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Inception fanpop spot

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Inception (2010) Fan Club | Fansite with photos, videos, and more
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Inception Movie - Official Behind the Scenes #2 (2010)
Inception Movie - Official Behind the Scenes #1 (2010)
The fans pick: Arthur (The Point Man)
Are You excited about Inception's score by Hans Zimmer?
If there is a second inception, will it stand up to the first one?
The fans pick: No, some moivies are meant to not have a sequeal.
Who wants to buy Inception limited edition briefcase set?
Excerpt: Alright, to get started give me your bio. I\'ll be Eames (he\'s my fav ^-^)
Bio should look like this: (Heres mine as an example!)
Personality : Smooth, flirtatious, "James Bond" kinda guy. Very smart, sarcastic, and prankster.
KK. I need Ariadne, Arthur, Cobb, Mal, Saito, and Fischer. Please no fighting over characters.
Once I find the ones I need, we\'ll start the roleplaying. Hmm...oh and just well....have fun !
Excerpt: Lets be honest...the movie was awesome, the plot was interesting, and heck, the guys were HOT, but don\'t let that fool you. After being pulled from dream, to dream inside a dream, and to dream inside a dream that\'s inside another doesn\'t the ending frustrate you?! I mean does it fall or just stay there? I\'m sure most of you have had this argument many times and ended up agreeing that the movie was great nontheless...and..,it was, but AARG! I just wanted to see it doo something other than wobble! Hahaha Even my cousin stood there yelling at the movie screen (and yes, people stared:/). Anyway,...
Inception & The Oscars ~ Left In Limbo by misanthrope86
Excerpt: At the risk of just seeming like one of those crazy internet people who just yells their opinions (who am I kidding? Thats exactly what I am!), I wanted to talk about the 2011 Oscar nominations...
Inception has been nominated for 8 Oscars in 2011, including:
8 nominations is brilliant by anyone\'s standard, but lets be honest: where the hell is the directing...
Excerpt: Following hot on the heels of summer blockbuster Inception, comes the beta release of, an online dream sharing service.
Despite the timing, DreamPaw was conceived of independently of the famous movie; by a trio of web developers, and self-proclaimed dreamers. Taking a more real-world stance on dreams, they believe in the dream state as a source of raw inspiration which make minds great. So many of humanities greatest ideas – the sewing machine, organic chemistry, Beatles songs – are attributed to dreams, what if something like the cure to cancer is just a dream...
Excerpt: Summary: What’s in a name? Eames has always been known as, well, Eames. But now, as the forger sits, singing along to his music, Arthur, Ariadne, Cobb, Yusuf and Saito attempt to figure out what his first name is, if he even has one…
Disclaimer: I do not own Inception or anything to do with it. If I did own Eames and Arthur, man I wouldn’t be here sitting and writing stories ;)
Excerpt: "An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules." - Dom Cobb
"You musn\'t be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling." - Eames
"Couldn\'t somebody have dreamt of a goddamn beach!?" - Robert Fischer Jr.
Inception, the highly anticipated sci-fi epic from Christopher Nolan, finally arrives. I’ve been waiting for this movie for a quite a long time now (maybe two years). And I am gonna throw some statements out there that might seem outlandish or ridiculous, but trust me, after you see this movie, you will definitely be on my side.
Let’s get these statements out there shall we..... Inception is not only Chris Nolan’s masterpiece; it is one of the best movies I have EVER seen. I honestly mean that and I do not say this...
Excerpt: Well, Inception pretty much is a mystery. Yes the links, images, trailers and articles have gave us some sort of insight into the movie that confuses even the stars of it, but why the hype? Many of us have discovered Inception from our devoted admiration to our favorite actors, directors, etc... but where\'s the catch to this film? It\'s a whole new concept! Nolan has twisted the old Inception (which means: The beginning of something, such as an undertaking; a commencement)and turned into a mistifying abstraction of dreams. Where one can enter the mind and steal ones dreams....
Very good movie♥ Leo is the best, okay this is logical, isn\'t it? I mean, he is the king of the world !!
This was freaking epic. Life is like a dream.
a comment was made to the poll: Is Inception your favorite movie?
a video was added: Highest Rated Sci-Fi Films 2010-2015
a comment was made to the answer: when you kill yourself in limbo you go back to the real world. remember how cobbs wife and himself had to do that to escape limbo the first time
an answer was added to this question: What happens when you kill yourself in limbo?
SPOLIER!! dont read ifu havent seen the movie SPOLIER!!
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