Random Listen to the song above your post and give your thoughts on it!

deathding posted on Jan 07, 2017 at 10:46PM
Everybody posts a song they like and users have to listen to the song above their post, while afterwards they give their thoughts on the song in their post. Let's get a fun conversation going here, I'll start it off! :)

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over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I like the message of this, it isn't particularly something I relate to but I feel like this is one of those songs that a lot of people can relate to and with so many celebrities flaunting riches and confidence I feel like it can help to see that even in Hollywood there are people who struggle with insecurity. Even if you aren't a Demi fan I feel like it's respectable for her to come out and make a song that's so open about personal struggles.
KataraLover commented…
That's why I love celebs like Demi, Bella Thorne, Robin Williams, Whitney Houston, and especially Judy Garland. I love seeing that they are people who struggle with emotional problems just like everyone else and are open about it. Bella's background is especially dark (She's been through some tough shit that is worthy of a complex and tragic fantasy villain). I find them fascinating and it makes me look at any questionable actions they've done in their life and see it from a psychological perspective like I would with a character from a show. And don't even get me started on Judy Garland cause you know she's my girl lol! But yeah, I agree with you that even people who aren't Demi fans can respect her for this. over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Yeah it's kind of refreshing and reassuring to see that kind of stuff. Not because their struggles are funny but because it reminds you that they are people like everyone else. over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
This song made me feel weird lol. I got some Queen mixed with Blue Oyster Cult vibes, yet with some original flavoring thrown up in there. I dig it :D Might check out some more of their stuff.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Very punk. Very "I don't give a shit". I like it.
afewseconds commented…
Yep. Adding to the good ol playlist over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
Wow! I REALLY relate to this song because everyone is an asshole lol! The instrumental music sounds like a combination of rock and punk with a bit of Broadway to it.
over a year ago afewseconds said…
It's not exactly my taste of music, but I like her voice. She's sounds like one of my friends(one of the ones that can actually sing lol). I like the simplicity of the little snapping sounds throughout the song too, and I feel like the term "Just My Luck" within itself hits where its supposed to.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
YAS! PEOPLE REMEMBERED THIS FORUM! I thought it was lost forever in the depths of Random Shitposting after all this time XD Ahh yeeah, more Music incoming! Anyway...

I liked the Song above. It expresses thoughts many could relate I believe. ''Am I not cool like the other bands
because I don't write about love? This one line stuck in me as it is something that always concerned me greatly in any form of Media... Many, QUITE many Gems remain hidden because they carry a different short of message and that's a shame. Especially when concerning our lives so greatly. That aside, a chill and strong Song in overall !!!!
over a year ago afewseconds said…
I knew I saw my favorite violinist somewhere in here! I fucking love that woman XD That's an automatic like for me as is. She's just so good with that instrument, easily my favorite part of the song! And the vocals only added on to it.
over a year ago uploaded900 said…
I'm glad this forum is back :D It's a calm pleasant song. It reminds me of a combination of a ballroom, a dramatic movie trailer, and Coldplay.

I haven't heard this song since 2006, but it's been stuck in my head all day

over a year ago simrananime said…
I like the instrumental but not the vocals. Can't stand male singers with this perfect honey dripping smooth Justin Bieber like (I don't know how else to describe it lol) voice. Overall, it's a good song but not something I would listen to.
uploaded900 commented…
Since when does Justin Bieber have a smooth voice though? I do get what you mean by not like Nick Lachey’s vocals though? over a year ago
simrananime commented…
I said JB because he has a very basic voice for a male singer...the kind mainstream media will pander. Yeah or Nick Lachey....though I've never heard of him. over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Oh, very smooth. Gives me a sort of The Animals or The Doors feel to it. Very nice and relaxing, like a mildly chill bar or something. I'd listen to this on and off
last edited over a year ago
simrananime commented…
Yeah they were active around the same time as The Doors and The Animals, so not surprised if they were influenced by them. Glad you liked it ^^ over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
This is a good song. <3 over a year ago
over a year ago simrananime said…
I like these types of upbeat retro songs <3 really liked the bridge part.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
A pretty chill Song. One that I imagine myself listening to while driving the hours away. It'd really fit. Very nice !!!!
over a year ago simrananime said…
Very cool and chill, love it. It's giving me that synthwave-retro futurism vibe. I really like the chorus part.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I can get into this. I don't know what language it is but I definitely enjoyed the sound. It has this kind of dark edge to it that I enjoy. It's both melancholy and elegant.

Song starts about 1 minute in.
simrananime commented…
It's Turkish. Adamlar are one of my fav Turkish bands. Definitely check them out. over a year ago
over a year ago Rihanna312 said…
Great song. I love the lyrics, cuz relatable of course. xD And Leningrad is known to make pretty dope, catchy music. This is no exception. Gets you in the right vibe.
over a year ago uploaded900 said…
Not a fan of Hollywood Undead or the song (knew someone who was obsessed with them). The song itself reminds me of a rock rap song would sound in the early/mid 2010s.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
Eh. At first it sounded really lovely but then her voice started getting really nasal and kind of squeaky. When she's vocalizing, she sounds angelic but when she's singing actual words, her voice kind of irks me with her shrill tone. That's not to say she has a bad voice. It's just one of those cases where I admit the voice is good objectively but I just don't like it. I hope that makes sense. But I will say she's very beautiful and the lady is an undeniably great dancer. I the instrumental music is great and where the music really shines.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
This song and music video are very intriguing. I think that her vocals are really strong. Though I prefer her song 'Depressed', I enjoyed this one as well. It was somber and soothing.
over a year ago uploaded900 said…
The song perfectly matches the album cover. It sounds like a soundtrack to a bad ass viking movie/series. I really like her singing voice and it seems like she has an accent. Where is she from?

zanhar1 commented…
Her name is Zuberoa Aznárez and she's from Spain. :D over a year ago
over a year ago simrananime said…
Awww this was really cute. Didn't really like the song but her voice was very sweet and pleasant. What language is this?
last edited over a year ago
uploaded900 commented…
Spanish over a year ago
over a year ago uploaded900 said…
It sounds like a radio hit and like a song playing in the background of a CW series. I'm surprised it came out in 2012 since the topic is much more relevant now. It's something I'm sure many people will appreciate.

Hispanic Heritage month y'all. Gotta celebrate.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
I swear this is a meme somewhere. Not sure what they are saying, but I like it very much so
over a year ago simrananime said…
I love Joy Division and I love this song. It's one of my fav song ever...lots of memories attached to it <3
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Oh my fuck I liked the sound of this song from beginning to end! The beginning was almost like a sort of disco-rock in the way that it had a grooviness to it. Definitely going to check out some more of their music!
over a year ago simrananime said…
Ah I remember listening to it! I really like the soft indie sound like No Buses, boy pablo and Phum Viphurit. It's a good song but unfortunately didn't vibe with it. I like the music video tho.
zanhar1 commented…
This is a pretty song. over a year ago
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
I have heard to this one before and always loved how easily it could take one way. Can't help but get lost in thought while listening to it. A chill and really beautiful Song. Brings a lot of nostalgic and hopeful vibes too !!!!
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I like this a real lot! <3 It's right up my alley, the vocals and the instruments are so beautiful. And the lyrics give me the most wonderful fantasy vibes. Definitely gonna add this to my playlist!
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
"Dystopian dreams all I can see" mood lol

I love it! Really amazing combo of powerful, melodic vocals + driving electro keyboards in the background + hard-hitting lyrics. I think the video clip also manages to capture the subject really well: many cities have become dehumanising, concrete behemoths in which we mechanically consume/produce things with no motivation. Idk what genre it is (some sort of rock? metal?) but it's fantastic - I think the vocals really do it for me. Thanks for sharing, it's got under 10K views so I never would've found it otherwise. Defs going into the mess that is my spotify lol

last edited over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
Warning: this one's purely orchestral so don't go in expecting them to start singing at some point lol over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
I’ve always called this genre cyber goth or industrial goth. But it could also maybe be aggrotrch (which combines elements or rock, industrial and techno) or some kind of dark wave? Idk there are just so many sub-genres of music and there’s so much overlap with them lol: over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
lololol yeah sorry that site it a fucking pit that I just keeping falling down. V interesting over a year ago
over a year ago uploaded900 said…
Oh! I recognize the Secret Garden with "Nocturne" which is one of the most beautiful songs ever so it was a delight hearing another song by them. I'm not as crazy about this song, but I appreciate the folk sound, which I'm guessing is Celtic. I do love a good ethnic song.

last edited over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
Omg looove Nocturne! :') It won Eurovision 1995 haha (fun fact: the little vocal bit - which is a mere 24 words - is there bc Eurovision rules stipulate that a song has to have SOME singing). And yep it's Celtic influenced I think! over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I always enjoy a good Gorillaz song. This one is no different. I really liked Fatoumata's vocals. They just added an elegant and mystifying atmosphere to the song. I'm going to have to look up more by her.
ThePrincesTale commented…
woah don't think I've heard much welsh folk music before over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
love this over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
I figured you'd like it lol. I actually haven't either so I'm gonna be looking up more of it! over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Hm, it sounded peaceful, yet I want to put on some Gaelic war paint to it and prepare to battle Irish to conquer their potato farms and land harder than the British did XD I love it!
over a year ago SwordofIzanami said…
This is like one of these songs that a drunken gangster is trying to flirt a woman.
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Not bad at all! I actually really like this. The vocals are really really pretty and it's got an epic sound to it. The lyrics are rather nice too.
over a year ago uploaded900 said…
I'm not a fan of the gene, although I do like the female vocals and techno beat adds space quality to the song.
over a year ago Rihanna312 said…
This one's a bit too bland and repetitive for my taste, but I wouldn't mind having it in the background while focusing on some task or something like that.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Haven't heard this song in a while, and it reminded me that I'm still pissed that I missed the opportunity to go to the concert where they played it live! A great song and really relatable.
over a year ago simrananime said…
Ah! I love Molchat Doma. The whole Etazhi album was game changing.
over a year ago uploaded900 said…
I'm not the kind to listen to indie, but I really love the instrumentals in this song. It reminds me a bit of an elvian forest.
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Not bad at all. The song is very soothing and I love the outfits in the music video. The part at 1:11 was when I started getting more into the song. I'll have to look more into this band.
over a year ago -nyanpire- said…
At first I was like meh but I started getting more into it when the instrumental and upbeat part started. Overall I like the whole ambience.
over a year ago Rubie_elsa said…
It's not something I would normally listen too but I did enjoy the tune/melody. The vocals are also very different from what I listen to so it was nice to hear something new!
-nyanpire- commented…
If you liked it then definitely check out other Jack Stauber songs. over a year ago
Rubie_elsa commented…
kk Thank youu over a year ago
over a year ago -nyanpire- said…
I love these type of chill indie acoustic songs. Lovely melody and voice.
over a year ago Jet-Black said…
Catchy song, I liked the lyrics would listen to it again.

over a year ago -nyanpire- said…
I don't listen to metal much that guitar solo was really cool tho.
Rihanna312 commented…
wew, this truly is one of the songs ever made 11 months ago
over a year ago uploaded900 said…
Well it's very...extra. That's all I gotta say. It's the face in the mirror at 3:06 that does it for me xD

Before anyone asks what language this is, it's Khazak
11 months ago Rihanna312 said…
That's an interesting composition - the language actually adds a lot, never letting it get boring. I enjoyed it quite a bit.

(Not me trying to revive this forum thread in hopes it actually stays alive for a while O_O)
10 months ago DeiJambastion said…
I guess it's interesting.

Have the first theme song of my favorite idiot. No lyrics of course- most songs I listen to don't have lyrics.
10 months ago CokeTheUmbreon said…
Not vibing with this one. Very few piece of game music I listen to.
10 months ago DeiJambastion said…
You're not silly enough for it then. And it had me laughing when his theme played in a Rebuttal in the game instead of the usual music XD

Song above is okay but not my style.
Here's my boi's other theme. It goes from the silly one to this. (It's Character development the songs basically.)