Paul & Sarah Wall

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drewjoana said …
Episode 3x06 marks the very end Of Paul and Sarah. They had their time on Season 1, Season 2 drift them totally appart and Season 3 we saw the true colours Of Paul. He trudly was a good guy and really loved Sarah (not Beth according to him). They didn´t have any sort Of happy ending or something like that. Gonna miss them! Like a lot!!!! Posted over a year ago
drewjoana said …
There’s also that scene after Paul is stabbed and he puts Sarah through gate leading to tunnel for escape and says “It was never Beth I loved.” How much of everything Paul did was for Sarah?
I think a lot. In the first few episodes of the season, you can really tell there’s an underlying tone. I try not to express it too broadly, but he does really care about this girl. Posted over a year ago
drewjoana commented…
And he gives her ample opportunity to get away, but he knows that she cares about her sister so much that she can’t stay away. I really think that that’s a big thing for him—even though he hasn’t known her for the longest period of time, he feels her plight and I think he also feels guilt over his involvement with Beth and possibly attributing to her suicide. I think he does love her. It was amazing shooting that scene where he says that to Sarah because we’re shooting my perspective before he turns away and walks off to commit the ultimate sacrifice—Tatiana was just sitting on an apple box next to the camera and she was just crying. Her eyes—she was so focused on me and she was just giving me so much to react off of. over a year ago
drewjoana said …
There’s a certain level of need for Paul to help Sarah because of what happened to Beth. His path for redemption is through helping Sarah. At the same time, it doesn’t feel like she has that deep of feelings for him, so it’s almost mutual.
--Dylan Bruce on Paul and Sarah Posted over a year ago
drewjoana said …
I don’t know. I definitely don’t think they’re done done. After what he did to her brother [Felix], which was pretty terrible, I could understand her wanting to put a bullet between his eyes.
-Dylan Bruce on Paul and Sarah Posted over a year ago