Rose And Tentoo💕 Wall

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JosepineJackson said …
Joined, interesting club <3 Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Thanks! And welcome, the more the merrier! 💜 over a year ago
GDragon612 said …
aweee so sweet clubbie*-* Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Thank you! And welcome! ❤ over a year ago
GDragon612 commented…
thank you kirsten<3 over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Quick backstory on Tentoo: Tentoo was accidentally created in an explosion in the TARDIS during the episode Journey's End. (it was also the episode where Rose returns!😲) He's basically the human version of the tenth Doctor. Cool right? Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
But we saw very little of him, unfortunately. The Doctor left him with Rose in hopes she could have a life with him in the parallel world so we whovians are now stuck with fanfictions, fanart and videos imagining what life is like for our favorite, underrated ship. So, this club is basically an au club. You don't have to be an expert in DW to be in this club so let your imagination go and have fun! ❤ over a year ago