lovveepamela Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 10

xxokim said …
Pammy my doll 🌸🌺 Posted 6 months ago
lovveepamela commented…
muah muah 6 months ago
lovveepamela said …
vote 4 the poll guys!!! Posted 6 months ago
lovveepamela said …
fanpop is really kinda an annoying website why do our fans have to vote why can't i just change my club and edit it when i want this is some bs but whatever im not gonna complain Posted 6 months ago
urmotherq said …
cmon honey postt Posted 7 months ago
lovveepamela commented…
oh sweetie 7 months ago
urmotherq commented…
oh honey go do a backflip on ellen again and stfu 7 months ago
lovveepamela commented…
go get eaten up by sue 7 months ago
urmotherq commented…
go get called a slut by ur own mother again 7 months ago
urmotherq said …
where r u pussy Posted 7 months ago
lovveepamela commented…
what r u an angry 12 yr old 7 months ago
urmotherq commented…
you live in a mind space of a teenage girl because ur daddy died infront of u 7 months ago
urmotherq commented…
your mother knows your a embarrassment and disappointment 7 months ago
urmotherq said …
if i was pamela i would probably post about my nature love, my sons who i love bomb and that probably wanna bone me because you never protected them from the sexualized media about you. and get abused countless times about many men and go & back and fourth with the same wifebeater hubby i had in the 90s. oh and also im washed up. love pamela Posted 7 months ago
lovveepamela commented…
your a sick individual and i mean that literally.. you havent apperciated SHIT my family MY SON has done for you, if it wasnt for my son you'd be @ a mental hospital getting zapped all year round how about a thank you 7 months ago
urmotherq commented…
pam if your the good mother that you claim to be than why is ur son getting SA in a cult while your high in a tent like the weak women u are, u have tommy come save you. if tommy lee is your hero you know ur patheic 7 months ago
urmotherq commented…
YOU WILL NEVER BE HER MOM! NEVERRR! you will always be the whore grandma. pam your a washed up hag who is just now getting appreciated by the media in the me too era when you were talking trash on it years ago 7 months ago
urmotherq said …
ofc i gotta be problematic lol Posted 7 months ago
lovveepamela commented…
not cute 7 months ago
urmotherq commented…
your a grandma 7 months ago
lovveepamela commented…
maybe you should mature a little bit 7 months ago
urmotherq commented…
maybe you should have been aborted 7 months ago
urmotherq said …
mommy can you feed ur babies their crying for you again Posted 7 months ago
lovveepamela commented…
you know nothing about being a mother.. your forever a miserable soul i pray for people like you 7 months ago
urmotherq commented…
your kids are heavily traumatized by their past but will never take it out on you because you've love bombed them so much you pathetic women 7 months ago
urmotherq commented…
the media attacked you and you barley fought back. LOL patheic 7 months ago
urmotherq said …
hii slut Posted 7 months ago
lovveepamela commented…
someone desperately needs a lay 7 months ago
urmotherq commented…
is that tommy posting for you or is he too busy drumming your head into a wall? 7 months ago
lovveepamela said …
im back baby Posted 7 months ago