Miniature Schnauzer Wall

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queenpalm said …
Hip hip Horray for these wonderful dogs! Posted over a year ago
mikulover98 said …
I have one She is my besstest friend!! Posted over a year ago
selwynwener said …
I love walking miniature schnauzers! Let me know if you're also a fan! Posted over a year ago
RococoXD commented…
Hi! I have a miniature schnauzer and she is really cute and fluffy, but she does love to dig holes, chew slippers, follow the scent of foxes/cats and bark. I still love her though. (she is 2 years old at the moment) over a year ago
klunafan commented…
I have two! I also have a dachshund! It's a wierd combo! ^^ over a year ago
Freakoutnow commented…
I don't have any, but I sure want one! over a year ago
aimeew123 commented…
i have a 2 year old named Frankie follow her insta @frankietheminischnauzer1 over a year ago