Kids on the Slope (Sakamichi no Aporon) Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 11

blackpanther666 said …
I just started watching this, but I'm up to episode 3 and rather enjoying it. I'm glad I found it. Posted over a year ago
shozab said …
AWESOME ANIME Posted over a year ago
kinakomochi said …
Why the heck doesn't this anime have more fans here? It's so good... I hope more find out about it and give it a look. (^- ^ ) Posted over a year ago
kurama_9 commented…
As always, couldn't agree with you more. I'm trying to get some of my frinds to watch it but seeing as though they're not into anime and think its ridiculous ( i know, their strange... But they are good people. ) so they're not very interested. Well, they have agreed to watch the first episode and i'll see where things go from there. =) over a year ago
kurama_9 commented…
Gosh, my spelling is atrocious. Its 'friends'. My bad. over a year ago
kurama_9 said …
Ok, i cried when i watched the episode this week. That was so sad, i wonder where Sen went... I guess i wasnt prepared for anything as serious as the accident to occur because of the montage of happy moments and everyone enjoying themselves. From that to the ending, i just cried... :'( but it was a good episode nonetheless. Posted over a year ago
kinakomochi commented…
It was a really downer EP, huh... Sen threatened to leave them all twice. over a year ago
kurama_9 commented…
I'd have to agree, it really is something for Nabeshin to do. i would like to see what's going in the lives of Yurika and Jun and if they're happy at least. I wonder if Jun'll hear about Sen leaving and come back to help find him... yeah, he'd be sad but that likelihood of him actually coming back is quite low. i want sen to come back..... TTATT i swear, i've been crying a lot more lately because of anime... my parents think I get too emotionally attached to fictional characters. I don't disagree. Anyway, can't wait for the next instalment of sakamichi no aporon. =) over a year ago
kinakomochi commented…
I think we get to see a bit more detail about how Sen's upbringing and past has made him what he is... this is a josei manga, so when I saw Kaoru embracing Sen's head so they couldn't see each other cry... that's definitely something I'm used to reading about but rarely seeing in mainstream anime -- which is beautiful. (^- ^ ) I swear the scene the EP before, when Jun pulled Yurika onto the train, I literally soaked one of my bandanas, it was soooo moving to me. Definitely what I'd want my man to do when faced with that situation... and unfortunately, won't always happen that way. v(^, ^ )v... over a year ago
kinakomochi said …
For those wanting to read the manga... here is Manga Reader, a good source: link

It's not current with the anime (esp for Crunchyrollers), but you can see how faithful the art in the anime is to Kodama Yuki's. (^- ^ ) Posted over a year ago
kurama_9 said …
Don't leave Sen! T^T Posted over a year ago
kinakomochi commented…
Nooooo... he's gonna take the fam and bolt. Holy crap! At least Kaoru finally told Ri'ko how he felt about her, and it's all on the table, yay. But there's no Apollon without Sen! (T- T ) over a year ago
kurama_9 commented…
I just can't wait to see how everthing turns out in the next episode. I think this just might be my favourite anime for this year so far. I feel so sorry for him. He should just talk to Kaoru about it. Not just up and leave. But hey, its his way of coping with the situation. *shrugs then starts crying* still dont want him to leave though... And i agree, im glad they finally reciprocate each others feelings. =) :< Sennnnnn~ dont go! over a year ago
kurama_9 commented…
So Sen does end up leaving??? TTATT i'm going to go read the manga now... =) over a year ago
kinakomochi said …
By far my fave anime of 2012. The pacing is perfect, the character dev is right in the sweet spot, and the rotoscoped riffs and performances are astounding. Another hit out of the park for Nabeshin. I am especially glued to the love triangle, which usually isn't me. ;) Posted over a year ago
maro-chan commented…
actually i don't know with the love triangle thing>cause the latest chapter ...ritsuko already likes bon(kaoru) and yurika likes jun ni..poor sentarou>...<.. over a year ago
kinakomochi commented…
I agree... with EP09, things slid a bit more into where I kind of wanted them to go romantically... but yes, poor Sentarou. That said, though... Sen has his hands full with fam enough, so Yurika was probably just a puppy love. I want to see where Yurika and Jun-ni go with their lives past EP10... haven't been this interested in the dynamics since Fruits Basket and Kare Kano... love this show. (^- ^ ) over a year ago
maro-chan said …
this is the best josei manga i ever read this year>w<..
and besides it won the shogaku kodansha award..
=w= Posted over a year ago
RobinFan360 said …
Well it wasn't the first one...I guess that's why. Posted over a year ago
maro-chan commented…
=....= it got report.i made that club before it even hav a anime..a bit sad of me..hahah..because i was sure i did'nt make a dupplicate spot..XDD over a year ago
Gwiazdeczka said …
What happen with first Sakamichi no Apollon spot? Posted over a year ago
Gwiazdeczka said …
2nd member :) Posted over a year ago