Pound Puppies (2010) Club
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If you’re wondering, I graduated with flying colors! Those last three years were worth it! Lucky graduated before I did and he just barely passed. I attended his graduation and when he got his diploma, he raised it high and cheered. I could tell that he could see me in the crowd. He also attended my graduation and I looked as sophisticated as I could. Then I raised it high and cheered like Lucky did. And, yes, I could see him in the crowd too.
    After Mom’s death, people felt sorry for me and gave me their homework for me to copy off of. I also gained more popularity...
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posted by PoundPuppies1
Oh fried chicken bones! yelled Strudel from her invention laboratory. When Cookie walked close too Lucky in his room she said “Uh Lucky I think you might want to get everyone out early because I need a confession with you.
Then Lucky said Sure. Lucky then walked to the main room and said “Works over early today!” Then Lucky went back to his room and looked at Cookie. Cookie started “Hey Lucky remember when I said that I liked you? Lucky said Yes.. Then Cookie said Well I love you more then I like you. W-Would you marry me? she managed to choke out as her voice trembled.Lucky said Yes Cookie. I have always loved you. We can make our escape tomorrow at night after the wedding,
posted by Luckyfan2011
Chapter 1
It was the afternoon in Shelter 17, a dog pound that looked like any other, except for that it was an underground facility run by a group of dogs called the Pound Puppies, and Cookie was one of them.
A tough, take-no-nonsense boxer, she was the one that kept things running smoothly, that was until, she met Fang. She remembered the day like it was yesterday, she was late, which was rare, but when Olaf came in with a cute little puppy named Buddy, Lucky forgave her. While Buddy was being cleaned up, Cookie wanted to see the other "dog", and when she met Fang,love budded! Later she realized...
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posted by FanFreak12
“Where the hell is my car!?” Lucky exclaimed.
    I just stared in fear, looking at the empty parking space where Lucky’s car used to be. Who would do such a thing? Just then, I heard a car pull in. I turned to look and see who it was, and I saw Strudel driving Lucky’s car into the parking spot! I couldn’t believe my eyes!!
    “Strudel!” I exclaimed. “You…you...”
    “Saved Lucky’s car from getting stolen?” she finished.
    “You mean-?”
    “Yep. Just as I was walking...
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That night was not the best night of my life. I had a nightmare. I was in Lucky’s house, looking around, and I saw Lucky, with an evil look in his eyes.
    “Lucky?” I said, a little worried. Lucky walked closer, his eyes bright red.
    “You’ve made me mad, Cookie,” he said. “And now you must pay the price.”
    “How? What did I do?” I asked him. Lucky didn’t saw anything. He just started getting bigger and bigger, looking like a giant werewolf from those old movies you see on TV. His fur started getting bushier,...
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I had no idea where my life was heading. All that I knew was that I was invited to one of Lucky’s parties, Lucky drove me home and to the party, and I wasn’t going to let him go. We got to his house in like five minutes. We were flooring it all through the trip. I could feel the wind blow through my hair, and my life take a turn towards the rebel’s look on the other side of things. Just a few minutes ago, I was all worried about my and other people’s safety; and then, I turn into this speed demon that only wants to ride the streets in the triple digits and try to run over as many people...
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I didn’t know what was going through my head. I just suddenly jumped onto my desk and yelled at the top of my lungs, “YES!!!” As soon as I was finished, the whole room was silent and everyone stared at me either in shock, shame, or anger. Mr. Learie’s face was definitely anger. I could tell by the look in his eyes and the expression on his face.
“I think a nice trip to the principle’s office will settle your outbursts,” he said.
“Yes, sir,” I said to him.
I grabbed my stuff and left the room to go to the principle’s office. One of the worst places to be in the school. As I...
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My name…is Cookie. I was never the prettiest girl in school. The girls would push me around, make fun of my looks, and knock my books out of my hands while I was walking down the hall! For no reason! It was the most embarrassing thing ever!! That would happen every day…until…he came along. Lucky. He was the man of every girl’s dream. He had the looks, the charm, and the muscle. He had a little group of two other friends who were named Niblet and Squirt. They were all on the football team together. Lucky was quarterback, Niblet was defense, and Squirt was offense. That was probably how...
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The next morning was amazing!! I woke up and saw Lucky sleeping next to me with his arm around me, sleeping like a baby with his mouth open a little with a little drool withdrawing out of it. He looked funny. I got his arm off me and looked out the window to see the wondrous view of the city. Lucky is so…well…lucky. Heh. I wish I had a place like this. Oh, well. I realized I didn’t have any clothes on and went to find a robe to cover myself with.
    Lucky woke up as I was finishing up tying the knot of the robe.
    “Well, well, look who’s up...
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That night was not the best night of my life. I had a nightmare. I was in Lucky’s house, looking around, and I saw Lucky, with an evil look in his eyes.
    “Lucky?” I said a little worried. Lucky walked closer, his eyes bright red.
    “You’ve made me mad, Cookie,” he said. “And now you must pay the price.”
    “How? What did I do?” I asked him. Lucky didn’t say anything. All of a sudden, he started getting bigger and bigger, looking like a giant werewolf from those old movies you see on TV. His fur started getting...
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The food was quite good at Lucky’s place. We cooked some spaghetti and meatballs. We made a giant plate of it and started sharing it with each other. I’m surprised to say that Lucky is a great cook. He should work at a restaurant!     Actually, speaking of which, he told me that he did have a job as a cook once as Papa Pizzaroni’s, but he got fired because he was late once too often. He told me that he told his boss several times to change his hours so he could sleep more, but Papa Pizzaroni wouldn’t listen apparently. Oh well, sucks to be him.
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“Mom!” I yelled at the top of my lungs.
    Apparently Lucky heard me and he ran inside as fast as he could.
    “Cookie, what’s wrong?” he asked in a panic.
    “My mom’s having a heart attack!” I yelled.
    “Oh crap! Call an ambulance!”
    I ran as fast as I could all around the house searching for a phone. Any phone.
    “Phone, phone, there’s got to be a phone somewhere,” I said to myself.
    I looked in Mom and Dad’s room. FINALLY!...
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It continued to laugh while I watched in confusion. This is too weird, what is this… thing doing in my house? What’s happened t-

“Your disbelief is understandable, my boy, and stop addressing me as a thing. It’s rather rude.” Said the beast. D-… did he just- “Yes, I can read your mind. First rule of my little world of the dream is that no secrets are to be kept from me. So don’t go having any thoughts you'd regret me knowing, because I’m aware of any and all of the things on your little mind.” It tapped my nose with its paw and began to laugh again, albeit a bit more contentedly....
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In the kitchen, Rebound had knocked over a near-empty glass of jelly, and was licking at the mess, cautiously. I was in absolute shock at the sight. “R-… Rebound… What did you DO?” I stammered. “Weeeeeell, I saw you and Cupcake talking to each other and I got really bored and then my stomach growled and I love love love peanut butter so I came inside looking for some and I sniffed around and I didn’t smell any then I remembered how much I also like jelly so I looked in the fridge and found it and I tried to get it down but it fell and the jar broke but it’s still good you just...
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The food was quite good at Lucky’s place. We cooked some spaghetti and meatballs. We made a giant plate of it and started sharing it with each other. We even had that Lady and the Tramp moment I swear to god! It was beautiful. By then, me and Lucky stared into each other’s eyes. Lucky stared into mine, I stared into his. It was some weird connection that we started having lately. I think it means we were meant for each other or something.
    Lucky moved in closer to my face. I opened my mouth and shut my eyes. Lucky put his lips to mine and we kissed like never before....
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About twenty minutes later, I walked out of the principle’s office. She told me that if I ever did it again, I would have lunch detention for the next two weeks!!
“She can’t do that,” I said to my conscience.
“Actually, she can,” my conscience replied back.
“How?” I asked.
“She just can. She’s the principal. Principles can do pretty much whatever they want.”
“That’s stupid,” I replied. Oh well. I better learn to control myself for now on, no matter what.
“What if Lucky does something cute?” I asked my conscience.
“Just act like it was normal and he did it with...
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posted by FanFreak12
After about one and a half hours of losing my virginity, we were finally whopped. We laid next to each other, side by side.
    “Lucky,” I said.
    “Yeah?” he asked.
    “That…was…awesome,” I told him.
    “You weren’t so bad yourself,” he said to me.
    Suddenly, something struck me that should’ve struck me earlier.
    “Lucky…” I started to say.
    “Yeah?” he asked.
    “Were we…you know…“protected”...
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“What the hell!?” I exclaimed.
    “Pretty weird huh?” he asked.
    “Pretty…weird? That’s my mom on there! This has got to be a sick joke!”
    “Woah, woah Cookie calm down,” Lucky said.
    “No Lucky, I won’t calm down. That is the most disturbing thing I have ever seen! People will make fun of me for the rest of my life!”
    “Well, not everybody.”
    “A good portion.”
    “Look, I don’t see how-”
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Hey fans of pound puppies i am searching for information on pound puppies and if it got removed from ytv because its my favourite show. But i found some information like there will be a 3rd season but i went on ytv and it said on the page of pound puppies:

This show at a new time

What does that mean, does it mean that it was removed or is it going to be on at a different time?
Well please send me info on pound puppies being removed from ytv cus i ytv wont reply to me if pound puppies will be back on ytv.

I hope they dont remove it :(
“Where the hell is my car!?” Lucky exclaimed.
    I just stared in fear; looking at the empty parking space where Lucky’s car used to be. Who would do such a thing? Just then, I heard a car pull in. I turned to look and see who it was, and I saw Strudel driving Lucky’s car into the parking spot!! I couldn’t believe my eyes!!
    “Strudel!” I exclaimed. “You…you...”
    “Saved Lucky’s car from getting stolen,” she finished.
    “You mean-?”
    “Yep. Just as I was walking...
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