Jacob: Lost Island Protector Club
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Convincing the MIB that humanity isn't evil is clearly one of his top priorities. He literally risks everything to prove it every time he brings others to the island because only these outside elements have the power to kill him. Instead of doing the only safe thing, he insists on repeatedly risking his life to prove a point.

* Jacob and MIB are two sides of the same coin (balanced) that are both necessary to prevent whatever is being contained in place.
* MIB, at least once, does the bidding of Ben which implies some control/function of MIB beyond fighting against Jacob.
* Jacob says "they're coming" to MIB as if it is significant to both of them. Why warn him unless to make a point that his services are still needed/that their conflict is smaller than some larger threat?
* The only person who's intentions are not known is Widmore and the great battle will be between a finally united MIB/Jacob team (led by the Jacob's replacement) and Widmore's forces.
posted by MitsosGianneas
According to the Man in Black, Jacob spent many years selecting and reviewing "candidates" to replace him as guardian of the Island. In the episode What They Died For Jacob tells Sawyer that he chose all of them because they were all flawed and possesed traits like his. In "The Substitute," the Man in Black brought Sawyer to the cliffside cave and directed his attention to the surnames of many individuals scrawled across the walls and ceiling. Each surname had been assigned a unique number, and the majority of the surnames had been crossed out. The Man in Black identified these names as a list...
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posted by MitsosGianneas
Jacob is the fraternal twin of The Man in Black and the first-born of Claudia, who survived a shipwreck on The Island and was a Latin speaker. The woman whom he called Mother is the mid-wife who delivered the two boys. After the second child was born, she apologized to Claudia and killed her.
Classical Roman era
Jacob and the Man in Black led a carefree life on the island and spent much of their time roaming the beaches. One day, the Man in Black found a blue box on the beach which contained a game. The Man in Black offered to play with Jacob, only if he doesn't tell their mother. They played,...
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posted by MitsosGianneas
In "Dr. Linus", Richard states, if a person is touched by Jacob, it is considered a gift. In Richard's case, Jacob somehow bestowed upon him the ability to remain ageless and effectively immortal, and unable to die by his own hand. Richard tells Jack, he could kill him, however. In "The Substitute" the Man in Black describes an ability of Jacob that can somehow change an individual's destiny or "push" them onto a specific path - in the case of the Candidates a path which brought them to the Island.

The only individuals that have been seen to have been touched by Jacob in the series are: Kate,...
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posted by MitsosGianneas
Jacob was a mysterious figure of authority of the Island who, according to Ben, was "in charge" of the Island. The Man in Black, Jacob's fraternal twin, mockingly stated Jacob "protected" the Island from "nothing". Ageless and possessing supernatural abilities, Jacob was born on the Island and recently resided inside the statue of Taweret until his death in 2007. Capable of coming from and going to the Island, Jacob appears to have had some subtle ability to foresee the future and guide events, purposefully encountering several individuals who later would become survivors of Oceanic Flight...
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posted by MitsosGianneas
* In "The Incident, Part 1", Jacob is seen reading Everything That Rises Must Converge before his first encounter with Locke off the island. The cover of this book illustrates a flying dove which is shot down by an arrow. A literal meaning would be that Jacob must die (converge) after his rule over the island (rise). It is his destiny to die, that is why he willingly accepts it and shows no opposition to Ben knifing him.
* He carried out an elaborate scheme to manipulate his nemesis into the act by providing him with the tools he needed: the body of a dead leader with which to infiltrate the...
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posted by MitsosGianneas
* Jacob is not dead because of the actions of the losties in the 1970s. The bomb goes off in 1977 doing everything that Jack and Daniel predicted, in which Oceanic 815 never crashes. Even though Locke could still be on Ajira 316 and make it to the island, he would not have been the Others' leader and therefore would have had no power over Richard, the Others or anyone else.
o Jacob planned the events in 1977 so that he could prevent his own death in 2007. He's known about his enemy's plan to kill him, and has been trying to change the events in the past by manipulating the "Variables" (Jack,...
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posted by MitsosGianneas
* In "The Incident, Part 1", Jacob's last words were "They are coming." He said this to the false Locke who is the Man in Black from the opening. Jacob knew of the loophole and "touched" the lives of the Oceanic survivors and specific others for them to play a key part in the coming war over the island. This war has been alluded to by Bram, "Jeremy Bentham" and Charles Widmore.
o When Jacob is talking with Nemesis, he states that "it only ends once". The coming war will be very big, something we haven't experienced in the series so far, and it will be a fateful battle. Every single conflict,...
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posted by MitsosGianneas
The island is a symbolic reference to Paradise. There are many biblical and mythological beings that can be put on either side. The truth is probably that Jacob/MIB represent many of these archetypes put together, be it biblical, Egyptian, Greek or Chinese. Going back as far as possible in biblical terms leads us to Eden. MIB represents the snake around the Tree of Good and Evil. The original sin was that the human being listened to the promises of the snake (MIB) promising him and her knowledge, just as the smoke monster/snake does with the candidates. He promised Sayid to see Nadia, and Claire...
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posted by MitsosGianneas
* Jacob was the thirtieth character to ever have a flashback.
* The translation for "Jacob" in Hebrew is "he who holds by the heels". Jacob lives inside the foot of a statue.
* In the Bible, Jacob is also known as Israel, which can be translated into "he who fights with God".
* As of the Across The Sea, Jacob has the biggest number of centric episodes among supporting characters. Moreover, he has more episodes centered around him than following main characters: Frank, Charlotte, Nikki, Paulo, Boone, Ilana, Richard, Daniel, Miles, Ana Lucia, Walt, Shannon, The Man in Black and as many as Mr....
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posted by MitsosGianneas
Jacob was a mysterious figure of authority of the Island who, according to Ben, was "in charge" of the Island. The Man in Black, Jacob's fraternal twin, mockingly stated Jacob "protected" the Island from "nothing". Ageless and possessing supernatural abilities, Jacob was born on the Island and recently resided inside the statue of Taweret until his death in 2007. Capable of coming from and going to the Island, Jacob appears to have had some subtle ability to foresee the future and guide events, purposefully encountering several individuals who later would become survivors of Oceanic Flight...
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Jacob is "Life"

* The Man in Black represents the Grim Reaper aka Death (Smoke Monster), Jacob represents Life. As "Death" the Man in Black can take the form of the deceased, while "Life" is literally immortal with the ghost of Jacob possibly being the only one of genuine origin.

Jacob is the Tree of Life

The island is a symbolic reference to Paradise. There are many biblical and mythological beings that can be put on either side. The truth is probably that Jacob/MIB represent many of these archetypes put together, be it biblical, Egyptian, Greek or Chinese. Going back as far as...
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posted by MitsosGianneas
An hour after his murder, Jacob appeared to Hurley in the jungle. Although Hurley recognized Jacob from their previous encounter off the Island, he was unaware of Jacob's identity. Jacob informed Hurley of his death, attributing it to an "old friend who had grown tired of my company." Seeing Sayid dying nearby, Jacob told Hurley, he must be taken to the Temple if he was to be saved. Jacob further noted, the survivors would be safe there. Although Hurley did not know where the Temple was, Jacob assured him, Jin did, and told Hurley to mention the science expedition. He then reminded Hurley to...
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posted by MitsosGianneas
Jacob was living on the Island in a hidden chamber beneath the statue of Taweret. Here he worked on the production of a tapestry. One morning, as Jacob ate breakfast outside the statue, the Man in Black approached him. The two had a short conversation while watching a ship some distance off the Island. The Man in Black accused Jacob of bringing the ship to the Island in a further attempt to prove him wrong, to which Jacob merely replied: "You are wrong." The man asked Jacob if he was aware how badly he wanted to kill him. Later, the man declared he would find a "loophole" and be able to accomplish...
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