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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Star Wars Fan Club | Fansite with photos, videos, and more
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
STAR WARS 8 VFX Breakdown - Supreme Leader Snoke (2017) The Last Jedi Movie HD
If you could make a team withe your 6 favorite Star Wars who would be in your team ?
What is your favorite Star Wars video game?
What are your thoughts on The Last Jedi tralier?
Excerpt: Nighttime came, and with it, a rain storm with lightning, and thunder. Kelly and the others were waiting for Oddball and his squad to arrive. Soon, they heard a song (Start at 2:16): link
Merner: *Looks at the road, and sees Oddball arriving* Hey, it\'s Oddball and his AAC\'s!
Oddball: *Standing on the top of his AAC, waving to Kelly and the others with a big smile on his face*
Excerpt: Oddball and his squad found the bridge he needed to use to get across a stream. He was looking at it with a pair of macrobinoculars.
Y-Wing Pilots: *Flying towards the bridge. They drop two bombs, destroying the bridge*
Oddball: *Puts his macrobinoculars away* No it ain\'t. You see what them negative waves did Mordecai?
Mordecai: Don\'t look at me. I had nothing but positive thoughts about that damn bridge all day!
Excerpt: A shipping yard was being run by the Imperials. There were a few Victory 2 Class Frigates being loaded with supplies from boats. Oddball, and his group were in a tunnel nearby with their three AAC-1\'s.
Oddball: Take it easy now, take it easy. *Stops* Okay hold it. Hold it! *Looks at the shipping yard* Okay, it looks like we arrived at the enemy base. We\'re gonna go for attack formation 3, and make a triangle. I\'ll take down the infantry, Mordecai you fire missiles at the frigates. Don\'t worry about the boats, those\'ll be taken out from the exploding frigates. Okay let\'s move.
Excerpt: Oddball and his friends were by a forest early in the morning looking at pictures of bridges. They had music playing from one of their tanks: link
Oddball: Yeah, here\'s a good one. We\'ll have to pass through an enemy base with a few frigates, but we have to.
Oddball: And fast. When the Empire rebuilds them at night, a few Y-Wings destroy them during the day.
Excerpt: That night, Kelly and the others were ready to start their trip. They had a map on the hood of Kelly\'s Metra.
Kelly: The intersection is half a mile down the road.
Kelly: We go left. We\'ll have more enemies firing at us, but it\'s quicker to Empyra.
Kelly: Bob\'s going to provide orbital strikes for us once we get near them.
Big Joe: You actually trust Bob to give us covering fire?
Excerpt: Big Joe returned to the stone building with the films. As he returned, he noticed the two ATC\'s, and the two Metra\'s with the weapons, and fuel. He knew exactly what was going on, and rushed into the building.
Big Joe: *Looks at the others, then at Kelly* I thought I told you not to let anyone in on this.
Kelly: Look Joe, we need all the help we can get on retrieving that gold.
Big Joe: You look. That Colonel was drunk. We don\'t know if the gold will be there. You\'re raising their hopes up over nothing.
Excerpt: While Kelly was with Crapgame, and Oddball, Big Joe and the rest of the rebels were waiting by a stone building, awaiting orders from Major Colwin.
Major Colwin: Now we\'ll only be here for a few days. Once I get back, we\'ll be moving towards enemy lines. *Walking towards two Rebel Transports*
Major Colwin: To Theed. I\'m getting my boat prepared to go back to my home planet, and then I\'ll be in a meeting with General Rancor. *Runs towards the transports*
Excerpt: Big Joe was standing on a small hill. Several land speeders, and transport ships needed to move to a certain location, and he was making sure they were going to the correct spot.
Big Joe: *Puts his hand up, signalling Kelly to stop*
Kelly: *Stops next to Big Joe* Just the man I wanted to see.
Big Joe: Likewise. *Walks over to Kelly* Now listen, I need to talk to you about yesterday.
Kelly: I also need to talk to you about yesterday.
Excerpt: Big Joe was standing by a bridge going over a stream. He was making sure everyone evacuated safely.
Corporal Baledin: He\'s with that Imperial officer.
Big Joe: *Hears an Orbital Strike land near him* The three minutes are up! I gotta get Kelly out of there quickly! *Runs back to the barn*
Big Joe: *Runs inside* Kelly! Half of the Imperials are on our tail, and Bob\'s dropping more orbital...
'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' Featurette Shows How Serkis Becomes Snoke
Ahead of the Academy Awards and the home video debut of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, a new video explores how Lucasfilm and Industrial Light and Magic was able to bring the leader of the First Order to life.
Why Ron Howard Took Over Solo: A Star Wars Story
Cool Facts You Never Knew About the Millennium Falcon
Am I one of the few that did enjoy The Last Jedi? Actually saw it twice as a matter of fact
Nah, you're not alone. Me, and a few others on here like it as well.
I liked it. It’s not one of my favorites of the Star Wars movies, but still good.
Most of the people I talked to who have seen it either loved it, had mixed feelings about it, or enjoyed it
Hi folks I\'m new here. Been a Star Wars fan since seeing the 1st one SW 4 New Hope when it 1st came out. I\'ve all from 1 to 7 & Rogue 1. Personally I don\'t even consider making comparisons as to which is better which is worse. Just take what I like from each one & that way enjoy each one for itself. Sure there is some shlocky work in some of the newer ones, especially that they too often use copycat of what was in the earlier ones, but why ruin my enjoyment by seeking what to complain about?
Nice to meet you. Sounds like you've been a fan for a very long time.
Thanks for the welcome Seanthehedgehog. Wondering if there are any people here over 50?
Im dang near 50...3 days in fact.Saw tbe original New Hope in Anchorage Ak. Waited in a balmy q
So you weren't even a teenager when it first came out. I guess that's your favorite Star Wars film.
a link was added: 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' Featurette Shows How Serkis Becomes Snoke
a video was added: STAR WARS 8 VFX Breakdown - Supreme Leader Snoke (2017) The Last Jedi Movie HD
a comment was made to the poll: Out of my favorite characters (from Episode 7 and 8) who is your favorite?
a comment was made to the poll: Out of my favorite ships (in Episodes 7 and 8), which do you like best?
What did Yoda tell Anakin was the "shadow of greed"?
May The Toys Be with You - Star Wars Exhibition at Torquay Museum
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