Perfect Creature Club
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posted by Silver663
I am a fan of Perfect Creature. It seems like I'm one of the only ones infact. When I tell people they don't even know what I'm talking about. I myself have lost count of how many times I've watched it. I don't understand why. I belive it was a straight to DVD movie. One that never makes it to the thearter. I am a one TRUE fan and I will endever to make it known to the world. My name is Silver. I'm at if any of you rare fans out there would like to help or just chat about this great movie please email me. You can follow me on twitter, facebook or myspace. Email me for my user names. This is the first artical I have done and I intend to do many of them as part of the Silver Diaries. Any questions again email me. Thanks alot to the 3 fans and I hope to get to know you to some exstent.