smackdown vs raw CAWS Club
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select FACE 2 and delete every layer

hair 15 x 82 y 6 shade 21
eyes 2 x 9 y - 66 shade - 16
eyebrows 31 x 79 y - 43 shade 34 (after skin color the eyebrows look betterà
lips 42 (default)
skintone 7
eyelashes 1 (default)
teeth (default)

head morph

H - 71
W - 25
D - 58


S -100
H - 82
W 18
D - 91

face morph

eyebrows - 60 - 4 49 - 19
eyes - 27 44 - 3 - 13 40 18 23
cheek - 62 51 33 - 16
nose 90 48 - 10 15 69 - 38 - 13 - 33
jaw 44 45 31 - 34 100 83
mouth - 62 - 7 - 100 33 - 27 100 - 56
ear 94 40 - 67 13
skin age 8

make up 65 x 90 y 0 shade 4 alpha 92
make up 56 x 88 y - 15 shade 18 alpha 0
make up 43 x 92 y 0 shade 6 alpha 100
make up 29 x 93 y 8 shade 14 alpha 21

Body type - 68

advanced options

neck - 100 63 100
chest 11 - 4 - 36
shoulders - 81 10 - 35
abs - 48 5 - 8
waist - 7 17
arms - 9 - 3 - 28
hands - 33 0 22
legs - 7 - 4 -4
feet - 23 - 21 - 48

body height 6,3

shoes 1
wristbands 21 x - 27 y - 97 shade - 69
kneepads 14 choose the black color
Name: Bubba Ray Dudley
HUD Name: Bubba Ray
Announcer Raymond
Hometown: Dudleyville
Weight Class: Heavyweight
Match Tactic: Clean
Show: Raw
Voice: 2
Match Specialty: Table

Head: 7/19/13
Forehead: 0/-22/20/-39

Eyebrows: -100/43/13/4
Eyes: -25/32/-15/-20/33/0/20
Nose: 0/24/65/-7/32/-15/37/11
Cheeks: 0/27/44/6
Mouth: -7/18/-20/0/46/49/-50
Jaw: 68/53/19/-9/58/61
Ears: -24/82/-91/61
Skin Aging: 27

Body Type: 20
Advanced Options
Neck: -100/48/18
Chest: 0/0/31
Shoulder: -28/11/11
Abdomen: 9/47/67
Waist: 56/71
Arms: 22/16/10
Hands: 18/19/21
Legs: -19/23/22
Feet: 0/9/9

Body Height: 6'3"

Sizes go in the order - Smallest, 2nd, 3rd,...
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