Pathogen Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 60

MephilesTheDark said …
It has taken me so long... But I've finally decided to actually make a damn Evan shimeji. Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Admittedly isn't the nicest artz I've ever done, but hey, animating small things is p fuckin hard. over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
eee. c: over a year ago
MattTheLynxX said …
So... pathogen huh... I have no idea what it is but this club looks awesome. Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Oh thank you. <3 Basically it's a story Knight77 and I are working on about Viruses being sapient and infected and there's this bad guy the bioweapons need to beat because he's old and racist. over a year ago
seuris said …

SHAME ON ME. *slaps myself* Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
SHIT RARELY HAPPENS HERE xD; over a year ago
seuris commented…
I HAD NOTICED XD; over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
IM SORRY OTL over a year ago
smartone123 said …
i wish to come back on here more!! Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
'Kay. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Okay so I was just thinking about really awkward horrible AUs.
Not retarded Vampires.
Good father Nathan.
Not derp Annabelle.
Manly Evan.
8 year old appearing Cain. (Oh wait that's canon apparently. >:C)
Not Gary-Stu Damien.
Executioner Zayden and Special Ops Cain.
Asian Matthew.
Chubby Evan.
Serious Matthew.
Technology loving Travois.
Four spikes on each row of shoulderpads Zayden.
Uke Cain.
Penguin everyone.
Fantasy AU with LoTR bullshittery. Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Good father Nigel. over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
Some of those I actually like, but I lol'd at Penguin Everyone, Good father Nigel, Manly Evan and Chub Evan. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Although Chub Evan oh my god 'dorbs. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Did this rp with Knight where Annabelle and Nathan had hatesex and omg that has to be incest.
I mean Nathan created Annabelle and Annabelle is kind of the parent to Nathan's strain of Necrotic. :c
-I always ship the incest pairings.-
-I don't know why-
-They're just always the best ships- Posted over a year ago
SierraDawnV2 commented…
*processing*... over a year ago
SierraDawnV2 commented…
Ugh. I know, right? over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Yeah. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Adventure Time AU is best AU. Posted over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
Yep. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
A BASIC LIST TO SHIRTS MATTHEW HAS; (Any others added in comments; anything witty and Matthew-ishly hysterical.)
- :) if you take it up the ass.
-I'm the teenage girl you jerked off in the chatroom with!
-I taught Christian Grey ALL THAT SHIT.
-Relax, I'm hilarious.
-SUPPORT OUR TROOPS! Except Shane. Shane's a bitch.
-100,000 second rule!
-Worlds' Goodest Teecher.
-Special Olympics; Dance team.
-Only beer for me. I'm the designated driver. Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
-Thousands of my potential children died on your son's face last night. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
-My other boyfriend is a HOLDEN. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
-Happy Little Vegemite. over a year ago
-Pathogen said …
This is MephilesTheDark and yeah; this is gonna be the account Knight and I post the actual canon story from. I'll add more to this account later when I can be bothered.
But yeah anything from this account is either by me or Knight it's a joint account. Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Should have mentioned this sooner but
Nathan is now officially blonde. <3 Posted over a year ago
seuris commented…
NOOOOOOOOOOO- *falls on my knees* over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
YES AND IT IS SEXY over a year ago
seuris said …
Everytime, when I play Prototype, I see Rule 34... EVERYWHERE.

When, I go to this club...
It dosen't get any better. >8I

Thank you, 4Chan. Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Tentacle porn is groovy. over a year ago
seuris commented…
Totally. :D over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Pathogen AU where everyone likes men. Especially the men.
Oh wait that's pretty much canon WHOOPSIES. Posted over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
XDDD over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
[Especially Garrett/Nathan yes I ship this one hard.] over a year ago
seuris commented…
I know that feeling there. <3333 over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
It's AWESOME. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Zayden Coltrane, the Black Death, is now an actual, ready to use character. :L
He's fucking intimidating as hell, military guy. Has a nasty habit of using the bones of things he's killed to decorate his shit.
Tendril colour is dark, desaturated blue.
He tends to keep his eyes peeled a bit more when it comes to made viruses, but they don't disgust him anymore than a natural.
He commands respect just by standing there.
Aaannddd he kind of looks like the Grim Reaper.
(Pics when I can.) Posted over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
(And he's in the same family as Annabelle.) I love him so much. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
He is amazing yes. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Different kinds of tendrils are groovy. Posted over a year ago
TheCytogenesis said …
What the hell is up with you people I swear seriously are you spying on me or something because all this shit here has some pretty damn good paranoia fuel for me.
Why am I not starred as much as Necrotic 7 I'm way cooler than her what the hell.
Also I think I would rather take my chances with the cancer cells than try and turn myself into a virus what the hell kind of science is that anyway. Posted over a year ago
TheCytogenesis commented…
I was unaware I was also a porn star. over a year ago
seuris commented…
<33 over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
I've seen you nude. c; over a year ago
TheCytogenesis commented…
MephilesTheDark said …
Gonna remove my unrelated art from here. Random fanart will only be posted on
Prototype, Avengers, and SCP fanart will be posted on gallery accounts here as well as on webs. Posted over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
Okeedoke. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Ethan is no longer hyooman, he pulled a Nathan except with DRACO, not Necrotic.
See Ethan is a sciencey person and he's one of the guys who worked on DRACO so Jake sees him pretty much as his Dad.
And Ethan's all like fuck man I don't wanna be human.
So he pulled a Nathan.
(I'm betting $5 that 'they Nathan'd' or 'Knight'd' becomes a running thing when referring to people doing this to themselves. Kind of like the whole 'going Turbo' thing in Wreak-It Ralph.) Posted over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
XD Nathan'd sounds better. Fuck they guy from Wreck-it Ralph was freaky. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
YOU'VE BEEN NATHA-*shot dead* Yeah so Ethan Nathan'd. And yes he was. The eyes. :c over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
XD over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
It only just occurred to me how much Anthony and Mordecai share in common.
-Incredibly timid, but open about opinions if asked.
-Are intimidated by certain people.
-Only open around certain people.
-Don't like bright colours/loud noises.
-Socially crippled.
-Dependency disorders.

Really, the only big differences are that Anthony's attempted suicide a few times and is chronically depressed, and Mordecai would rather just enslave himself. Posted over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
Oh lovely. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
I know. o3o over a year ago
thetacoman said …
this one would like to thank the wonderful benefactor of this club for uploading new profiles. this one will, in turn, create psychological profiles for them. Posted over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
With annoyance: Stop speaking like a Hanar. over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
Jk, jk. I didn't know you were into Mass Effect. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
You're welcome sweetie. You owe me psychprofs. over a year ago
thetacoman commented…
With reciprocated jubilance; Thank you Knight. And I will be finishing those things. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Going through some bios, and so far, the most common results under 'Person character most hates' are Nathan and Evan. e_e Guuuyyyyssss come on what about Dante? He's an asshole too yaknow. Posted over a year ago
thetacoman commented…
Nope sorry it's funnier if everyone hates Nathan. over a year ago
thetacoman commented…
Wait what how. If Ethan is the only thing stopping super-strong people (Mordecai) from beating up on Nathan and Ethan is just a stupid human... How does that work? over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Also pretty much Mordecai and some of the other Necrotics are the only ones who really fucking detest Nathan and they just don't want to go anywhere near him. Tom might have, but Nathan is a manipulative asshole who isn't afraid to use commands, and apologize and start to form healthy father-son relationships with them just so they won't try and work against him. Everyone else who isn't a fan of Nathan doesn't have a good enough reason to beat him up or anything, or just don't have the power to face him. Except Chris, because she is Chris, and Chris is fucking terrifying. So really, Chris and Anthony are the only ones who are ever able to talk Nathan down. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Really would appreciate some extra favs/comments around here because I've almost got a dedicated fan medal and I want to hurry up and get it. Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Also I've been thinking, instead of Nathan being 7117, making him like... 7118 or smth. A different virus who wasn't always a virus. I have a plan for that in my head, but I can't be bothered explaining it right now. I, personally, really like the idea. I'll edit the fuck out of the Prologue if we go with this. To incorporate this idea instead. Yep. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Wanna get K77's opinion before I do anything like that, though. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
@Sleipnir: I DO WHAT I WANT. @K77: Me, too. c: And yes he would because he is Nathan and of COURSE NATHAN IS TEH BESTIST VRIUS EEVR! And yes. Yes, I like this. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
We're also making it so that a lot of 'viruses' aren't viruses anymore. So like Evan, Samantha, etc, etc, etc. Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Means I have to re-make Evan's reference urrgh so I'll remove that now to avoid confusion, the new one will be made at a later date. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
I want to keep Nathan as a part of Necrotic Plague, though. over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
Yeah. And Ethan can be human. I like that. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Yessss. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
I kind of want to make a character who is a flower but I'm not going to because I just had another Mother and making characters while you can barely type due to excessive energy is just a terrible idea.
Flowers are kind of retarded. :I Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
sudden obseSSION WITH FLOWERS FUCK YEAH over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
Dude, me and glowly shit. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Dude, glowy shit in general. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Nathan/Ethan are now the science ship. ;u;
Also Ethan is actually human now.
And Nathan of course is like uber protective of hoomans he likes.
So pretty much Nathan acts like a really smart dipshit around Ethan and hugs him all the time and it's adorable.
So much feels over this.
Is ador
ADORBS OMG Posted over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
MephilesTheDark commented…
I KNOW OMG CANON ILY over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Haha. over a year ago
thetacoman said …
this one is wondering why there are no more character bios. this one would be displeased if this one was not such a fantastic psychologist with a great sense of patience.
this one was lying. this one is impatient with the desire for more characters to profile.
Posted over a year ago
thetacoman commented…
as you can see, this one has purchased mass effect. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
This is one of the many reasons I love you. Sorry hun, I am working on some more. :c over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
Cool. I've been a fan for a couple of years now. Welcome to the Mass Effect fandom. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
I ship Anthony/Evan heaps now.
Damn you Sigyn.
you. Posted over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
XD over a year ago
seuris commented…
FUCK YEAH. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
..Yes, did not think of that till now. over a year ago
Black-knight77 said …
NEW OTP! Mordecai/Samatha. OHohohoohohohooooooooooooooooo~! Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Yes. over a year ago
seuris said …
I saw wierd dream last night.

After that dream, I ship Anthorny and Mars now.

...Yeah, deal whit it. That dream was such a yummy one. C: Posted over a year ago
seuris commented…
seuris commented…
I know right? C: over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
BD go write that now I wanta read it all the way over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
MY NEW (not canon) OTP IS SHAUN/KAILAN. Posted over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
I hate you. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
I know. v_v over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
They're back togetherrrrr~! ;u; Posted over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
WHOOO! over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
And then they had rough, passionate sex. D| over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Exactly like the psypro. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Ethan and Nathan broke up~ (Pretty much because Cain was all like hey Ethan, bro, you actually need to stand up to him, you're sentient too. And then Nathan was all like well then if you're not gonna do everything I say then you can just fuck off.)

Not exactly sure what's going to end up happening to the each of them. :B Won't change Nathan's bio for now until we've actually figured out what's goin' on with our little faggots. Posted over a year ago
thetacoman commented…
--golemGears [GG]'s head exploded-- over a year ago
thetacoman commented…
That was my OTP for this club. My ship. It has sunk like the titanic. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
I'm sorry bro. I shipped them too, but it wasn't gonna work out. But at least this way, every other character can beat Nathan up. over a year ago
seuris said …
Do you know what feeling, when your Prototype game is in your big brothers house and you FINALLY, for all these months, you get it back and start playing it...and you scream like a crazy and fangirl over Alex, because this...


Was worth to wait it. <3


AND IT FEELS SO GOOD. Posted over a year ago
Darkhorn commented…
...Not even I know that feel. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
It is a rather nice feel. c: over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
209858465648637563 times better. over a year ago
SierraDawnV2 said …
Scarlet's death was indeed canon.

She indeed wasn't a significant virus.

But Taco and I re-animated this psycho.

She's fucking terrifying. Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Sweeet. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
And here I am sitting here like a Nathan.
He is incredibly easy for me to cosplay. c: All I have to do is put on my now customized hoodie and stick on some makeup to make my eyes ugly and walah. Posted over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
Sweeet. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
I really need to draw Nathan and myself some time because we're SOCIOPATH BUDDIES. Posted over a year ago
thetacoman said …
Oh, I am -s-o- going to be active here. c: Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Why..? D: over a year ago
thetacoman commented…
Because, it is fuuuun. x3 over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
GOOD. C: over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Because I'm bored I'm going to post this here just to see the responses and possibly draw something out of them (if I get any at all.)

So, people of fanpop...
Of any Pathogen character- Canon or fanmade, ANY of them; Who do you/would you ship me with, and why? Posted over a year ago
seuris commented…
Enlai. Because why not glassed paedo? :D Naws, just kidding, I'm gonna think about this and answer then...~ over a year ago
SierraDawnV2 commented…
Bellz-E would be les for you uhcause Australian. C: over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
WHY DO YOU SHIP ME WITH NIGEL!? D: Oh well I ship you with Pepper Potts so I guess we're even. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
That HORRIBLE moment when you have a kickass character design but no character to use it for and you don't wanna make it an adopt because you love it too much. Posted over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
feels like me soo much.. -3- over a year ago
seuris commented…
I have that problem all the time. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
I hope you like black and yellow, then. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
That moment when you realize that no-one can see all the work you've been putting into character references because you keep jumping between each one and not finishing an individual reference. :I
Ah well, it works for me. Posted over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
MephilesTheDark commented…
NO. over a year ago
thetacoman said …
Usernames based off of the Periodic Table.
There will be Periodic Chaos. Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
I love your ideas. xD; over a year ago
thetacoman commented…
Thanks. c: over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Help I can't stop drawing naked rage forms. Posted over a year ago
seuris commented…
Nakeed <3 over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Yes. Naked. xD; over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
XDDDDD over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Are the retarded kitten virus as of now. |'D Posted over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
Ha xD over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Just a reminder that unless you're writing a character bio, make a forum for your stories/fanfiction/etc.
And pictures that were not drawn by either me or Knight77 go in the fanart section. Posted over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
awww really srry X3 over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Ironically, my boss's name is Matthew. Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
seuris said …
I wanna make my very first yaoi doushinji.
Should I do it? ;u;
Do you guys have any ideas, what kinda idea it could have~?
Thank you, for helps <3 Posted over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
Hummm yes you should XD and I So want moshi but that's selfish so I think of something else ......humm ^__^ over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
I'll second that. c: over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
i er be your cheerleader and go like:"go SEURIS YAY!~<3" over a year ago
smartone123 said …
Derp I feel so newbieish Here x3
Well I FINALLY made a oc here I'll upload it later his names Hinta,for his power I was gonna make him able to construct and make and machinery
Derp would that work or am I not allowed to do that -3- Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
'Spose it could work as an Acolyte powerrrr. ;u; over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
To me it doesn't really work for an Acolyte. It needs to be more... An Element. So maybe... Able to control already existing Machinery. Something like that? over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
Sounds good hell do that xD over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Making a new acolyte character because I'm bored and I want another baby.
Not sure if I should give him mental projection abilities or nothingness manipulation.
Thoughts? Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
He's gonna be half Chinese. C| over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
But doesn't Shaun do that anyway? over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Shaun can, but with Enlai, it was going to be more real- Shaun can only do sight, what he would've had would be every sense. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
I said I was going to bed like 2 hours ago.
But here I am again being a dick.
Fukkin 4 am bullshit right here.
Okay ten more minutes bumming around here and then bed. >:L Posted over a year ago
-siean- said …
Alright I'm A Fool Learning , What Is This Club About? Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
It's the new club for ProtoFamous family. So sentient viruses and shit. over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
And infected. Shit tons of infected. Don't forget them. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
They count as shit. over a year ago
-Wednesday- said …
Well I haven't done much with this club or the old one so um and i'm not sure whats going on....
I was just um wondering if well since my cosplay group is having a meetup tomorrow and I was wondering if we could cosplay as Annabelle and Evan and do some cute like couple pictures or something if its okay.... ;u; Posted over a year ago
-Wednesday- commented…
Just sorta asking for permission and stuff ;u; over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
...Ohmygodareyoufuckingkidding!? 8D That would be AWESOME and I would LOVE IT and I'm 120% sure Knight would approve too. (We've talking about getting cosplayers before but asdf never thought it'd actually happen.) But anyway PLEASE DO. ;u over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Any and all you feel like doing. ;u; I would love to see a Nathan and Ethan, but really, you don't have to do any of it if you don't want to~ (But because now you are my favorite person in the world, everyone involved in creating these cosplays gets a request from me of anything they like done however they like.) over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
I think we'll arrange things as follows-
Guides and stuff in the articles thing. So bios.
Fanfics can be put in a forum, and if we get around to writing the actual story, it'll be in a forum too. c: Posted over a year ago
seuris commented…
Okies dokies. o3o over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
Okeedoke. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Ghiii <3 over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Just uploaded some pictures here and I'm fairly sure fanpop is glitching out. 8C
Anyone else who gets on here, have a look and tell me what it's like for you just in case it's my internet. Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
...Pfft. Okay then, fanpop, you just... Go fuck up then. :| I'm gonna go start a wiki. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Gonna wait until we have some more info before I actually do anything more on it though. over a year ago
thetacoman commented…
Yeah. It is. -_- over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
FFFFF over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
I'm tempted to make a wikia page for Pathogen. ._______. I'm not exactly sure as to why.
Thoughts, anyone? Posted over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
*Shrug* I guess it would make it easier to keep track of info. Whatevs. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
IDRK. xDD; over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Stuff we need to do;
-Explanation (wip)
-SCP entries
-User guides
-Icon/logo Posted over a year ago
thetacoman commented…
thetacoman commented…
No, because that would be work. c: over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
True, true... over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Annabelle ate Evan. -3-
So yeah he's no longer a Vamp.
(Still a goddamn Conduit though. Damn, Damien, you're persistent. Travvy not so much.)
AND WHOO SMALLPOX. Posted over a year ago
SierraDawnV2 commented…
thetacoman commented…
^^That, CAH-LIE-OHP, is spam. c: over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
He isssss damnit. D8 I never said he wasn't. Evan LIVES ON. over a year ago
thetacoman said …
Oi, oi, someone catch me up on just what is happening in this newfangled contraption called 'Pathogen'? I only recognise half of the vernacular... Posted over a year ago
thetacoman commented…
Srsly though I need to start writing again and I'm laughing for no reason--CRAP I haven't texted Sierra back over a year ago
thetacoman commented…
Someone help me... Dx over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
And... OTL I'll stop now. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Just came up with an awesome AU.

So, what if the entirety of Pathogen is just Annabelle's participation in some online RPG that because of an abusive husband she escapes into to find a 'better place,' and that each character is perfectly human and just an avatar created by someone, somewhere. Because of her mental trauma, Annabelle just believes it all to be 'real' and that her actual reality is the fantasy.

This is why I should not be allowed to think. :B Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
And, oh god, if that was so... Then when Nathan left Ethan then that'd be just the real him not being able to get online because of IRL reasons. 8D And if a person gets deleted/removed/leaves then that's when that person 'dies' in her mind... over a year ago
IntrepidKeris commented…
@Meph- sorry for confusing your feelings OTL (AND SHOOT I FORGOT ABOUT THE MOST RECENT UPDATE) over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Black-knight77 said …
Yay~ New club! Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Black-knight77 commented…
.... NO. THE FLOOR IS DUSTY. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
THEN DO. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Decided that Smallpox (Cain) and Anthrax (Lucilla) were together for a bit. C: But once Cain got pretty much eradicated he went partially insane and became an asshole, so Lucilla dumped him and moved on.
But oh my god Cain's HAIR.
It's fucking sexy.
Fucking sexy bro.

bro Posted over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
I want to see them~ over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Tomoz. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Well isn't this pretty. Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
K77. GET OFF YOUR ASS AND MAKE THE ICON. over a year ago
Black-knight77 commented…
I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO MAKE IT OFF. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
ME NEITHER. over a year ago