Kathleen Club
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posted by KatyLovesYou
so i haven't been on in days .__.
i have school and just busy :/
and then something came up that i had to come back on :/
so umm,
fanpop is seriously a waste of my time
but i come on only for
sam, zack, kitty, and lindzy.
mike and i broke up, yeah dont ask
im not heartbroken tho
not asking for pity
so i hate fanpop.
too many bad memories, bullcrap, and bitches >.<
alot of things on my mind.
and idk.
just wanted to let you know what is going on
- Kathleen
Helluur' Hoez.(x
Well Im Writinqq Disz Article Furr' Mah Awesome Bitch.xD iloveyuu Kathleen,
Yuur Amazinqq &' Da Best Puur'son Tht Anyone Could Be Frandz Wif.<3
Ilove our Random Yet Crazy Convoz
Haha I Remembr Tht Day Tht We Talked Fuur' Like Da Lonqestt!.o; iT Was So Muchh Fuun:D
Hehe. xD
Well Katy, Yuu Kno I Can tell Yuu Anythanq Nd Tht We Got Our Back On EVERYTHING <3(:
IKno Tht Definitely We're Gunna Be Frands For A VERY lonqq Time.(: cuz We're Like So Close Nd Just Amazinq Like Tht.c; Hehe<3^-^
K'Soo IloveYuu Alot Katty(: Never Forqett Mehh, Yuu Got Tht?. k qood.c;
Oh &' If Anyone Fucks Wit Yuuh I Will Fuck Em' Up Myself!.(;
Bitches aka Wifey's 4Evur<3
xoxoxo, Nana'♥-Yuur Bitch-(;
posted by LindzyHuur_
Heeeddo'Duur Peoplez.o: Well, first iloveyou kathleen.<3:D We've knwn eachuther fuur a whiile now, &' its been crazy. xD We are always havinqq fun when we talk and we have pretty stupid convuursations sometimes.(x Idek what i'd do if i nevuur met you.D: i'd die. o_o yep.xD anywhore, i member when we first met. x3 we talked for like 5 hours straiqht. ;D That niqht i knew you were qnna be one of my best friends.(: to all you hoez who think shes yuurz.? no.D: shes mine.x3 kay?(: ohhhh, remember that one niqht we were really hyper and we were yellinq random stuff?o: yeah i remember tht.(x i think we had too much dr.pepper. >:D weeeeel, im done huuuur people.(;
posted by KatyLovesYou
K, since its after 12 in the morning and i'm wide awake. i'll write about sam. o:

I met sam like a month ago? i'm glad i did. (x
he gets hyper like me
and we are so weird (x
he is like my big brother <3 :D
but he's my sammybear -__-
you can't call him that unless your me >:P
he is so funny, energetic, amazing, and hell alot of fun! :DDDDD
we have random conversations
like evil sour patch kids O:
so yeah, i love him lots :D
if you mess with my sammybear. you will be in hell when i'm done with you >:p
love ya sam :)
Kathleen is one of my bestfrands on dis whole entire site! :) She can be a little hyper at times but ehhhhh so can i. I love this bish like a sister she's fucking awesome. And when i be weird (which is always) she dosen't yell at me like some people -_- and i see yall qirlies talkinq bout she's yours bitch plz she's mine wanna fiqht bout it inbox me biotch. But anywhore back to Kathleen i fuckinq love her to death and best believe you hurt her i will hunt you down and kill your ass!!!!!! That's not a threat it's a promise go ahead and try me!

I love you Kathleen <3

-Sam! :)
kathleen is one of my best friends on here .c:
fuckk withh hur? first im going' to make you fat , stab you in the back 10 times and burn your body. and then im sending it to hell ^-^ so im pretty suree you wont mess with hurr when im around ;D got the whorez?(;
k?kay c:
movinq on.. ._.
we met in may.. ithink ^-^
she and angel raped my wall just so i dont kill myself.
LOL. im not gonna killmyself im too scared e.e
im gonna make a chinese man do it for me.

anywhore. iloveyou ;D and for the LAST TIME D:
got that? good e.e.
if you ever think shes yours im gonna draw you fat e.e
kloveyouuuu<3 kbaiii :DDD
posted by KatyLovesYou
K, this article which you are reading with your beautiful eyes is about kitty.

I met kitty through one of angel's link. it was the day when she wanted to kill herself, i didn't know her but i commented on her wall post and left. Thanks to angel, she is alive :D
We got to know each other alot in May. Surprisingly, it was the worst/best month of the year. I was diagnosed with depression, i cutted heavily, angel was gone, mike asked me to go out with him <33, my dad and i were arguing. However, Kitty seemed to be the only one who understood my pain. Her friendship has kept me going.

Kitty is...
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posted by KatyLovesYou
k, i've met alot of great ppl. and half of them are guys. pfft, half the population in the world are guys. i've made some great guy friend here so imma write about them :D

Zack: my lil brother. we've known each other for a while and such. we have gone through some sad and happy times together. whenever i need to talk someone to get help, zack is always there for me. i love him lots.

Angel: o.m.f.geeeeee this bitch is my best guy friend ever! i love him to death even tho he is a bitch at times. i love talking to him and he just makes my day brighter. he is awesome and omg i dont know where i'd...
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posted by KatyLovesYou
k, so im going to write about my lil bro zack. c:

i met zack sometime in march. we didnt really talk much until late april. we've gotten very close over the weeks. omg. he is like my lil brother. he is so sweet, kind, and understanding. it breaks my heart to see him sad. ): i'd do anything to make him happy. k, so yeah. he is an angel when he is in a good mood cx. however, i think that i'm a bad influence for him o.o oh well cx i love him so much. k, so if you fuck with him, you are messing with me. therefore, i would hunt you down and murder you in your sleep. so best not to mess with him. k? k c:

I love you zack! c:
posted by KatyLovesYou
1. my name is kathleen.
2. i practically the weirdest girl you'll ever know.
3. i hate this site, but i'm here cuz of friends <3
4. my hair color is brown with natural highlights
5. i used to cut.
6. i have three brothers.
7. i'm in love with mike <3
8. i'm not sharing him with you bitches.
9. i love dr. pepper :D
10. i love food .____.
11. i'm not fat!
12. my fav. color is black c:
13. i hate drama -_-
14. i like to swim
15. i love bvb and asking alexandria.
16. i hate you.
17. i hate flirting with guys. unless you're mike cx
18. i like making necklaces x3
19. fav. song? "reprobate romance"
20. fav. thing to do? just being me (x
posted by KatyLovesYou
k, so imma write about my friends cx. i love them so much (x

Mylie: This gurl is amazing and lots of fun. haha, we just met, but i'm that i met hur. (x

Kitty: omfg, i could tell you everything about kitty but oh well, i'm kinda lazy atm .__. anywayz, we have alot in common and i love her <3333. she's like my older sister o: anywhore, you hurt her, it'll be hell to pay -_-

Lindzy: this bitch is my boo. i love her ALOT. cx we talk about random shiz cx she's pretty cool. we met in april so idk, we go way back? c; so you fuck with her, you are pretty much messing with me cx i love you lindzy :D...
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