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posted by princess829
"A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal."

"A man can be happy with any woman as long as he does not love her."

"Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much."

"America had often been discovered before Columbus, but it had always been hushed up."

"America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between."

"Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination."

"Arguments are to be avoided; they are always vulgar and often convincing."

"At twilight, nature is not without loveliness, though...
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(When this began)
I had nothing to say
And I get lost in the nothingness inside of me
(I was confused)
And I let it all out to find
That I?m not the only person with these things in mind

(Inside of me)
But all that they can see the words revealed
Is the only real thing that I've got left to feel
(Nothing to lose)
Just stuck, hollow and alone
And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own

I wanna heal, I wanna feel
What I thought was never real
I wanna let go of the pain
I've felt so long
(Erase all the pain till it's gone)

I wanna heal, I wanna feel
Like I'm close to something real
I wanna find something I've...
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posted by princess829
Ha, look at you- you're trying way too hard

Thinking you will get the respect you do not deserve

Hey stop it now, they don't even see you're working too hard

Disregard all your feelings and put them in reserve

Because it ain't worth anything

I mean we all have a reputation that will never change

We all have reasons that we can sadly never arrange

I know where I belong, but you don't

And that is why

I am your voice and you are my soul

And that is why I have a story that needs to be told

Because it ain't worth anything

Because it ain't worth anything

Because it ain't worth anything

Hiding in the corner, thinking...
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posted by princess829
Credit: Bree

Is there anybody you just wish would fall off the planet?

How do you flush the toilet in public?
Uh....I use my foot to push down the handle thingie.....

Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?

Do you have a crush on someone?
Um, yes.

Name one thing you worry about running out of.
Uh....Sour Patch Kids =)

What famous person do you (or other people) think you resemble?
Well I was told I look like Amanda Bynes (without the blonde hair), but I don't think so.

What is your favorite pizza topping?
Pep-pep-or-oni :)

Do you crack your knuckles?
Um, yeah all the time. Like 25 times...
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Okay, this was my Paramore comment that I wanted to post as a comment on my wall but it was too long and I didn't wanna break it up so here it is as an article. Enjoy:


I liked it better when it was rumored that only Josh was leaving the band. Now that my favourite band member is leaving (well besides Hayley that is) I am obviously depressed and am indulging myself on ice cream and candy to take away the pain. I can't believe this happening- it's all coming too fast. I guess I knew something like this was going to happen because in the end, thats what happens to all bands, but...
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posted by princess829
Quotes on his ALBUMS:

"Anybody with a sense of humor is going to put on my album and laugh from beginning to end."

"Infinite was me trying to figure out how I wanted my rap style to be, how I wanted to sound on the mic and present myself. It was a growing stage. I felt like Infinite was like a demo that just got pressed up."

"I think my first album opened a lot of doors for me to push the freedom of speech to the limit."

"I had nothing to lose, but something to gain. If I made an album for me and it was to my satisfaction, then I succeeded. If I didn't, then my producers were going to give up on...
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Q: When did you first discover you had an overactive thyroid?
A: This past summer. I had a huge lump in my neck and I didn't know why, I suddenly felt really dizzy and ended up passing out in my living room.

Q: So did you know you had O.T. right away?
A: No, not at first. I had gone to the doctors because my mother was afraid I might have cancer, and they said I probably had a virus or something. (They tested me for strep throat, to this day I still don't know why. If you ask me the doctor I went to see was a little bit confused :)

Q: when did you realize you had O.T.?
A: Well, I had to...
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1. My favourite celebrity biography's that I've read is George Lopez: Why You Crying? and Jodie Sweetin: Unsweetined, which I highly suggest to everyone.

2. One of my favourite brands of clothing is Jessica Louise. (Her stuff can usually be found on the body of one of the best models in the world, Audrey Kitching :)

3. I get distracted-and bored very easily. Except when I'm on Fanpop! ;)

4. I have been called a slut and a whore many times before, because I can relate to guys more than girls and friends with guys more than girls.

5. I LUV sour stuff- any kind of sour stuff especially Sour Patch...
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posted by princess829
I TOTALLY stole this from Bree, hope you're not mad about it!
But anyways ALL credit goes out to Bree! :)


What is your salad dressing of choice?
What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
Friendly's. ;)
What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of ?
Sour Patch Kids.
What are your pizza toppings of choice?
What do you like to put on your toast?
Butter & sometimes (grape) jelly.


How many televisions are in your house?
What colour cell phone do you have?

Do you have an Ipod?
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"Look. If you had one shot- or one opportunity, to seize everything you've ever wanted-one moment, would you capture it? Or just let it slip?"- Eminem

The familiar famous words spoken by Marshall Mathers burned in my skull as I closed my eyes, and prayed to God that this was all just a dream.
I opened my eyes. My wish didn't come true. The inspirational quote was still there on the piece of paper that I was holding, written in my sisters sloppy handwriting.

I turned the paper over. There were a few words crossed out hard in jet black pen ink and a few blood drops were splattered all over the...
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posted by princess829
You reach across the table and hold out your hand
I pull away, disgusted you still don't understand
Running far away, trying to keep it all inside
I don't even bother to stop the pain, just scream in fear and hide
I thought you were're not
Shut the hell up, I need to rest from this battle I just fought
Cuz you don't know all
I let you in my world and told you everything you needed to know
But I saw you flirting with that girl, couldn't believe you would go that low!
You said you thought I would be fine with it
That hurt, how could you ever think it would be okay...
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posted by princess829
Credit goes to: Bree


1.There name?


2. What is the age difference between you two?

5-almost 6 year difference. (I'm older.)

3. Do you know what this person is doing right now?

IDK, dreaming about Nick Jonas? *gag*
4. How often do you and this person argue?


5. What do you do together?

Talk....ya that's pretty much it

6. Is this a step-sibling, half-sibling or full-sibling?



1. There name?


2. What was the text about?

When her surprise party was gonna be :)

3. When is the last time you saw this person?

Like 5 hours ago
4. Do...
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posted by princess829
Credit: Bree

Kissing The Rain By Kevin Brooks

It's 1:15 pm

IDK, something with auto parts =D

Um, Scrabble?

I read any magazine I can find

Erm, no

Gasoline & blue raspberry


Um, how bad this day is gonna be

99.9% of the time I let voicemail pick up but I let it ring at least 3 times

Girl-Layla or Kayla. Or Lauren
Boy- Mike or Kale...
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posted by viju
Since she always helped you out....i just thought of putting a pic of hayley to bring a smile on your face!!
Since she always helped you out....i just thought of putting a pic of hayley to bring a smile on your face!!
In the past, when we were kids, we usually had many best friends. Later on in life, most might not call certain friends, "best friends", anymore. However, we still know which friends we are closest with. Those friends whom we are close are BEST FRIENDS! And Brooke is one of them!

She is the one whom i have spend amazing times- laughing, joking...since we built a solid base. I have always wished her to be near by my side. Even though we live so far away.....crossing the seas still i feel like brooke is close to my heart. Our friendship is worth, much more than money. Whenever i stumble i counted...
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posted by princess829
Credit goes to: Bree

► Are you happy?
► Are you bored?
► Are you sad?
► Are you Italian?
► Are you German?
► Are you Asian?
Wish I was. JK =P
► Are you angry?
► Are you Irish?
► Are your parents still married?

► Birth place?
Somewhere in the US
► Hair color?
Dark brown with some red streaks
► Hair style?
► Eye color?
► Birthday?
August 29th
► Mood?
► Gender?
I'm a girl
► Summer or winter?
Summer; I HATE winter
► Morning or afternoon?
Night! :D

► Are you in love?
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Credit goes to: Bree

1. What is your best friends name?
Bethany & Randall

2. What color underwear/boxers wearing now?
White & green :P

3. What are you listening to right now?

4ever- The Veronicas

4. Whats your favorite number?


5. What was the last thing you ate?

Sour Patch Kids

6. If you were a crayon what color would you be?

Red. Or black.

7. How is the weather right now?


8. Who was the last person you talked 2 on the phone?

My mom

9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?

It's always the hair :P

11. Favorite TV show?

Full House & George Lopez

12. Siblings?

1 brother & 1...
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""Fly" is the first single by Canadian rock band Nickelback, taken from their EP Hesher and album Curb. A music video was shot for it, also a first for the band. The single did not enter the charts and was only played on local radio stations."

""Leader of Men" is the lead single from the 2000 album, The State, by Canadian rock band Nickelback. The band's first successful single, the song reached the US rock charts, peaking at number eight on Mainstream Rock Tracks and number 21 on Modern Rock Tracks.
Chad Kroeger, the band's frontman, has said that the song is about a time...
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posted by princess829
Your Personality Is Idealist
You are a passionate, caring, and unique person.
You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.

You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily.
Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.

You seek out other empathetic people to befriend.
Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.

In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.

At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.

With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone.

As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.

On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours.
Okay, well I was born in ____ U.S.A. at ____ Hospital. I have a younger brother and sister, one of which has an account on here. I grew up alone, beaten, and in pain. Literally. It really hurts to talk about this now, but I'll tell you guys some stuff that went on in my childhood.
I was never close to my family- never. Within the first few years of my life, I realized that I was never gonna get a loving family and I shouldn't even bother trying to make them loving cuz that just ain't gonna happen. My mother's side of the family was the worst. All they liked to do was gossip, smoke and make people...
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- People are gonna talk about you especially when they envy you & your life. Let them. U affected their lives, not the other way around.

- Laugh at stupid jokes. Cry. Apologize. Tell someone how much they mean to you. Live life, because tomorrow's not guaranteed to anyone.

- Wanted by many, taken by none, talking to some, just waiting for one <3

- Some girls like bad boys because they think they can "fix" them. But they're not a broken car and you're no mechanic.

- A man never forgets the women he couldn't have.

- True love is love without condition, limitation, intention, reason and without...
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