OUAT In Wonderland Club
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posted by Darkangel6

So we found out a little more about Will/Knave and to find out that Anastasia is the red Queen, Will's one true love had me on edge. I mean I kind of guessed it but didn't want to believe it.

The love of his life, the one he stole for. He tricked Robin Hood, broke into Maleficant's castle and took the mirror which led them to wonderland.

But I what I want to know is why she became the red queen. what provoked her to be like that. I mean she seemed so nice and sweet and I know that wonderland can change you, and it changed her for the worst.

So my thoughts are, what will the red queen do? will she remember the love she had for Will or will she destroy him just to achieve her ends?
In the beginning of OUAT in wonderland we see young Alice getting out of the rabbit hole and heading home. That was all fine and dandy. everything was great until I saw that she was in Victorian England and the Knave was in modern day Storybrooke. That makes no sense to me. but I'll go with it.

Another thing about it was that when we saw the Knave he was entering the diner, coming across Ashley(Cinderella) and Leroy (Grumpy), He also almost got hit by Emma. Which, again is with the timeline. When did he get to Storybrooke?

Anyway, OUAT in wonderland is beautiful, the CGI is amazing, the characters are brilliant and I cant' wait to see where they go with this.