Nikola and Helen Wall

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sanctuarynerd17 said …
What colour are Tesla's eyes?! I alwas thought they were a pale green but there's a vid on YouTube and they look a nice baby blue??? Posted over a year ago
magganOvivi said …
Tesla and Helen are in love vith each other. You can se how much they care. I hope they get together! Posted over a year ago
FlightofFantasy commented…
I agree! over a year ago
sanctuarynerd17 commented…
It might not  b as funny if they do get together cause I really think their flirting makes the episode funnier but  it will definitely change the show. I think that nikola really does have a soft spot for Helen, he may be the only vampire in the world but when he's with Helen his ability to rip somebody to shreds in seconds fades and he is really quite a gentle guy. The've known eachother other for 130+ years and he's been a vampire for probably about 110+ years but she is still scared when he has changed, she looks like she's unsure of what he might do. In 'the five' she shoots him 4 or 5 times and yet he forgives her in a heartbeat, you know it's true love when your crush shoots you and you just don't give a damn! Tesla & Helen 4eva, sorry Druitt but you missed your chance!!!!! over a year ago
Amanda_Tapping commented…
Love the flirting but I like John better over a year ago