Jennifer Hawkins Wall

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Marissa_rox said …
I created on Polyvore and I think that Jennifer Hawkins would be great Gryffindor hot chick and I'm also I'm going to created Megan Gale would be as well. Her Hogwarts houses would be in Gryffindor...becuz you know why? she is brave, nerve, courages, Confidence, Chiverly and Daring.... :) loves adventures.. :) That's Gryffindor. from Harry Potter..
do you want me to show what I created?

link Posted over a year ago
Zekrom676 commented…
u mean pottermore, becuz I made 1 too and got Gryffindore ! Though I haven't been on in a long time, I don't even remember my password at this moment over a year ago
Marissa_rox commented…
No I meant Polyvore is like clothes,and fashions, Polyvore is like fashion match and It's for Gryffindor match Clothes.. I will show you the links. link(here) copy and the past in your top box of your links . used your right mouse then click high light the link."" that I gave it to you"". then click on the left mouse and said ""copy"" put it up and click on the long box and then "click on the left mouse is said ""Paste"" it in ;) enjoyed.. what do you think?. Yes I have got pottermore account too. I was in Hufflepuff :).if you go to pottermore.. if you forgot your password. there is yellow link below said ""forgotten your password?"" click on it.and it said: Please enter your Pottermore username and we will send you an email so that you can reset your password. Box enter your type username or your e-mail. there is code word you have to copy. you have to click the blue button said ""e-mail me the link"" and you'v done it :) over a year ago