Mordecai and the Rigbys Wall

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RegularTime said …
Guys can you please choose or answer the polls or at least the which character you wanna be in regular show? Posted over a year ago
crazycow4556 commented…
I already pick 2 polls over a year ago
RegularTime commented…
k and can someone answer the quizes over a year ago
crazycow4556 commented…
I'm already answer 1 quiz,but no one have answer the quiz over a year ago
RegularShowLuvr said …
Hay, I'm a new guy, I have a quick question for you RegularTime, even if you knew future mordecai and rigby were lip syncers, would you still want present mordecai and rigby to become them? Posted over a year ago
RegularTime commented…
well when rigby said that mordecai should had lip sync cause he noiced that margaret had a boyfriend so if he still continued, then yeah he would get margaret,the awnser is yes over a year ago
RegularShowLuvr commented…
Hmmmmmmmm........good answer over a year ago
RegularShowLuvr commented…
* just a one episode fanclub to an entire show, so I don't know how many people are gonna go for it it over a year ago
big smile
crazycow4556 said …
I'm gald to join your club Posted over a year ago
RegularTime commented…
try to invite more people please over a year ago
crazycow4556 commented…
I take a poll in Regular Show Club,So people join your club. over a year ago