Relaxmania! For all to relax! Club
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posted by Dream_FOREVER
By~ Maria & Safire
If you have a pool try these soothing exersises. (These are preffered for a pretty large pool.)
1: go to the edge of the pool.
2: hold onto the edge.
3: then put your feet on the edge as well about 3 inches under the water.
4: hold your breathe and push with your feet and just float like that for about a min.
It will relax your neck and back. It will also teach you (if you don't know already know how to) how to back float.

You can also do these yoga moves. Lay on your back on a yoga mat or carpet. Put your arms and legs straight in the air then rock side to side like that for a bit. Then go to the "bedtime yoga" video and fallow that instructer. You are now ready for a stressful day! :D

If you have any questions please ask in the comments or in my answers. thnx! :D