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hajirah4 said …
Okay, look. We're spoiling your club because you keep saying that this person and that person's art was created by you. That's a lie, and copying someone else's work isn't allowed ANYWHERE. So if you stop doing that, you can keep your club. Delete two of this club's images (I'll post the links below) and we'll leave this club to you. After that, remember you're never allowed to copy someone's work. Ever. There are rules and breaking them results in a consequence. Posted over a year ago
hajirah4 commented…
The rule you broke was the rule to never copy or steal what someone else created. You took 2 images, put them in your club without using the artist's permission, and labelled them as "My art my creation' well it's not your art or creation, so that's already a lie. You even lied again in the DP club and said that these were your drawings again. Most of your drawings were made by you, 3 were not. Which meant you lied again. I'll say it one more time, if you delete those pictures which you stole, apologise, and stop stealing artwork int he future then you can keep your club. If you don't, we'll report you and this club can get deleted. I'm not threatening you, this is a warning and an appeal. Please just stop it. The evidence is in the comments. over a year ago
hajirah4 commented…
Artwork that was stolen: link | link | And here are the original sources: link | link over a year ago
misscindyspice commented…
^ I'll come with you ;D over a year ago
BelleRose829 said …
Delete this club please. It's very obvious these are not your drawings and plagiarism is against the law even when on the internet. If you don't delete this club I will have to report you. Posted over a year ago
amnakhan44 commented…
why are u spoiling my club plese join my club atlest see one time over a year ago
hajirah4 commented…
Geez, calm down. She only plagiarised two photos. If she deletes them both and stops copying other people's work then she can keep the club because this is a club that features her artwork. Not someone else's. over a year ago
BelleRose829 commented…
You're ok with her plagiarizing? I'm very sorry if I seem rude or forward, but it doesn't matter if she only plagiarized 2, this will only teach her plagiarizing is ok when in reality she can go to jail if she does this stuff in school. Actually if you look at her work and google the signature at the bottom you will realize she has copied all of her drawings, what if someone took credit for your work? I hardly think this is something to be taken lightly. over a year ago
ZeldaFanForever commented…
As an artist myself, who wans to EARN money from her art in the future, i have to agree with BelleRose. If she would have used my works, i would have chosen legal steps against her... She is "19", so absolutely no excuse there, old enough to get her own lawsuit as well. over a year ago
amnakhan44 said …
we learn from failure not from sucess Posted over a year ago
amnakhan44 said …
One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.;) Posted over a year ago
amnakhan44 said …
amnakhan44 commented…
u stop lying now u will see more drawings and then u will apologize and stop spoiling my wall over a year ago