Owen Hunt and Teddy Altman Club
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Since the beginning, of their relationship I have liked Cristina and Owen. Then Teddy came along, and she understood and accepted Owen for who he is, and it felt natural. I would love for Cristina to be happy, but it always seems forced with her like Owen is trying to make her fit with him, and she fights against it.

It matters not that he chose her, nor that he got shot for her.
He is a soldier, guns do not scare him, but Teddy does.
She is his angel, his best friend.

The sooner they figure out that teddy belongs with him, the better the show will become. They are a lot like Der and Mer in season 3, stolen glances, and mystery.

There is always something there, something non-definable, or tangible but real. Real raw emotion. I think we can all agree it's time to explore that.