solo28

Zero and friends trained in the Training Chamber for three years.

Zero met Kierra (Off-screen of course).

The gang is heading to meet the Super Meekrob.

EPISODE 25: The Meekrob Appear

We were about there. I landed the ship. We were waiting for 20 minutes.

"Agh! I've had it! That kid lied to me!" I yelled.

"Pull yourself together!!!!" Pooky yelled as he slapped me in the face repeatedly.

"Damn it, Pooky! You're making it worse!" I responded.

"Calm down, guys. Let's just stay for about 10 more minutes." Kierra said.

Doom decided to go up and check for the...
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posted by Solo28

Lard Nar used his best attacks on the stranger, but to no avail

The Irken easily dispatched of the Vortain

The Irken called Zero "Dad"

EPISODE 23: Warning: Bad Future Ahead

"Oops. Did I say dad!? I meant Zero! Yeah, that's it." The Youth said shocked.

I walked up to the little Irken.

"Who are you? Why are you here? And how did you do that to Lard Nar?" I asked.

"It's kinda a long story. Can I take a rest? I'm tired from my battle." The Irken said.

"Fine." I replied.

We rested for about 3 hours, then we woke up, refreshed.

"So, about yourself..."...
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posted by Solo28

Lard Nar escaped from Uranus

Lard Nar felled Zero

A Mysterious Young Irken confronted Lard Nar

EPISODE 22: The Mysterious Youth

Lard Nar chuckled.

"You honestly think that by catching my idiot sidekick off guard, you can defeat the Resisty?" Lard Nar said.

"That's right." The Irken replied.

Lard Nar laughed out loud.

"All right. Let's see what you got." Lard Nar responded.

The Irken jumped up and got his sword out. Lard Nar looked up and the youth sliced him. Lard Nar dodged, but got a little bloody cut.

"Not bad, kid." Lard Nar said.

Then, I woke up and saw the Irken, his SIR,...
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posted by Solo28

EPISODE 21: Lard Nar Returns

While I was recovering from being livid as hell at Z-9, on Uranus trouble was brewing.

"Damn Irken." Lard Nar said. Lard Nar was floating in the green gas giant with a funny name.

"At least I have a ship built by the Uranians." Lard Nar said. Lard Nar jumped in his ship and launched off back to Earth. Meanwhile, I got home from school and Lard Nar's ship landed right in front of me.

"Hey---I reconize this ship." I said.

The door slowly opened. Lard Nar jumped out.

"I'm ready for my revenge, Zero." Lard Nar said.

"Lard Nar! How did you--?" I asked.

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posted by Solo28

Negative Zero used his secret technique on Zero

Both Zero and Nega Zero were down

Z-9 defeated Negative Zero and Z-9

EPISODE 20: Plan to Eradicate Zims and Dibs

I'm glad that Lard Nar and the Negatives are finally defeated. If I was conscience at the time, I would've killed both off the Negatives off, unlike Z-9. Eh, what do I care? Z-9's a moron, what should I expect? So, the whole clump of battles made me forget all about school! It was Monday morning, and I was late. I hope this doesn't turn out like episode 6 & 7.....

I got to school,...
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posted by Solo28

Zero and Z-9 got back to Earth

Zero and Negative Zero began to fight

Negative Zero is starting to lose


EPISODE 19: Negative Zero's Desperate Attack

'Looks like I'll have to use my secret weapon.' Thought Negative Zero.

Negative Zero got up and posed in an 'X' shape.

'What is he doing' I thought.

Negative Zero charged up, his anntenea sparked, his PAK blinked, and he lost his shinyness in his eyes. He then emitted a beam of light that hit and paralyzed me. He curled his hands into fists and I flew up into the air.

''What's going on'' I asked.

He then moved...
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posted by Solo28

Zero's Pods Began to Malfunction

Zero and Z-9 Accidentaly transformed an Irken scientist and his Sir into evil counterparts

Zero and Z-9 are trapped on Irk


EPISODE 18: Negative vs Positive

We finally arrived home, and discovered the Negatives messed up the base and were gone.

''Where did they go'' I asked.

I looked down and saw foot prints. We followed them outside [with our disguises on] and saw Negative Zero and Z-9 walking down the street. Z-9 and I chased after them. We tackeled them.

''Ugh, get off me, Alien scum.'' Negative Zero said.

I could see...
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posted by Solo28

Zero defeated Lard Nar's Robot, then set his sights on the Vortain himself

Zero defeated Lard Nar and sent him into space


EPISODE 17: Good Copies, Bad Copies

After all that Lard Nar stuff, I decided to go to bed, but Z-9 wouldn't let me. He wanted me to pull an all nighter with him. Z-9 and I were blankly scrolling through the guide on the television, with nothing to watch. It was 4:47 am. Z-9 was keeping me up all night, forcing me to watch TV with him and pull and all nighter. I was so tired, but every time I'd fell asleep, Z-9 would taze me. I desperately...
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posted by Solo28

Zero and Lard Nar's Robot started to fight

Zero was losing

Zero came up with an idea and won

Zero is about to kill Lard Nar


EPISODE 16: Lard Nar Defeated

''W-wait Zero, you can't kill me...''Lard Nar said.

''Oh yes I can. I have a knife.'' I replied.

''Hmm...Good point, but don't kill me'' said Lard Nar.

''Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you.'' I said.

''Well um...My skin is purple.'' Lard Nar said.

''Purple is a good color but not a good reason not to die.'' I said as I was aproaching.

Lard Nar ran.

''Why must they always run.'' I asked myself.

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posted by Solo28

Zero and Z-9 got home and trained


EPISODE 15: Zero vs The Great Vortainbot

The Next Day....

Overnight, I created a potion to make all the humans in the neighborhood temporarily fall asleep so they wouldn't see me undisguised. Z-9 walked onto the roof to watch as a spectator while I walked outside in the middle of a street waiting for Lard Nar to arrive.

Lard Nar and his robot came and that robot looked, and as much as I hate to admit it, bad ass. It was like 100 feet tall. I had second thoughts right then and there.

''Well, Zero, what do you think'' Lard...
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posted by Solo28

Zero Found out Lard Nar's Plan

Knowing the Plan, Zero went home to get ready


EPISODE 14: Preparations for Battle

''So, a Giant Robot's the best Goat Boy's got, eh'' I said to myself. ''I imagine it would be a bunch of trash cans and toasters taped together.''

''Wait, I'm forgetting that the Vortains used to make us Irkens the finest technology. I'm sure Lard Nar's an idiot, not a scientist.'' I declared.

''Stop talkin' to yourself master. It's creepy.'' Z-9 interupted.

After that, it was completely mute the rest of the ride. We finally arrived home....
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