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South Park Headcanons

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Goin' Down to South Park
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Mods  Tags  Color Masterlist  Submission Rules!   Submit Head Canons!   Read the Guidelines Before You Submit!
#craig tucker #south park #headcanons #south park headcanons #mod butters 
#liane cartman #sharon marsh #stan marsh #eric cartman #south park #headcanons #south park headcanons #mod butters 
#henrietta biggle #thomas #timmy burch #south park #headcanons #south park headcanons #mod butters 
Anonymous asked: All four of the Marshes went through a goth phase at one point in their life. The parents went through one in college, Stan went through one in the episode Raisens, and Shelly went through one herself when she entered high school. She befriended a new girl, who was a goth, who gave her a makeover, which Shelly ended up liking and trying for herself. She mostly grew out of it by senior year, but likes some of the fashion.
#stan marsh #randy marsh #shelly marsh #sharon marsh #south park #marsh family #headcanons #mod butters #long submission 
Anonymous asked: Once in awhile, when Kenny is reborn, it\'s possible that Kenny would be born as a girl instead of a boy. Since Kenny has a high voice and always wears a parka, the others don\'t notice, and only his family knows. Kenny doesn\'t mind this happening, and kinda likes being able to be a girl once in awhile. On girl days, under her parka and snow pants, she\'d wear an orange dress and her hair in a braid. This is also partially why he chooses female characters in some games, like Princess Kenny.
#kenny mccormick #south park #headcanon #long submission #mod butters #i could see this #though ken is canon male 
Anonymous asked: Everyone at South Park at one point has been tricked or almost tricked by the Loch Ness Monster into giving him $3.50. Once, the Loch Ness Monster once tried to get "tree fiddy" from Clyde by disguising as one of the Raisins girls. Nessie is a troll, and is very good at disguises, and loves tricking people just to see their reactions. Cartman\'s eye doctor was indeed one of his disguises.
#south park #loch ness monster #clyde donovan #eric cartman #long submission #headcanons #mod butters #dude this one made me laugh though #i love this 
#raisins girls #south park #headcanons #south park headcanons #mod butters #the color for this one is based off of lexus' eye shadow btw 
Yo! Mod Butters here to report that the backlog is officially below triple digits. Woot! I think we’re working pretty hard to get all of your headcanons out as soon as we can. 
all for your submissions and your patience. You guys are awesome!! :) But seriously, feel free to challenge the double digits and send us your interesting, random, kooky, or thoughtful headcanons and ideas about your favorite (or least favorite) characters! We always love to hear them. 
#south park #damien thorn #eric cartman #headcanons #sp headcanons #mod butters 
Anyway, I just wanted to say real quick thank you all so much, again, for your patience while we work on getting your headcanons out there. I haven’t loaded up the queue myself as of yet but plan to tomorrow so the updates will be automatic. 
However, I’m looking to complete at least ten headcanons a day. That being said, with what we’ve got now that isn’t going to take very long, especially since Mod Craig is working on stuff as well!
So, if you want to see new and awesome headcanons it would be pretty sweet of you to submit them! :) Pairings, random ideas you’ve come up with… whatever. We want to see them and get them out there! And if you’ve got any questions at all as well, for the mods, over the show, or anything, send them as well. At the very least it’ll help with the boring days. :D
You guys rock though. I love seeing the creativity and ideas people have.  
Anonymous asked: During high school, Ruby, Ike, and Firkle get assigned as partners for a science project. After spending weeks working on the project (and thus spending lots of time together), Firkle is quite surprised when they get a crush on both Ruby and Ike. Eventually, Ike and Ruby find out and come to the conclusion that they\'d like to have a polyamorous relationship with Firkle. The three of them become one of the happiest couples in South Park.
#south park #ruby tucker #ike broflovski #firkle #headcanons #south park headcanons #mod butters #submission 
Anonymous asked: None of the other goth kids ever heard Pete laugh before a goth-vamp mixer at City Wok. Mike couldn\'t figure out how to work chopsticks and kept dropping his noodles and for some reason this was the funniest thing ever to him. And so it became law any time Mike hung out with the goths to eat he had to order noodles just so they could hear Pete laugh and smile more.
#south park #mike makowski #pete #headcanons #south park headcanons #sumission #mod butters 
Anonymous asked: There\'s something in South Park called Chef\'s law, created by the kids to honor him after his death. Chef\'s law is keeping your virginity until you\'re 17. It\'s not an actual law but most kids try to follow Chef\'s law, to honor their friend. The only known breakers of chef\'s law are Jimmy, Ike, Bebe, Michael, Clyde and Red.
#south park #chef #jimmy valmer #ike broflovski #bebe sevens #michael #clyde donovan #red #headcanons #south park headcanons #submissions #mod butters 
#south park #clyde donovan #headcanons #south park headcanons #mod butters 
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