Random Listen to the song above your post and give your thoughts on it!

deathding posted on Jan 07, 2017 at 10:46PM
Everybody posts a song they like and users have to listen to the song above their post, while afterwards they give their thoughts on the song in their post. Let's get a fun conversation going here, I'll start it off! :)

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over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
It is a wild one. I really liked the Guitar playing and the Singer's voice. The rhythm was pretty good too !!!!
SilentForce commented…
Fun fact:This used to be my alarm tone lol over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
^ I'm pretty tempted to make it my own as well lol !!!! over a year ago
over a year ago SilentForce said…
Man,I love that song XD
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
I love it. It has a pretty classic vibe and that makes me feel pretty nostalgic. It is a really good Song. Would definitely listen to it again !!!!
SilentForce commented…
That song is from the"Aishite Knight"anime that I mentioned to you XD over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
^ I figured XD One more reason to watch it !!!! over a year ago
over a year ago Rihanna312 said…
This took me back to middle school days when I still used to listen to radio. Nostalgic, good song. I`ve never really followed his career, but every Adam`s song that I know, is really good.
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
This is a really cool song. I also really like the cover art. The vocals are wonderful and I like the guitar riff.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
It was pretty dynamic. I really loved the rhythm and a certain part reminded me of ''Clowns (Can You See Me Now)'' by t.A.T.u. Was that a remix from it? It certainly seemed like it. Just awesome. The ending felt pretty energetic as well. Plus,I really like the images supplemented into this Video. I find them to be pretty fitting aesthetically !!!!
zanhar1 commented…
It was a sample of Clowns. :P And at the very end they play All The Things She Said. over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I don't know if I have the right remix because I had to search it up seeing as 'the uploader has not made this video available in your country' :v

But the one I found was pretty catchy. Tbh I didn't think that I would like it and then I actually listened to it lmao. I need to stop assuming that I'm not gonna like songs because I like 90% of songs. I liked the chorus a lot.
TheLefteris24 commented…
Welp, THaSlimJim's boyfriend always does the trick lol !!!! over a year ago
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
It gives a pretty bizarre vibe. A chaotic feeling like the title indicates. I like it. Found it to be quite unique !!!!
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Oh man I love Halestorm! This is one of my favorites by them. The vocals are kickass as always. Lizzy never disappoints.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
What a Cheerful Song. To the point that I'm surprised you were the one to post this lol. I really like it. The Melody goes along very well with the Beat. Hearing it really lifts your spirits !!!!
zanhar1 commented…
That song was from an innocent time lmao. A time of Naruto crack vids. over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I'm always a fan of Skillet. This one is pretty badass. I like the lyrics a lot. I especially love the female vocals. It's a really good fight/workout song.

Idk if I already posted this one or not lol. I'm starting to lose track.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
I loved it. Really makes me want to dance lol. The melody and the beat went along with each other pretty well just as with the vocals. Now I'm interested in doing more research in this type. I have always been enjoying Electronic Music myself.

Same here actually. I feel like I have been losing track of them as well !!!!
zanhar1 commented…
I'll be posting more of it here. :P over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
^ Hype XD !!!! over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I'm I like this cover a lot actually. It's a very interesting take on it and it has mad aesthetic. Like this is what a high class victorian woman listens to as she goes to the masquerade.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
I loved how upbeat and energetic it was. Once again, I really got the urge to dance. Alright... Perhaps, I did a little... You read nothing! Lol. Seriously though, it is great for that purpose !!!!
over a year ago SwordofIzanami said…
I love how this song is telling a story about a boy playing a rock music and his family disapproved of his way. I also liked the humor. I could easily see this song in a comedy movie. XD

I feel like posting a AMV instead because this AMV is so damn good! I encourage any Fate fans to watch this! For those who haven't watched the Fate series yet, here's the link of the original song: link
TheLefteris24 commented…
Well, it is featured in the ''Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny'' Movie XD !!!! over a year ago
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
That was Epic! The Song is really awesome and I believe it fits perfectly with Fate. Same with the arrangements in this Clip. The Scenes went along with the Music just great. I second that encouragement about watching this Series! Now, I feel like rewatching them myself !!!!
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I enjoyed the digital vibe. It kind of reminded me of New Order crossed with The cure or something. In other words it had a neat vibe going on.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
Guess who decided to revive this Forum Thread and do his best to return it to its former glory? Now, if only Zanny and the rest can cooperate lol.

This particular Video wasn't available to me but I found the Song on Spotify. I really liked it. It had a pretty relaxing and peaceful vibe. Since I'm feeling a little bit down it is perfect. Sounds Classic !!!!
over a year ago zanhar1 said…

I feel like I've totally heard the original of this one. No less I always enjoy a nightcore remix, especially one of a song I already liked. I need to find some more nightcore shit.
TheLefteris24 commented…
Same. I have started doing some more research lately. Gotta find more hidden Gems like that one !!!! over a year ago
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
Wonderful. A pretty touching Song. The feels were strong in that one. Every aspect in it was beautiful. I haven't got much to say besides the fact that I needed this in my Life. So, thank you for that. Definitely going to be listening to this more frequently !!!!
zanhar1 commented…
Oh please do lol, everyone who supports Sharon's solo is important! over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I think that I like this one better than the original lol. This song is kick ass, nightcore just kinda enhances that somehow. I love the lyrics too.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
I liked it. Had a really nice rhythm. The Melody playing in the background was also pretty good. Fitted perfectly with the Singing. The Video was pretty inspirational in general. Loved the scenery !!!!
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I'm gonna be honest, I was never really a fan of the MK theme. Don't get me wrong, it's super fun for crack vids and memes but on its own I wouldn't really listen to it. I mean it isn't a bad song by any means, it's just one of those that I don't listen to.
TheLefteris24 commented…
I see. Well, it is understandable. In the end, it is a matter of preference after all !!!! over a year ago
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
I found that one to be pretty soothing. I believe everything mixed along pretty well. The result is quite mesmerizing. Really liked it !!!!
over a year ago SwordofIzanami said…
The song reminds of the vocal songs from the Shadow the Hedgehog game.

Today it's Ragna's birthday!
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
Happy Birthday to Ragna then!

It was a pretty cool Song. I liked its energetic and dynamic nature. Really enjoyable !!!!
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Mmm this song is so satisfyingly rock n roll. I like this one a lot. This will make a nice addition to my iPod.
TheLefteris24 commented…
Glad to know that. I aim to please ;) !!!! over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
That Song takes me pretty back. I just recently remembered it !!!! over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
^ I love those songs over a year ago
over a year ago uploaded900 said…
It's weird hearing her sing, but she's got a good voice and has some chill vibes going on.

zanhar1 commented…
She does. I'm getting lowkey soul feels. over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I thought that this one was a little slow in the beginning but I like the chorus and the lyrics. I kind of assumed that it was Eurovision before seeing the full title lol.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
Ahh, the feelings I'm getting from this Song XD I used to hear it all the time around here when it was first released. It is a pretty good one. It gives a refreshing and carefree feeling. Plus, tfw you can naturally follow the lyrics as they are sung in your own language. Satisfactory in a way. Quite ironically, I'm not used to hearing many of my Country's Songs but I really love that one !!!!
zanhar1 commented…
I just caved and brought Helena's album too lol. I finally have some Greek pop in my CD collection. over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
^ NOICE !!!! over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I wasn't into it at first but then 0:35 came and I woke up. I like this she's like Greek Madonna. Idk I like it. She has a pretty voice, no clue what she's saying tho. And dat sax.
TheLefteris24 commented…
Glad you did like it in the end. It is one of my favorites when it comes to Songs from my Country !!!! over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
Also, pretty understandable XD Just a heads up. The Title of this Song is Άνοιξη (Anoixi) which literally translates to Spring :) !!!! over a year ago
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
I really loved that one. Found it to have a Mystical vibe to it. Quite inspiring. Perhaps, what I needed for my current mood. The Vocals were amazing and fit pretty well with the Melody in overall. Great Song !!!!
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Lmao, I'm in middle school again. This is such a good song. It reminds me almost of Mell's Infection. See here I am looking for j-pop and rock again now. Thx lol.
TheLefteris24 commented…
You are welcome. Always here for Nostalgia's sake lol !!!! over a year ago
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
That was quite an Aesthetical Video. Same with the Music that accompanies it. It is a unique one and I really like it. Just amazing !!!!
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I didn't dislike this song but it was a bit too slow for me. Like it's an alright song but not something I'd have on my iPod. I do like the atmosphere it has about it though.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
It is really beautiful. The Voice was mesmerizing and the Vocals behind it along with the Melody felt Spiritual in a way. Also, it is one of those Songs that I find to be relatable although I am not sure why exactly. It still is though.

For some reason I get the feeling that I have posted this Song again but I can't really remember honestly. Welp, here's the chance if I haven't regardless :P !!!!
zanhar1 commented…
Dude I've long since lost track of which songs I've already posted here lmao. over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Ah man, that song was my life in middle school. Like I jammed hard to it and, alongside Dare, it's my favorite Gorillaz song. It's got some melancholy vibes that I like.
over a year ago Rihanna312 said…
I really love the beat for this one. Kinda slow, but that interesting kind of slow, that really sets the atmpsphere. I can see myself putting it on repeat and just emmersing in the music. Probably will add to this evening`s playlist. And one thing I kept noticing in the video, how her haircut really resembles mine, so now I`m stuck on thoughts about trying green haircolor. :D
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Oomph is always good. This one was one of my favorites alongside Land Ahead, Labyrinth, Ready Or Not I'm Coming, and The Final match. This band has such good stuff!
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
I loved that one. The Melody could really take you away and the Vocals fitted really nicely. Not sure how to describe it but it was kinda of a Feeling Song? Would definitely listen to it again.

On another note, just because I recently got reminded of them...
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Lmao I miss the Hex girls! This song was my jam back when I was a kid. This reminds me of when my sister and I used to Roleplay them and we would also compare them to the Trix from Winx. They were also my first lead in to wanting to be a singer.
TheLefteris24 commented…
I can understand that. I really love them. Used to find them quite inspirational whenever I was hearing them back then. I still do actually. Honestly, examples like this brought up the desire for being a Musician in general myself !!!! over a year ago
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
Wonderful. Everything about it was really beautiful. Both the Song and the Video. It brought out quite some feels for some reason. Can't wait for Summer really XD

Speaking about the Hex Girls, this one has always been my favorite Song from them !!!!
last edited over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Dude I want summer too, ya know, since spring didn't exist this year. over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
And Emma is like my third favorite singer like I adore her and had to post at least one of her songs in this forum. over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Updade 15 days later: viva la spring bitches! But yeah, I wave Emma around at any chance I get. over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Though Hex Girl was my favorite by them, this was a jam too lol. I feel like I should look up their voice actresses and see if they do any other singing lol. This brings back so many memories.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
Another great Song. The Melody was pretty Energetic as well as Serene at the same time and the Vocals were wonderful. Quite fitting altogether. I listened to it a few more times XD !!!!
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Jazz??? Like dark jazz. I'm usually not into jazz, like I'm super picky about it but I can dig this if for no other reason than the lyrics. It was a very interesting song, that's for sure.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
NOICE! MORE NIGHTCORE IS ALWAYS GOOD TO HEAR! I really liked that one. Found it to be kinda Dark as well as quite Dynamic. The Melody along with the Vocals really amplified those feelings. It is a great Remix. That's for sure. Guess, I found one more Nightcore Song to add to my collection.

I have really gotten into quite a few of them so far myself, including some that I have already posted above and others like this one in here !!!!
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I love the original of his song! The Nightcore'd version is very intriguing. I never thought about F.O.B. Nightcore but it oddly works lmao.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
That is certainly a unique Song. It was beautiful yet sorrowful at the same time. QUITE sorrowful. More like Painful, perhaps? The kind of feeling that is brought over from the reality we are facing. A sad world we live in. Flled with pain, misery, fear, shame and regret regardless if this applies to us specifically or not. It served as a perfect reminder of that. These aspects will continue to exist unless people stop turning a blind eye on these situations. Wishing for your voice to be heard. Your feelings to reach out to others. There is not any bigger need than this in a person, I believe !!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
8bit is actually the one genre I don't typically care for. But I like the female vocals in this.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
That was pretty good. I think I have heard of this Band before but didn't happened to listen to any of their Songs until now. I really loved it. Now I am intrigued !!!!