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posted by leslie1060
Name: Ray Crisp
Age: 16
Powers: Can generate pulsing bolts of electrical energy
Affiliation: New Mutants
First Episode: Growing Pains
Must See Episodes: Joyride, X-Treme Measures
Originally from: Unknown
Known Family: None
High School Grade: Sophomore
Voiced by: Tony Sampson

Berzerker's power is fierce and so is he. Much like Roberto (Sunspot), he is quick to take offense. He refuses to admit when he's wrong, and will never be first to back down. He's got a wild streak that can be fun, but has a real dangerous edge to it. He's really not a good fit with the X-Men, and would probably feel more at home with the Brotherhood.

In fact, it has been revealed that at some point Berzerker had some association with the Morlocks. On a couple of run-ins with the Morlocks, Ray seemed to know them quite well. Ray's mutant power is the ability to fire off electrical bolts.
posted by leslie1060
Name: Samuel Guthrie
Age: 16
Powers: Expels thermo-chemical energy that propels him with extreme force
Affiliation: New Mutants
First Episode: Growing Pains
Must See Episodes: Joyride
Originally from: Kentucky
Known Family: None
High School Grade: Sophomore
Voiced by: Bill Switzer

Sam was born in Kentucky and is in most respects a good ol' boy. He is sweet, soft spoken, gentle and a little geeky. Sam can be a bit of a klutz and is a little uncomfortable dealing with the opposite sex (he has a few issues with his looks and height.)

Cannonball has the ability to fly at superspeeds. When in flight he becomes close to invulnerable, so he is able to crash through walls, buildings, etc without doing extreme damage to his body.
posted by leslie1060
Name: Amara Aquilla
Age: 16
Powers: Can project waves of heat
Affiliation: New Mutants
First Episode: Growing Pains
Must See Episodes: Growing Pains, Beast of Bayville
Originally from: Nova Roma
Known Family: None
Voiced by: Alexandra Carter

Amara's entire adolescent life was spent on an island (Nova Roma) that was completely hidden from the rest of the world. As time and technology moved forward, her homeland did not. She is still learning to understand present-day technology (i.e. electricity, cars, computers, etc...).

She was the only daughter to the King of Nova Roma, and at times acts like a little princess. Amara will often cover her lack of understanding with a bitchy "better than thou" attitude, but she is truly a very good person. Amara is able to generate huge amounts of heat. When powered up she takes on a fire like appearance. She is also able to control lava and volcanoes.
posted by leslie1060
Name: Roberto Da Costa
Age: 15
Powers: Can absorb solar energy use it as physical strength
Affiliation: New Mutants
First Episode: Growing Pains, Retreat
Must See Episodes: Growing Pains
Originally from: Brazil
Known Family: None
Voiced by: Michael Colemon

Roberto is an insecure, hot-tempered Brazilian boy. He has been known to fly off the handle over the most minor incidents, and often gets into fights with his fellow teammates (especially Berzerker.)

He loves the fact that, with his power, he's stronger than everyone else on the team - at least during the sunlight hours, when he's able to draw solar energy from the sun. It's clear emphasis on his super-strength is a result of feeling inferior in other areas of his life. Roberto can absorb solar energy and power up. When he's powered up he turns black with flames surrounding him, at that time he can fly as well as being super strong and slightly invulnerable.
posted by leslie1060
Name: Jamie Madrox
Age: 13
Powers: Can create temporary duplicates of himself
Affiliation: New Mutants
First Episode: Growing Pains
Must See Episodes: Joyride
Originally from: Unknown
Known Family: None
Voiced by: David A. Kaye

Jamie is the kid who is always last to get picked for the team, even though he could literally be his own team. His powers make him very nervous and (at this point in his life) are more trouble than they're worth. He's the youngest New Mutant and suffers from feeling too little to be important. Jamie tries to fit in with his peers by trying to be funny, but usually bombs.

Multiple's powers allow him to create duplicates of himself. He's also able to "recall" those duplicates at will. He does have trouble controlling his abilities and a simple bump or jolt can result in several Jamies running around at once.
posted by leslie1060
Name: Bobby Drake
Age: 16
Powers: Can project intense cold and turn moisture in the air to ice
Affiliation: New Mutants
First Episode: Growing Pains
Must See Episodes: Joyride, Retreat, The Stuff Of Heroes
Originally from: Unknown
Known Family: None
Voiced by: Andrew Francis

Bobby is a sweet kid, full of youthful exuberance, and eager to learn about the cool stuff the Institute has to offer - especially flying the X-Jet. As a result of this eagerness, he's become sort of the unofficial leader of the new recruits. Sometimes his enthusiasm to try new things exceeds his ability to actually pull them off.

Bobby's mutant power allows him to project intense cold and turn moisture in the air to ice. He can form a thin layer of ice over his entire body, create "ice slides" to glide around on, and fire off all types of ice forms as projectiles.

With Spyke's absence from the team, Bobby has filled in during X-Men missions, and has become an unofficial member of the team.