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posted by purplepep4
love this pic so cute!!!!!! :)
love this pic so cute!!!!!! :)
these are some of the characters in my manga that i am now creating. It's called The Secret Kingdom !!!!!!! i really love it!!!! i first started to make this by my drawing and writing. i have always been horrible at writing stories or even a short story. But my drawings replaced my writing abilities. so i decided to make a manga :) anyways.......i'm getting off subject a little. lol!:) The character in the hat is Castiel and the girl is Mia and the little dog in Mia's arm is Kasey :)
Kasey is a boy and he is so adorable!!! (there is a secret that u'll find out later) Before i decided to make...
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posted by purplepep4
Hi everyone :) this pic is Will from the anime W.I.C.T.H.. I made this for WillSweety it's her fave anime character. I am still working on everyone else fave anime character that told me theirs.
if you would like your anime character drawn please comment the name and the anime show he/she is from.
I really hope you like it, i had made this just for you sweety. it took me about 2 weeks but i finished it. if i could give it to you i would :) Wish you luck for everything and have a nice day
Everyone that told me their fave anime character wold have their own message like WillSweety.

ur friend,
molly :)
posted by purplepep4
epic pose :)
epic pose :)
i really love this pose of kid!!!!! it's my fave in fact:) TheDirector i really hope u like it!!!!

i remember that u told me that kid was ur fave anime character and i really wanted to make him for you i hope you like him :P (lots and lots)

death the kid
looks so scary in this pic!!!! but it's my favorite pose. i couldn't find the pic online so i just turned on the tv and paused it for about 4 hours looking at the pose and trying to draw it!
at first i wanted to be all black and white but i decide it would be cool looking for a green background.(not cuz it my fave color)

yours forever,
molly :)
posted by WillSweety
Some of the happiest times of my life
Are times you and I spend together.
For deep in my heart I've considered you special-
One of my dearest friends ever...
Time after time I've enjoyed your nice company,
Warmed by your closeness we share,
And when there were days
That I needed encouragement,
I knew you'd always be there…

Time and again I've been ever so grateful
For having a good friend like you-
A friend for all times,
To confide in, to count on, and treasure
A whole lifetime through.
You're a friend
For all times
and especially at Christmas
Have a really good one
posted by purplepep4
This is my first watercolor painting i have done.
A few people were asking me to have an drawing in coloring so here it is hope that u guys like it :)
i will stop posting my links on ur guys wall
there will be a new painting/ drawing every week
(if the isn't i promise i would put one on there as soon as possible)
I would like to know who is ur fave anime character is,the name of the show and the picture of the character.
i want to make a special picture for all of my friends/fans

posted by purplepep4
i was at my friends house till nigh fall and i had to go to the bus stop and there was a guy with a blue hoody and his hair was in his face.
he was a little creepy, he was also waiting for the bus and the bus wasn't coming for like another hour or so. for some reason i felt like drawing him. so i sat down.
i started to draw him but he was keep on moving so i ended up starring at him. then he turned and saw me starring at him. i think i had freaked him out or something cuz he just turned around really fast.
by the time the bus came i had drew him (i wish i could see his eyes )
if i knew this person i would give him a big hug for giving me an idea what to draw :)

to everyone,
posted by purplepep4
this s my first anime chibi that i had drew on the computer.
it had turn out alot better than i had expected. ^_^
i was planning to be in the graphic designs when i get into collage.

i guess that dream is over now (don't worry have alot of other dreams) this one drawing took me about two weeks and i was glued to the computer.

i would be WAY better at hand drawn art anyways :)
if anyone have an request for me to draw something for them (don't hesitate to ask) i won't promise that i would put it on here right away, ok.
if there is a specific picture that you want me to draw for you just post it on the bottom :)

i would also like the people who are a fan of my art let to know that this picture is for all of them ^_~ and everyone else too :)

To everyone,
posted by purplepep4
If your wondering what she is saying it is 'hi' and i know u can't really see it. ( i tried my best)
If your wondering what she is saying it is 'hi' and i know u can't really see it. ( i tried my best)
This is my anime drawing. I just drew it in history class on a sticky note and it turned out being amazing. I got in trouble in class for not paying attention, it was worth it. :D I had to write like a billion words about historical people.( It was not fun, but it improve my writing ability. :))
Well any ways, I would love to know what your opinion about my drawing. So please write your opinion about my drawing.( Even if you don't like it please write a comment, I promise I wouldn't get mad or hurt by the comment. 'Cross my heart and hope to die.') ^_~